Specifications: Navigator Plus - Track Enhancements
#4Add Title II-A Duration/Type and Funding Sources to Sessions (Feature ID: 350)
Author: Craig Lovely
Functional Specification
Districts receiving Title II-A funding for professional development are required to fill out an annual report. Among other things, districts are required to provide information regarding the number of teachers receiving Title II-A-funded professional development and a breakdown of teachers participating in each duration/type of professional development. The Navigator Plus module Track has been enhancements to record information ultimately to answer questions #5 and #6 on the annual report listed below.
- For the 2010-11 school year (July 1 through June 30), report the number of core subject area teachers who participated in professional development and the number of teachers receiving professional development, by highly qualified status of the teacher:
Highly Qualified Status / Total Number of Core Subject Area Teachers / Number of Teachers Receiving Professional Development Funded in Whole or in Part by Title II-A
Highly Qualified (in all courses taught)
Not Highly Qualified
(in one or more courses taught)
- Professional development structures in your LEA
Duration/type of Professional Development / Number of Teachers Participating
Professional Development during the school day (imbedded)
Professional Development outside of the school day during school year, (i.e., set aside days, early release days, weekends)
Professional Development outside of the school day outside school year, (summer)
Current Process
There is no current process to record this information. In the past to assist district personnel in filling out this annual report by email I have provided lists of all activities for the requested academic year along with their corresponding session, component and enrollment information. District personnel would then categorize the provided activity lists and fill out question #6 above.
Desired Behavior
District personnel want to be able to pull this information themselves and reduce the time and guesswork required to fill out the Title II-A annual report. This is the first of two Title II-A-related enhancements for Track and consists merely of collecting the requisite data that the second enhancement will eventually report off of.
The requisite data identified by the user group is Professional Development Duration/Type, Funding Source and High Qualified status. On Edit Activity’s tab Sessions I have decided to include the Duration/Type as a radio button list and Funding Source as a drop down list with the option to write in your own funding source. The radio button list for Duration/Type was taken directly from the Title II-A annual report question #6 with helpful examples for each option. The default Duration/Type is DURING SCHOOL DAY. The Funding Source drop down presents a list of district-approved funding sources with the default defined by each district and the option to write in a funding source or sources not in the district-approved list.
Across the top navigation is the new page Maintenance and is only accessible to System Administrators. Functionally it works very similarly to the Maintenance page in the Navigator Plus module Plan and right now it is just a way to manage these district-defined Funding Sources. New Funding Sources can be added by clicking the New Funding Source button and select an existing Funding Source for editing by clicking its row in the grid. Notice there is a checkbox for Default Choice. The first Funding Source with the default choice set to true will be automatically selected when creating new sessions. If no default is set on this page for the district the default choice will be the first one listed in the drop down alphabetically.
To accommodate for the need to gather information based on highly qualified status a flag has been added to both the User and Portfolio Activity tables. When users are enrolled in portfolio activities the current status of their Highly Qualified flag will be copied to their portfolio activity. So when the Title II-A report yet to be developed is run we should be able to distinguish between those who took the activity as a Highly Qualified teacher and those who did not. The highly qualified flag will be overridable by administrators on the portfolio activity info page in the administration panel
Implementation Notes
District personnel will need to go in a set up their own Funding Sources list. Also as I recognize it would be a painfully tedious process to go in an update the highly qualified statuses of each teacher even once, let alone doing it every year we’re going to append a field in our Track user import file so all you would have to do is export the value for the flag out of your information system and send it to us. That way we can update these in mass at the same time we are creating new portfolios for those who already do not have one. The appended import layout is as follows:
[C_SSN] [varchar](10)
[C_FIRST_NAME] [varchar](50)
[C_MIDDLE_NAME] [varchar](50) NULLABLE
[C_LAST_NAME] [varchar](50)
[C_EMAIL] [varchar](256) NULLABLE
[I_ORG_CODE] [int]
Please note that in the new field [I_HIGHLY_QUALIFIED] you should set the field to 1 for those Highly Qualified teachers and 0 for those non-Highly Qualified teachers.
Specifications: Navigator Plus – Track Enhancements# 4 Add Title II-A Duration/Type and Funding Sources to Sessions (Feature ID: 350)
Last revised: 2011-11-02