“One kind word can warm three winter months” Japanese Proverb

From The Desk of Ms. Cyrenne
Welcome back to school. I hope everyone had a restful break and ready to tackle 2017. Our Grade 5 class will begin curling next week and if we get more snow, and warmer weather, our Grade 6 – 8 students will go cross country skiing.
God, thank you for the New Year. May everyone in our school community begin the New Year with an open heart. Help us to be forgiving people as well as generous with each other. As we begin the New Year, let us remember to be kind and loving to each other. Amen.

Cold Weather Policy
It’s that time of year to remind students (and parents) to dress warmly for recess, noon hour, etc. We would also like to remind students who walk to school to time their walk so that they arrive just before the bell. We ask parents who drive their children to school not to bring them before bell time unless they are attending breakfast club.
Students are asked to remain outside until 9:00 am and 12:40 pm., the exception being inclement weather (see below) or permission granted by a teacher. Students must be in their appropriate playground areas.
Outside doors are coded for weather conditions as follows:
Green – used when the temperature is below -25C (including wind chill). Students may come into their classrooms in the morning and at noon.
Yellow – used when temperature & wind chill are between -20 to -25. Students may come into the lobby at recesses & noon to warm up.
Red – used when the temperature is above -20C (including wind chill). Students are not to come into the entrances before the bell. They should go to their areas in the school yard in the morning & at noon. Recess will be outside.

School Community Council
The SCC will be putting on a Boston Pizza Lunch on Friday, January 27th. Order forms will be going home soon. Please join us for our School Community Council Meeting on January 18that 7:00 p.m. in the Library. Babysitting is provided.

Staff Parking Lot
Now that our weather is turning colder, staff are paying for parking spots and would like to plug their cars in. We would appreciate if you would not take up parking spots or park behind staff when you drop off or pick up your children. Please park across the street on 3rd Avenue or in the church parking lot. This way the children do not have to go between parked cars.

Grade Five Curling
The grade five students will be curling on the following dates:
January 9 (1:00 – 2:00) January 12 (1:00 – 2:00)
January16 (1:00 – 2:00) January 19 (1:00 – 2:00)
Please be sure to wear stretchy pants, dress in layers, wear mitts, & bring your indoor shoes. All students must wear a bike or hockey helmet.

Rocks & Rings
The Curling Canada Rocks & Rings program is designed to introduce the Olympic sport of curling to elementary school children. On December 14th, this program took place at St. Agnes School for Grades 1-7. By bringing the curling rink to the school gym we reach children that would otherwise not have access to the rink. Curling is a highly social sport that can be enjoyed for a lifetime. It is fantastic physical activity that can be enjoyed by all ages and abilities. It also promotes sportsmanship and camaraderie.

Cold Weather Bus Cancellation Protocol
Holy Trinity Catholic School Division Policy for cold weather closure is:
Busses may be cancelled when the temperature, including wind chill, reaches -40 C.
Bus cancellation notices will appear by 6:30 a.m. on the HTCSD website, HTCSD App, Twitter and Facebook and all local media will be advised (CHAB) radio, CTV, Global & CBC Regina). School will be open even if the temperature is lower than the stated policy.

St. Agnes Choir January Schedule
January 4, 11, 17, 25 Practice in Art Room @ 12:10
January 11 & 25Practice @ St. Joseph Church 3:30 – 4:30 (pick up students at the side door of church)
January 18Choir performs at the Wildlife Hall 11:15 am for Superannuated Teacher’s Luncheon
January 28Choir at St. Joseph Church 5:00 Mass

Family Literacy Day
Family Literacy Day is on Friday, January 27th. This day was created eighteen years ago to raise awareness of the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy related activities as a family. Taking time to read every day or playing a game with your child is so beneficial to their development.
We would like to invite you to join your child for lunch on Friday, January 27th and read or play a game together. You can bring a lunch or purchase a pizza from the SCC Boston Pizza Lunch that is taking place on that day. Just add your order to your child’s from. We hope to see you for lunch!

On Wednesday, January 18 wear your brightest colours to school for Crayola Colour Day!

January 2017
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Happy New Year! / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
8 / 9
Grade 5 Curling / 10 / 11
Choir Practice
12:10 Art Room
Choir Practice @
St. Joseph Church
3:30-4:30 / 12
Grade 5 Curling / 13 / 14
15 / 16
Grade 5 Curling / 17 / 18
Crayola Day – Wear your brightest colours to school
Choir Performance @ the Wildlife Hall
SCC Meeting @ 7:00 / 19
Grade 5 Curling / 20 / 21
22 / 23 / 24 / 25
Choir Practice
12:10 Art Room
Choir Practice @
St. Joseph Church
3:30-4:30 / 26 / 27

SCC Boston Pizza Lunch & Family Literacy Day / 28
St. Agnes Choir @
St. Joseph
5:00 pm
29 / 30 / 31