3rd Grade Newsletter
March 12-16, 2018
What We’re LearningReading-We are using our reading skills to complete a Leprechaun Challenge! These challenges will be completed over the course of this week and will allow us to use our skills while reading folktales!
English-We are learning about the shades of meaning among related words. This will allow us to better choose the degree of certainty in our descriptive words. (Ex.- wet, soggy, soaked, drenched)
Writing–We will be using our narrative skills to write narrative pieces in preparation for the Milestones. We will be including quotation marks for dialogue and ensuring that we are developing experiences to create captivating narratives.
Math- We are focusing on grams and kilograms this week. Students must know kilograms are more that grams. They will also explore mass using standard (g/kg) and nonstandard (paperclips) units of measurement.
Social Studies-We will be continuing learning about the European Explorers. This week students are learning about Christopher Columbus and de Soto. Students were given 3 study guides to review this information so please help your child review at home by looking over these! We appreciate your help!! / Important Dates & Announcements
*Yearbooks on sale for $25.
*Fun Run shirts may only be worn on Fridays
Mar. 13- Last day 3rd nine weeks
Mar. 14- 3rd-4th grade GT field trip
Mar. 16- School Store- McNeal, Vickery, Woodward
Mar. 19: 3rd 9 Weeks Report Cards issued
Mar. 20: SS Explorers Test
Mar. 22: PTO Meeting 7pm (K performs)
Mar. 23: PTO Popcorn Day
Mar. 23- School Store- Stafford, Reed, Bearden
Mar. 23- Spring Party $ donations due
Mar. 28: Unit 6 Math Test
Mar. 28- March Birthday Club
Mar. 29: Easter Part
Mar. 30-April 8: Spring Break / Word Study
Blue Green
hole blade
whole gray
its afraid
it’s magic
hear delay
here amaze
won drain
one maybe
peace break
piece stain
road raft
rode crayon
their stale
there steak
Word Study quiz on Friday, March 16th
Mon: MM pgs. 669-670
Tues: MM pgs. 649-650
Wed: study/write facts
Thurs: MM pgs.
Language Arts:
Mon., Tues., & Thurs.: reading comprehension practice, read AR book, study word study
Wednesday: read AR book, study word study / Birthdays
Mariah- 13th
Emma- 22nd
While we love for you to come eat lunch with your student, we need to ask you to please remain in the cafeteria and not follow them back to class. Additionally, other students are not allowed to eat with you, only your own student. We appreciate your understanding.
What is PBIS?
●PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) is a school wide approach to teaching behavioral expectations in the same manner as any core curriculum subject.
●Research shows that students achieve at a higher level when they know school expectations and feel safe.
· There are two overall expectations for students. As part of our weekly lessons, students will be explicitly taught about the Rincon “R&R”, including how expectations play out in different school settings. Posters throughout the school will advertise and reinforce the Rincon “R&R”.
o Be Respectful
o Be Responsible
●Students will be acknowledged for showing their Bobcat R&R by receiving tickets that can be redeemed at the school store. Also, if students with 0 office referrals will participate in monthly acknowledgements as well.