4. ROSSAT Tool for Workers

Evidence Items / Description of Individual Work Practice that Shows the Evidence Item has been Achieved / NEEDS SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT / NEEDS SOME IMPROVEMENT / COMPETENT / OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT / NOT APPLICABLE /
Values, principles and philosophy underpinning service provision
1.  You are aware of what values, principles and philosophy underpin recovery orientation and incorporate these into your practice including the following:
a.  Recognising the value and validity of the consumer voice in informing their treatment and care – consumers are viewed as experts by experience
b.  Ensuring that hope and optimism for a person’s future drive service provision and that each consumer defines their own goals
c.  Respect for a person regardless of gender, age, culture, ethnicity or religious beliefs and regardless of decisions a person may make
d.  Consumers are treated as equals with a shared sense of humanity
e.  Recovery is a process and support provided must reflect where a person is at in their journey
f.  Every person is unique and has different needs
Recovery oriented service provision
2.  You develop relationships with consumers allowing enough time to develop rapport and find out about a person beyond their illness
3.  You focus on a consumers’ strengths rather than deficits
4.  You work with a person to strive towards his or her goals for living a meaningful life and this is recorded in consumers’ treatment and care plans
5.  You acknowledge and respect a carer’s presence and involvement in a consumer’s treatment and care
6.  You maximise opportunities for the development of consumers’ self-direction and self-responsibility
7.  You ensure that consumers are at the centre of the planning process when developing treatment and care plans
8.  You ensure that interpreters are made available to consumers where required
9.  You communicate clearly, without using clinical jargon, in a language that each consumer can understand
10.  You provide consumers and carers with their rights and responsibilities in a written format and verbally explain them when consumers and carers first come in contact with the service
11.  You reflect with consumers on times where they have been unwell and what steps have helped in their experience each time
12.  You provide information and support to consumers in connecting with activities in the community that support their participation, social interactivity and recovery, including peer networks and support groups
13.  You are able and make time to provide information to consumers, carers and family about suitable therapies, training and employment opportunities, relevant governmental agencies, access to advocacy groups and spiritual activities
14.  You are aware of a consumer’s medication requirements and support a person in adhering to his or her medication regime where this is identified by the consumer as being helpful in his or her recovery
Staff responsibilities, roles and attributes
15.  Your attributes include being compassionate, empathetic, respectful, committed, non-judgemental, honest, and encouraging
16.  You are hopeful about recovery for all people who have a mental illness
17.  You are aware of your own mental health and are aware of self-help strategies and ways to seek support
18.  You maintain a consumer’s confidentiality
19.  You consider the whole context of a person’s use of services. This may include linking with clinical and community health services, housing, employment, homelessness, justice, drug and alcohol and other services
20.  You are aware of potential barriers to a consumer’s recovery and are aware of and practice ways to reduce the impact of these barriers
21.  You are aware of stigma and discrimination towards consumers and the impact that this can have on their lives
22.  You do not judge or stigmatise a person because of their illness and model to others how to respectfully interact with consumers
23.  You use respectful language at all times when talking about a person/people who has/have a mental illness
24.  You express honest opinions where requested by consumers
25.  You provide information in an accessible format to consumers so that they have choices about their treatment and care
26.  You acknowledge your role in supporting a consumer’s recovery rather than doing recovery for them
27.  You have relationships with other organisations that support continuity of care
28.  You see relapse as an opportunity for people to review what helps/hinders their recovery
29.  You continually update your knowledge on recovery and recovery oriented service provision
30.  You provide information to consumers on recovery
Education and Training
31.  You have had cultural competency training.
32.  You have a solid understanding of the history of recovery and recovery based practice
33.  You have received training on protocols relating to privacy and privacy legislation
34.  You have sound knowledge of consumer participation. This includes how it is achieved in the context of the organisation at both the individual and organisational level
35.  You have sound knowledge of social inclusion and understand its importance
36.  You have sound knowledge of the impacts of stigma and discrimination and the pervasive impact it can have on people with mental illness
37.  You have sound knowledge of external supports and services available to consumers and carers
Summary for areas to focus on improvement
Identified training requirements

Areas Identified as Needing Improvement Table

Areas Identified / Actions/ Strategies Planned to Address This / Timeframe for Completion or Identify if Ongoing / Staff Involved / Progress Made / Signature
Staff Member / Signature Supervisor / Date
3 / ROSSAT Tool for Workers (NSW Consumer Advisory Group & Mental Health Coordinating Council, 2011)