Chapter 3


The following colloquial expressions are used in the episode where Donald Sinclair explains the rules of the race (13:46 - 21:37). Can you “translate” them into formal English?

1)Free grub.

2)We're outta here.

3)I'm nobody's chump.

4)It was nice meetin' y'all. I'm gonna take the stairs.

5)I guess that's that, huh?


1)Free food.

2)We are going away. / Let’s go away. / We’re leaving. / Let’s leave.

3)I am not going to let anybody fool me. / I am not stupid.

4)It was nice meeting you all. I am going to exit by the stairs.

5)I guess that is all, isn’t it?

Chapter 6


Read the transcript of a dialogue between Owen and the cab driver and fill in the missing information. Then watch the episode with Owen taking a cab from the airport to Silver City (35:38 – 36:07) and check your answers.

Owen in the cab again

-Yes, sir, Silver City it is. Buddy.

- It's about 1)…...

- You don't mind, do ya?

- Oh, no. No, no, I don't mind. A 2) ….. 's just another job for me.

- About how much you think that's 3) …..?

- I wouldn't 4) ….. about it. Tell you what: You just pay me whatever you think is 5)..... 'cause I 6) ….. your judgment.


1) 700 miles, 2) job, 3) gonna cost, 4) worry, 5) fair, 6) trust

Chapter 7


Watch the conversation of the father and his son about the stolen Mercedes-Benz (42:47 – 43:13). Fill in the missing slang or informal expressions and explain their meanings.

Hitler had it comin’

Son: I can't believe it, Dad. You stole Adolf Hitler's Mercedes-Benz.

Father: 1) Hitler ………………….. What goes around comes around.

Son: They're gonna be 2) ………..

Father: They're always pissed, honey. They're Nazis. It's like it's their job. Hey, honey, when we get to Silver City, we'll call 'em. We'll 3)… ……….

Solution: 1) had it comin‘ (= deserved it) ; 2) pissed (very angry or annoyed); 3) work somethin' out (agree on some solution).

Chapter 8


Practise the use of 'should have' with some more ‘squirrel’ expressions:

Ex. Pick a squirrel! ………………….. 0)You should have picked a squirrel!

Be nice to the Squirrel Lady!...... ……1)………………………..

Listen carefully to her talk about squirrels!....2)……………………….

Play with a squirrel!...... 3)………………………..

Feed a squirrel!...... 4)………………………..

Pet a squirrel!...... 5)……………………….

Have a chat about squirrels!...... 6)……………………….

Draw a squirrel!...... 7)……………………….

Found a Squirrel Foundation!...... 8)……………………….


1) You should have been nice to the Squirrel Lady! 2) You should have listened carefully to her talk about squirrels! 3) You should have played with a squirrel! 4) You should have fed a squirrel! 5) You should have petted a squirrel! 6) You should have had a chat about squirrels! 7) You should have drawn a squirrel! 8) You should have founded a Squirrel Foundation!

Chapter 10


The found heart

Watch the episode in which Mr. Zack is worried about the ruined heart (1:10:34 – 1:11:32). Here is a summary of his troubled thoughts and his nasty plans. However, there are 7 mistakes. Can you find them and correct them?

I can't go to Las Vegas with this. It's gonna leak like a sieve. The guy's gonna be alive for like twenty minutes and then-- - A drifter. We find a drifter... put him to sleep, cut out his liver. Nobody's gonna cry for him, right? I mean, he's a drifter. He's an unwanted man. It's a stupid plan.


I can't go to El Paso with this. . It's gonna leak like a sieve. The guy's gonna be alive for like two minutes and then-- - A drifter. We find a drifter... kill him, cut out his heart. Nobody's gonna miss him, right? I mean, he's a drifter. He's an invisible man. It's a perfect plan.

Chapter 12


Watch the episode in which Randy apologizes to his family (1:17:32 – 1:18:49). Then look at the transcript and fill in the missing words.

Randy deals with his family

Randy: All right, so we can still win... but we have to leave now, all right? So, come on.

Daughter: Dad. It's been a living 1) ...... .

Randy: Bev, it's... it's 2) ...... . That's a lifetime supply of hummus. Okay. Okay. Yeah. I've been 3) ...... . I understand. I'm sorry. Really. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I almost got us 4) ...... .

Randy: Hi, everybody. Miss me?

Beverly: Hey!

Randy: To show there's no 5) ...... , chocolate shakes all around.

Beverly: Are you okay?

Randy: Yeah, I'm 6) ...... I'm a little 7) ...... , but I'm an adult. So drink these up, and then we'll return the Nazi-mobile. We'll get that van 8) ...... , go back to Vegas and see 9) ...... ! Yea! Okay, 10) ...... up, buddy! Is it good? Drink it up, honey.

2 million

David Copperfield





hard feelings




Solution:1) hell, 2) two million, 3) selfish, 4) killed, 5) hard feelings, 6) fine, 7) disappointed, 8) fixed, 9) David Copperfield, 10) drink