4-2 An idea for a questionnaire Questionnaire on concerning research using genetic resources in Japan andfrom overseas




iii)ii)Name :

BecauseSince Japan has ratified Nagoya protocol, everyall wescientists in Japan needs to care for researching "genetic resources" overseaof foreign origins (biological samples transported into Japan).

"“A gGenetic resource"” in the questions below refers tomeansall materials such asof“plants, animals, microbesmicrobial,or other origin (including viruses, phages, cell lines, environmental samples, etc.) containing functional units of heredity (=gene).

viruses/ & phages, cellscell lines, and others (environmental water/soil samples

which etc. collected for screening. ) that were acquired from foreign countries for genetic or biochemical R&D and for the classification of biological species (or the country of origin is a foreign country) and possess hereditary units (gene) or organs and blood of animals and plants.” (Note: Because the U.S. is not a party of the Convention of Biological dDiversity, The Most of the Samples samples purchased from ATCC or, Addgene, andthe Jackson Institute, etc.of the U.S. areshould have been purchasedare managed following sound proper ABS procedure, and are not relevansubjecttto of this questionnaire.).)

Q1Q0. Did you bring Are you conducting R&Dresearch and development with genetic resources overseasfrom your home country to in Japan (including your home country)biological (genetic) materials?



Q21. DoAre you conducting research in Japan on genetic resources from overseas (outside of Japan, including your home country)?

□Yes (using a genetic resource now)

□Yes (used a genetic resource before, but not now)

□No (not conducting research with a genetic resource)

Q2Q32 . HaveDid you surveyed investigated or sampled collect and bringed anybiological (genetic) resource from overseas into Japan (outside of Japan, including your home country), or do you plan to doing so?



Q3 Q343. Are you conducting research related to the utilization ofon a genetic resource associated withbased on traditional knowledge overseas (outside of Japan, including your home country) (*1) associated withh a genetic resource?



*1 Traditional knowledge associated with a genetic resource: unique knowledge rooted in the tradition, customs, and culture of a society or regional community of indigenous people who have traditional life styles (, such asfor example:,a this particular plant is having strong effectiveagainst a certain disease; or,this specificaplant is preventingeffective againstthis a specific insect; and so on., etc.)

This questionnaire ends here for those who answered NO to questions 1-3.

Thank you for your cooperation.

If you answered YES to any one of questions 1-34, proceed to questions 45-9 10 in the following page.

Q454. What kinds of genetic resources did you acquire? (You may choose multiple answers.)

□Living animal (□Mammal □Avian □Amphibian □Fish □Other)

□Dead animal or plant; part of an organism (including frozen, dried, or powered samples)

□Plant (including seeds) □Microbe □Virus & phage

□Environmental sample (soil and water containing microbes)

□Other genetic resources ( )

□traditional knowledge

Q5 Q565. What are the specific names of the accessed genetic resources and the countries from which you acquired the samples (including your home country)?

( ( )

( ( )

( ( )

( ( )

( ( )

Q6 Q676. Mark Fthe parties from whom did you acquiredthe samplesgenetic resources?

□Myself (from the previous laboratory) □Joint research universities Overseas collaborator □Japanese collaborator

□Intermediary □Foreign Overseas student

□Overseas market (store) □Domestic Japanese market (store) □ □Other ( ( )

Q7 Q787. Do you know thethe Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (*2)?

□Yes □No □I donot know the details, but I have heard of it.

*2 The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international convention that was set out to: 1. The conserve conservation of biological diversity, 2. utilize constituentsThe sustainableuse of the components of biological diversity in a sustainable manner, and 3. share The fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from use of genetic resources.

the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources fairly and equitably.

Q8 Q898. Do you know thethe Nagoya Protocol (*3)?

□Yes □No □I donot know the details, but I have heard of it.

*3 The Nagoya Protocol is an international rule for fair and equitable distribution sharing of benefits arising from the “utilizationuse of genetic resources,” set out under the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Q9 Q9109. Do you know the Japanese governmentguidelines for the “ANagoya Protocol ccess to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (ABS: Access and Benefit Sharing)” (Ministry of the Environment)(*4)?


□Yes □No □I donot know the details, but I have heard of it.

*4 The Japanese ggovernment guidelines for Nagoya Protocol is establisheda domestic measure forto aiming

.to ppromotee compliance with national laws of provider countries, i.e. reporting legally sound acquisition of genetic resources to the government..

This questionnaire is completed now.

Thank you for your cooperation.