1.Which side is the off side of a horse?

Answer: The right side.

2.Which side is the near side of a horse?

Answer: The left side.

3.Does a horse have good eye sight?

Answer: No

4.How often should you feed your horse?

Answer: Twice a day.

5.What is the incorrect position for a person leading a horse?

Answer: In front of the horse.

6.What is the correct position for a person leading a horse?

Answer: Beside the horse.

7.Which is better – small nostrils or large nostrils?

Answer: Large nostrils

8.True or False. Horses can vomit.

Answer: False

9.Who is stronger, you or your horse?

Answer: Your horse

10.What is an incorrect way to hold your reins?

Answer: Wrapped around your hand.

11.You should keep _____ length between you and the horse in front of you.

Answer: One

12.What should you never lose when you are around your horse?

Answer: Your temper

13.What part of the saddle do you step in to get on a horse?

Answer: Stirrup

14.What is a female horse called?

Answer: Mare

15.What is a male horse called?

Answer: Stallion or gelding

16.What part of the bridle goes in the horse’s mouth?

Answer: The bit

17.What is a horse’s foot called?

Answer: Hoof

18.Do horses breathe through their mouth or their nose?

Answer: Nose

19.What gait should you use when going up or down a hill?

Answer: Walk

20.What gait should you use on pavement?

Answer: Walk

21.What is the small hump at the point of the should that the mount of the saddle sits on?

Answer: Withers

22.What is the condition called when a horses hooves are turned in?

Answer: Pigeon-toed

23.What is the condition called when a horses knees are together and hooves turned out?

Answer: Cow hocked

24.The space between a horses eyes should be broad or narrow?

Answer: Broad

25.True or False. All horses are gentle and don’t spook easily.

Answer: False

26.What is the part of the bridle you use to turn your horse?

Answer: The reins

27.What is it called when you have shoes put on your horse?

Answer: Shod

28.What does it mean when a horse’s ears are straight forward?

Answer: It is interested in something.

29.What does it mean when a horse’s ears are back?

Answer: It’s frustrated or upset

30.What type of memory do horses have?

Answer: Good, second only to elephants.

31.Does a horse have a good or bad sense of smell?

Answer: Good

32.What is a father horse called?

Answer: Sire

33.What does a barn sour horse do?

Answer: Always wants to turn back to where he started from.

34.What is a castrated stallion called?

Answer: Gelding

35.What is a male horse called when it is first born?

Answer: Colt

36.What is a female horse called when it is first born?

Answer: Filly

37.What is the term for getting on your horse?

Answer: Mounting

38.What should you do with your horse after a hard work out?

Answer: Cool out

39.What is the poll on a horse?

Answer: Top of the head just back of the ears

40.What is it called when you strap the front legs of a horse together to prevent him from leaving camp?

Answer: Hobbling

August 28, 2007