4 Square Body Systems Report Guidelines
You will need to divide a regular 8.5 x 11 sheet of blank white paper into 4 sections. All sections must be visible from the front. Attach your Title page to the front of your report. You may write in cursive or type your information. No printing! Please make sure that all reports are in final draft format- correct grammar and spelling.
Rules: Be Creative; Follow the Guidelines, Take Pride in your Work, Be Complete , and use color.
Top Right Box: In this box you must include the following information:
1. The main function of this body system (@ least 2-3 sentences)
2. List the five most fascinating facts discovered during research. (Bullet format is acceptable)
Top Left Box:
1. List the major organs of this body system and define their functions.
Bottom Right Box:
1. Write a 1 – 2 paragraph summary of how this body system functions. Include what would be affected if this body system stopped working?
Bottom Left Box:
1. Write what can you do to maintain this body system and keep it healthy? (@ least 1 paragraph 5-7 sentences)