Name: ______Date: ______Period: ___
Individual Authentic Assessment –Independent Reading Weebly Portfolio Choices
Directions: Below are additional options you may select from for your Weebly portfolio of your independent reading novels. You will be graded on the content of your response, the textual evidence you provide from your novel and your creativity. Be sure to demonstrate a significant amount of effort and insight as you complete this project.
*Imagine you are a character in the book. Choose one character for your project. Jump into his or her head and tell me what they would think or feel about...
1) If your character is an adult, imagine their childhood. Explain what their childhood might have been like. This should be typed and include specifics. Why do you think their childhood would have been like this? Use specific evidence from your book. This should be double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font. Two pages typed.
2) What would your character’s favorite superhero be and why? Use specific evidence from your book to prove this. This should be at least 3-4 paragraphs with at least 3-4 examples from the book to support your idea.
3) Imagine your character calls into a radio show for advice. Write the script. This should be written like a play with specific references from the book to support your idea.
4) Create a fake web page for 3 characters from your novel. Think about how MySpace of Facebook is formatted. This should be based on evidence retrieved from your novel as you read. Be sure to include quotes the characters said and page numbers from your book.
5) Create a high school/middle school yearbook for 3-4 characters from your novel. Be sure to include clubs, activities, nicknames, and “most likely to…… _____”. This should be based on evidence retrieved from your novel. Be sure to include quotes the characters said and page numbers from your book.
6) Create a scrapbook that one of your characters would have made (variation memory box). This should be based on evidence retrieved from your novel. This could be done in Glogster. See me for additional instructions.
7) Create a collage that your character would say represents them emotionally, mentally, socially and perhaps, if it fits, financially. Be sure that this is based on evidence retrieved from your novel. Be sure to include quotes the characters said and page numbers from your book to prove your collage is aligned with the author’s use of direct and indirect characterization.
8) Assume the identity of a character in your novel that was discriminated against. Write a complaint about the discrimination and how it happened. Pretend you are the character and write a separate journal entry expressing how you (your character) felt about the discrimination. See me for length requirements.
9) Give your character 3 tangible/intangible gifts. Provide a picture for each gift and explain your reasoning. You should write a full paragraph for each gift explaining WHY the character should have this gift. Your paragraph and your pictures should be placed on a collage of pictures. See me for length requirements.
10) Pretend 3 characters are being interviewed by a reporter/police officer/lawyer about a specific event that took place in the novel. Create a monologue or transcript response to the same event for each character. This should be typed. It should be written as if it is a transcript or play.See me for length requirements and additional important information.
11) Look up four of your characters’ names in a name meaning book/website and explain what the name means. Then identify how the meaning of the name is ORis not a reflection of them as a character. This must be based on textual evidence. There should be one paragraph for each character.
12) Pretend your character has picked up the newspaper- select 3 articles your character would read and explain why your character would read them. Each explanation must be linked to a specific event that happened in your novel to help explain WHY they would select these articles. This should be at least 3-4 paragraphs in length.
13) Imagine your character is passionate about an “issue” that transpired (happened) in your book. Write a letter about this issue that includes your character’s opinions on the subject. This should be written from the character’s point of view, include specific references to events that happened in your book. At least 3-4 paragraphs in length.
14) Create a family history of one of the main characters. Include five memories from five different events (i.e. a family dinner, birthday, winter holiday, and so on). The events have to be events that transpired (happened in your novel). You could have a picture of your character and in larger thought-bubbles you could write/type the description of the major events.
15) Create an alphabet list of 2-3 sentences and descriptions based on your character’s personality. EXAMPLE: “A” is for the adventure Huck discovers on his journey down the river. He learns the true meaning of determination. “B” is for.....”
16) Create six cartoon squares that show a significant event from the novel, then under each illustration write a 4-5 sentences that explain the picture. This should be completed by adding images in Weebly, then providing a citation under each image.
17) Create a playlist to accompany your novel. To do so, you will think of a song that represents each of the main characters from the book (at least 3). You will also choose a song that represents the novel as a whole. For each song that you connect to a character, you must write a brief explanation of why this song is a good representation of the character. This should be at least one full paragraph (7-9) sentences. For the song you chose to represent the entire novel, please include the lyrics (they must be edited to be school appropriate). This song does not need a paragraph of explanation. In Weebly, you can insert a video from Youtube or an audio for each song.
Under each song or video, you should have the song lyrics, title of song and writer of the song, character’s name, and why you chose this song. Remember your explanation should be thorough and provide textual evidence to support your analysis of the character or why you have chosen this particular song for this character. Extra credit if you put all four songs on a CD so that the class may listen to them.
The finished product should “Wow” us, not disappoint!
Additional Options for Creative Students and those who want CHALLENGE:
18) Design a book cover for your novel. Start fresh and new; do not use the current cover as a model. This should be done on larger legal (11 x 14) paper. Your cover must have symbolic meaning. Then, write a one page response in Weebly identifying why you designed the cover in this way and how it helps highlight portions of the novel, symbolism or characters. We can take a picture of the cover and insert it into your Weebly page, or you may create it using Glogster and then provide a link in your website page to your Glogster account. See me for additional important details.
19)Your novel may possibly be “The Best Book Ever”. Create a 3-5 minute video presentation that illustrates why your novel should receive this prestigious honor. Be sure to cite and provide textual evidence and make meaningful connections that can help other students relate to the novel. Upload this to Youtube and then insert the video into your Weebly page. I can show you how to do this. See me for additional guidance.
20) Create “paper dolls” (colorful and unique images) of 5 different characters in the book. On the back of each paper doll write five words to describe each character. Be sure they are behavioral characteristics and not just “nice” or “pretty”. I will email you the paper doll image, and then you can write down your descriptive words next to the image in Weebly.
21) Poetry: write 3 poems in response to the novel. Consider the themes, characters, and location of your novel. Poems should be at least 2-3 stanzas each. Write each poem on one Weebly page.
22) Title Acrostic: Write the title of the book vertically. For each letter, write 4-5 sentences that provides information about the book events and characters. Be specific and use text evidence and quotes with page numbers from your book.
23) Instead of a Weebly page: Create a “plot pizza”. To begin, choose eight of the most important events in your novel that helped shape, motivate, or change your characters. Make sure the events are in chronological order (time order). Next, using poster board, make a large cut out circle. Divide the circle into eight “slices” to form a plot pizza. Number each of the slides from 1-8. Write “event 1” on slice 1, “event 2” on slice 2, and so forth. Save enough room to add pizza toppings (hand-drawn or printed from your computer). Extra credit if this is brought in a pizza box. Be sure to use colorful drawings or print outs.
24)Instead of a Weebly page:Create a 3-D diorama of your favorite scene in the book. Write a one page description of the scene and why this scene is so important to the book. Be sure to emphasize what the character is experiencing and feeling or thinking at that moment in the scene. This can be done using clay or other arts and crafts.
This must be signed by your parents indicating they have read the above choices and are aware that these are choices that can be discussed and modified for each individual student.
Parent Name: ______Student Name: ______
Parent Signature: ______Student Signature: ______