Deaf & Disability FootballNewsletter for April 2016
Farewell from Jason
This will be the last newsletter that I produce as I leave my post as Disability Football Development Officer on Tuesday 12th April. I am delighted to confirm though that by the time that day arrives, the County FA will have selected my successor.
It has been an absolute privilege to work with the many people I have worked with throughout this past year, and I can honestly say that the past 12 months have been some of the most rewarding work I’ve ever experienced and been part of.
Of course, there is always more that can be done but there is no doubt in my mind that football leads the way for inclusive (disability) sport in South Yorkshire, as illustrated by our recent award at the Disability Sport Yorkshire. Thank you to everyone that has helped and played a role, and best wishes to you all for the future.
Special Olympics Taster Day
People with an intellectual disability, their families and friends are invited to try all six different sports at a taster session. Meet coaches and clubs in: Football, Cricket, Boccia, Athletics, Basketball, Judo. Sunday 24th April, 9.30am - 2.30pm, English Institute of Sport, Sheffield S9 5DA. Café open throughout for food / refreshments. For more information and to book your place visit: or call 0330 2020 280
Football Disability Award
We are delighted to announce that Sheffield & Hallamshire CFA and West Riding CFA were jointly awarded the Cyril Villiers’ Governing Body Award by Disability Sport Yorkshire. The award is for the Governing body that has made a significant commitment to the development of their sport for disabled people. All of our clubs, volunteers and partners deserve huge recognition for their contribution. Without you it wouldn’t have happened.
New Adult Female session in Doncaster
We are delighted to announce a new female adult (16+) session on Thursdays from 7pm-8pm. £2 per session and first session free. Keepmoat Stadium, 3G pitches, Stadium Way, Doncaster, DN4 5JW. For further information please contact Darren Warner: r 07775 832539 or via twitter @TitansacFC
Goal in Mind
For the past six months we’ve been developing our network with a view to establishing an offer that uses football to support positive mental health and wellbeing. This is because we believe that football can be about more than just playing football as it can lead to friendships, address isolation, and of course, being healthy and getting fit. An important part of that is making these activities accessible and linking in with right people / organisations, which we believe we have done. I am delighted therefore to announce some new activities as part of our Goal in Mind programme, and more will follow in the coming months
From May 6th, 11-12pm, Walking Football at Concord.£2 to attend.First session free.
From May 6th, 12-1pm, Kick-about at Concord. £2 to attend.First session free.
To book your place or for further information please contact David Bly: r 0114 257 0053
Good Mood League Festival
We will be hosting an 11 aside GML Festival on May 25th at Shelley CFC. This is for teams that would like to take part in the league next season. To register your interest please contact
Visually Impaired Football
South Yorkshire Visually Impaired Sports Club, supported by Sheffield & Hallamshire County Football Association and Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind, are delighted to announce the formation of a new monthly football activity in Sheffield for people who are blind or partially sighted. This activity will begin on Saturday 16th April at All Saints Sports Centre, 95 Norfolk Park Road, Sheffield, S2 2RU from 11am until 1pm, and then at the same time on Saturday 14th May and Saturday 18th June.
For further information please contact Club Chairman, Kyle Crossland: or 0770 252 1482
Adult Female Football
This month is our final female only (aged 16+) session of the season and takes place on Sunday 17th April from 2-4pm at Goals, 95 Norfolk Park Road, Sheffield, S2 2RU. The event is free to attend and is led by a coach from Sheffield United FC Community Foundation. Please wear trainers or moulded studs i.e. blades are not allowed.
Handsworth Boys
We are delighted to announce that Handsworth Boys are launching their new inclusive (disability) football session on Saturday 16th April from 10.30 – 11.30am for anyone aged 8 -15. These weekly activities will take place Handsworth Junior Sporting Club, Olivers Mount, Darnall, Sheffield, S9 4PA. For further information please contact John Ward or Aiden Spowage via email or
National Visually Impaired 5 a-side Youth Football Tournament & Development Day
Are you blind or partially sighted and aged 8-17 years old. Do you like Football and enjoy having fun and want to learn new skills or develop your skills with expert FA coaches?
If yes to all of the above, come and join us at our football tournament and development day. Teams and Individuals entrants welcome.
For more information or to book your free place at this event, contact Lauren Impey at British Blind Sport: or call 01926 42 42 47 / 07929 356428. You can also visit their website: . ThePoint4, Venns Lane, Hereford, HR1 1DT, Saturday 18th June 2016, 11:00 am till 4:30 pm