Monday, May 3, 2010
3rd Grade Plans
Focus Area: Reading: Plot, Grammar: Compound Sub/Predicates Phonics: Consonant Digraph WH; Math: Patterns Writing: Poetry, Cursive
Spelling Words: where, wheel, whale, while, watched, went, would, weep, whip, what
Vocabulary Words: chores, dust, pasture, pony, saddle, sturdy, swift
Phonics: TSW utilize FUNdations to enhance phonics. TSW review all spelling words by having pre-test. After pre-test, tsw correct any misspelled words in spelling notebooks.
WRITING: SOL 3.10 Poetry, 3.8 Cursive
TSW write various forms of poetry legibly in cursive. TTW share examples of concrete poems. TTW discuss the format, topic written down on heading of paper, ideas from acrostic and cinquain poems. TTW demonstrate how to find a picture for concrete poem using clipart. TSW find a picture for poem and ttw check for appropriateness.
Grammar/ SOL 3.10 Compound Subjects and Predicates
TSW identify compound subjects. TTW explain and model how sentences that have the same predicate can have the subjects combined. TTW write sentences on board and have the students underline the subjects. IP: TSW combine subjects of two sentences to make one sentence. Grammar Book pg. 121
Reading: SOL 3.4; 3.5 Fiction
TSW recognize and understand the development of the story plot. TSW determine whether important events are in the beginning, middle, or the end of the story. To prepare students, TTW have the students break into groups of two. Group 1 will make up a beginning to a story, group 2 will make up information for the middle of the story, and Group 3 will make up an ending to the story. TTW write information under category beginning, middle, and end. TTW and TSW discuss the story plot. TTW read definition of plot and ask students to look for events in the story to help with determining the plot. TTW read “Chiefy Stays Over”. After reading TSW and TTW complete a story map to help retell the important events of the story. P.B. 3.2, pg. 91
Math: (substitute) TSW identify and describe congruent and symmetrical, two-dimensional (plane) figures, using tracing procedures. TTW review congruency, symmetry, shapes, angles, and lines by having students draw an example of each on mini boards. IP: TSW complete an assessment for each skill using SOL released test.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
3rd Grade Plans
Focus Area: Reading: Plot, Grammar: Compound Sub/Predicates Phonics: Consonant Digraph WH; Math: Writing: Poetry, Cursive
Spelling Words: where, wheel, whale, while, watched, went, would, weep, whip, what
Vocabulary Words: chores, dust, pasture, pony, saddle, sturdy, swift
Phonics: TSW echo spelling words after the teacher. TSW identify the words with “w” and “wh” sound. GP Practice: TSW write the “wh” words from the spelling list. IP: TSW choose spelling words that best completes each sentence. (PALS Testing)
WRITING: SOL 3.10 Poetry, SOL 3.8 Cursive
TSW write various forms of poetry legibly in cursive. TTW model how to use clipart picture as and underlay for writing poem. TTW model how to begin writing ideas about their topic using a teacher made concrete poem. TSW begin writing poems and TTW check for accuracy.
Grammar/SOL 3.10 Compound Subjects/Predicates
TSW identify compound predicates and conjunctions (and, but, and or). TTW model how two sentences have the same subject, you can combine the predicates with the word “and” to form compound predicates. TTW read sentences and have the students identify if the predicates are compound or simple for each sentence. GP: TTW remind students of when to use the conjunctions (and, or and but). TSW write in INB examples for each conjunction. TSW identify conjunctions in each sentence. IP: TSW circle conjunctions that best completes sentences. Grammar Book, pg. 122.
Reading: SOL 3.4c plot
TTW review vocabulary words for story of the week. TTW use each one in a sentence and have ts’s use word clues to help identify the meaning. TTW review the definitions and write them on the board. TS’s will write in INB. TTW create a graphic organizer (venn diagram) and write a word in each circle. TS’s will create a sentence to tell the difference or similarities of the word. TTW discuss how a venn diagram can help with building vocabulary.
Math: SOL 3.24 Patterns
TSW recognize and describe a variety of patterns formed using concrete objects, numbers, tables, and pictures, and extend the pattern, using the same or different forms. TTW review geometric figures and line segments/angles from last week. TSW paste notes in INB for patterns and begin interactive note taking. TTW provide examples and explain how this is done. TSW complete pre-test involving patterns and TW go over when complete and discuss answers to the class. TSW complete example patterns given by the teacher then create their own, in groups, using different numbers to solve. The Ss will also create other patterns as a group for the entire class to solve. TSW review congruent figures, angles, solid figures using Sol released test items.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
3rd Grade Plans
Focus Area: Reading: Plot, Grammar: Compound Sub/Predicates Phonics: Consonant Digraph WH; Math: Writing: Poetry, Cursive
Spelling Words: where, wheel, whale, while, watched, went, would, weep, whip, what
Vocabulary Words: chores, dust, pasture, pony, saddle, sturdy, swift
Phonics: TSW echo spelling words after the teacher. TSW proofread words written on board and use editing marks to help correct the word. TTW write the correct word on board. TTW review pre-fixes im-, dis-, and non-. TTW remind students that the prefixes mean “not” or “the opposite of”. TTW have students think of words that have pre-fixes. TTW write on board. TSW identify base word and prefix.
PALS Testing
Grammar: SOL 3.10 Compound Subjects/Predicates
TSW understand conjunctions (and, but, & or). TTW remind students that conjunctions connect words or groups of words. TTW have students tell when we can use each conjunction. TTW write sentences on board and have the students identify the conjunction and tell how it is used (ex. ad information). IP: TSW write a conjunction to complete sentences Grammar Book, pg. 123
Reading: SOL 3.4c PLOT
OBJ: TSW use other printed material to help with learning how to use synonyms as context clues to help construct the meaning of unfamiliar words. TTW remind students how to use sentence clues with determining meaning of unknown words. TTW direct students to look at title and illustrations from story. TTW ask “wh” questions to help students predict and set a purpose for reading story. TT and TSW begin reading story “Leah’s Pony”, stopping to have students answer sequence, plot, and comprehension questions. TT and TSW stop reading at pg. 257. TT and TSW discuss events that have happened and make a story map as a class.
Math: SOL 3.24
TSW recognize and describe a variety of patterns formed using concrete objects, numbers, tables, and pictures, and extend the pattern, using the same or different forms. TTW review number patterns and TTW begin to show and explain geometric patterns. TTW provide examples for the Ss and show another way to solve other than just looking at the shape. TSW complete examples for review and to paste in INB. TSW use items in room to create a pattern and tsw will extend each student’s patterns. TTW check for accuracy. TTW review angles, shapes, lines, decimals using SOL release test questions. (Look-alikes)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
3rd Grade Plans
Focus Area: Reading: Plot, Grammar: Compound Sub/Predicates Phonics: Consonant Digraph WH; Math: Writing: Poetry, Cursive
Spelling Words: where, wheel, whale, while, watched, went, would, weep, whip, what
Vocabulary Words: chores, dust, pasture, pony, saddle, sturdy, swift
Phonics: TSW echo each spelling word after the teacher. TSW practice using the spelling words in sentences. TTW read the sentences and tsw choose a word to complete the sentence. IP: TSW be given a clue and tsw use a spelling word to answer the clue.
WRITING: TSW check poems using a rubric and make any corrections needed.
Grammar: SOL 3.10 Compound Subjects/Predicates
TSW use conjunctions in their writings. TTW remind students that conjunctions connect words or groups of words. TSW work with a partner to create sentences with conjunctions or complete pre-written sentences by adding conjunctions. (Grammar bk., pg. 124) Group 2 will use other printed material (magazines) to find examples of conjunctions. TTW assist and monitor for accuracy.
Reading: PLOT
TTW review events on story map created previous day and have students make any further predictions. TSW and TTW continue to read to check for predictions. After reading story, TS and TTW complete an activity. Activity: TSW answer questions to review plot with assistance from teacher P.B. 3.2, pg. 93. TSW be allowed to take A. R. quiz on story read.
Math: 3.24 Patterns
TSW recognize and describe a variety of patterns formed using concrete objects, numbers, tables, and pictures, and extend the pattern, using the same or different forms. TTW review numeric and geometric patterns by showing and discussing examples. TSW engage in completing patterns by going to the board and solving patterns given. TSW explain answer by showing work and giving the rule. TTW continue to provide reviews of last week’s skills and this week’s skills by providing and showing examples for discussion. TSW also provide class with practice problems to solve and then discuss correct answers. TTW check for accuracy.
Friday, May 7, 2010
3rd Grade Plans
Focus Area: Reading: Plot, Grammar: Compound Sub/Predicates Phonics: Consonant Digraph WH; Math: Writing: Poetry, Cursive
Spelling Words: where, wheel, whale, while, watched, went, would, weep, whip, what
Vocabulary Words: chores, dust, pasture, pony, saddle, sturdy, swift
Phonics: TSW echo the spelling word after teacher. TTW review the spelling words. TSW take a spelling test on words.
WRITING: SOL 3.10 Poetry, 3.8 Cursive
TSW write various forms of poetry legibly in cursive. TTW share examples of cinquain poems. TTW remind students of the format. IP: TSW choose their favorite words/phrases to write their own rough drafts in proper format.
Grammar: SOL 3.10 Compound Subjects/Predicates
TTW review conjunctions and their uses. TSW complete an assessment on adding conjunctions and more information to complete sentences. Grammar Book, pg. 125
Reading: SOL 3.4; 3.5 Fiction
TTW help students review the story by completing story map from Wed. Lesson. TTW review theme (big idea) with students by having students offer evidence to support phrases written on board. Examples of phrases are telling the truth, helping neighbors, etc. TSW take a voc. Quiz P.B. 3.2, pg. 92 and a comprehension quiz P.B., pg. 95-97
Math: SOL 3.24 Patterns
TSW recognize and describe a variety of patterns formed using concrete objects, numbers, tables, and pictures, and extend the pattern, using the same or different forms. TTW review number patterns and TTW begin to show and explain geometric patterns. TSW complete patterns made by teacher (concrete) and (on board). TSW will complete an assessment on patterns. TSW engage in on-line (study Island) and teacher- made learning games to review for SOLs.
Small Group (Intensive and Strategic)
Day / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridaySubject / MATH / READING / MATH / READING / MATH
SOL / Graphs / CVC Words / Graphs / CVC Words / Graphs
Students / Chase, Darsjhon
Linwood / Chase, Linwood, and Darsjhon / Chase,
Linwood / Chase, Linwood, and Darsjhon / -Chase,
Activity / TTW review lines, rays, angles and decimals. Group 1 will work with peer to create examples of lines, rays, segments, angles. Group 2 will work together to set up decimals problems after interpreting pictures (SOL released test). TTW check for accuracy. / TSW learn to identify and say syllables. TSW echo words after the teacher says the word and Write the word on a card. TSW cut the words into syllables and paste between hyphens. TSW also use hands to help with identifying syllables of the word. / TTW review lines, rays, angles and decimals. Group 1 will work with peer to create examples of lines, rays, segments, angles. Group 2 will work together to set up decimals problems after interpreting pictures (SOL released test). TTW check for accuracy. / TSW learn to identify and say syllables. TSW echo words after the teacher says the word and Write the word on a card. TSW cut the words into syllables and paste between hyphens. TSW also use hands to help with identifying syllables of the word. / TSW use SOL released test to have assessments on lines, rays, segments, angles and decimals.