Application Form for the Position of:
Development Manager –full time, Specified Purpose Contract /
It is anticipated that new entrants to the Citizens Information Service will be appointed on the 1st point of the scale. Incremental credit, if awarded, will be based on previous relevant experience as set out on application form.
Surname / First Name
Address for correspondence
Telephone (Home) (Mobile) (Work)
email address (Home (Work)
Do you have access to the use of a car Yes / No Does the driver have a full driving licence Yes / No
Give name, address and a telephone number of two persons not related to you who are willing to supply a reference. One of these should be your current or most recent employer and should include their company telephone number.
Employer Referee (1) / Referee (2)
Title of Award / University/College/School / Final Examination Subjects and Results
Please list courses/training undertaken in the past three years to maintain your skills:
4. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – please tick boxes below as appropriate
No knowledge / Limited familiarity / Extensive use in work / Qualification AwardMicrosoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Outlook
Database / Statistical Analysis software (please specify)
Other (please specify)
Please give examples of the use you have made of the internet to support/enhance your work in previous employments
Dates from - to / Employer Name & Address / Nature of Business / Position Held / Reporting To / Main duties and responsibilities; Key achievements7. PLEASE ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW MAKING REFERENCE TO RELEVANT EXPERIENCE GAINED IN YOUR PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENTS (including dates of employment), WHERE APPROPRIATE
Please indicate in your answers the number of years you have undertaken the following key competencies
a)Please give a brief description, including dates, of your work experience relevant to the management of a Citizens Information Service.Please also refer to previous work experience in an organisation managed by a Board of Management.
b)Give example(s) of where you have demonstrated leadership skills in your previous employment(s).
c)Outline your responsibility for the recruitment of staff in previous positions.
d)Describe a situation where you had to deal with conflict in the workplace.
Provide examples of how you have approached the challenge of managing people and the skills you have used.
e)Describe your experience in the achievement of high quality customer service.
Give an example of a solution you achieved with a customer’s or customers’ problems.
f)Describe how you have analysed/evaluated the provision of services for which you were responsible in previous position.
What methods did you use?
g)Give examples from your previous experience of work undertaken to promotion and publicise a service or organisation. / .
h)What were the main challenges/opportunities facing a service you previously worked for?
What strategy did you use to handle them?
Please note any of your professional or personal interests which you consider particularly relevant to the role of Development Manager in a Citizens Information Service, noting dates of your involvement and or membership.
I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief, all particulars I have given are complete and true. I understand that any false declaration, misleading statement or significant omission may disqualify me from employment and render me liable to dismissal. I understand that any job offer is subject to satisfactory references, medical examination, sight of educational awards relied upon in this application or at interview and successful completion of a probationary period.
Completed applications must be submitted by post no laterthan 4PM on 4TH May 2018to:The Chairperson,Dublin North West Citizens Information Service, 1B The Village Centre, Finglas Village, Dublin 11.
Your application must include: Four copies of your application form; along with four copies of yourcovering letter.
Emailed, late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Data Protection
All personal information provided on this application form will be stored securely and will be used only for the purposes of the recruitment process. Application forms will be retained for a period of one year, and in the case of a successful candidate, for the duration of employment and a minimum of one year thereafter.
This information will not be disclosed to any external third party without your consent, except where necessary to comply with statutory requirements. Internally, the information may be made available to the relevant Line Manager, members of the Board of the Service and to the Shortlisting/Interviewing Panel. You may, at any time, make a request for access to the information held about you as outlined. Should you wish to make any changes, or erasures to any of the information stored about you, please contact the Service Manager.
1 March 2017