Review Hearing Committee

April 5, 2017

382 North Sun Coast Blvd.

Crystal River, FL 34429

Conference Call # 1-800-444-2801

Access Code: 8378634

9:20 AM


I / Call to Order, Welcome, and Introductions / Gailen Spinka
II / Public Input
III / Approval of Agenda
IV / Consent Agenda
Review Hearing Minutes – March 31, 2017 / 2 / Gailen Spinka
V / New/Unfinished Business / Gailen Spinka
VI / Public Input: Public Input is a time set aside for comments from the general public. Comments must be kept to a 3 minute limit and a speaker’s card must be completed and submitted to the Board Chair. The Chair will open the meeting to public discussion at various times during the meeting at his/her discretion

Early Learning Coalition of the Nature Coast

Review Hearing Minutes

March 31, 2017

Members Present:

Ryan Hausner Linda Barber Gailen Spinka Stephen Lee, Esq.

Members Present Via Phone:

Members Absent:

Jeanie Davis

Staff Present:

Amanda Newbern Tonya Hiers Sonya Bosanko Sheri Ellis Desirae Rickman

Others Present:

Desiree Everett Brian Coleman Dana Moxley Shayvon Brutton Darrashia Brutton Darrell Brutton Shyniece Massey Patricia Massey

Others Present Via Phone:

Patrice Farmer Holly Bussard Charlotte Eadler

Call to Order, Welcome & Introductions

Gailen Spinka called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. Introductions were completed.

Approval of Agenda

Ryan Hausner motioned to approve the agenda. Linda Barber seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Public Input

Shayvon Brutton stated that all 6 of her children attend the child care center. Ms. Brutton stated no one from the Coalition staff called her about the option of the transfer of her children. Tonya Hiers explained to Ms. Brutton she had conversation with Lynnette Hipp, Ms. Brutton’s Eligibility Specialist. Lynette Hipp felt uncomfortable contacting Ms. Brutton with regard to the transfer of her children due to her being Ms. Everett’s daughter and felt it may cause additional conflict with the situation. Ms. Hiers stated that Ms. Brutton is not only the daughter of Ms. Everett but is also an employee at the child care center and was aware of the recommendation to terminate the School Readiness Contract. Patrice Farmer stated her grandchildren attend Luv N Hugs and explained how well her grandchildren do there. Ms. Farmer explained she was one of the parents that Desiree Everett contacted about incorrectly signing her grandchildren in and out. Patricia Massey, the mother of Desiree Everett, explained she has raised her daughter to not to be a thief. Ms. Massey stated it was not right how the Coalition was accusing her daughter of the stated offenses. Ms. Massey explained how terminating Luv N Hugs contract would be a hardship to the parents, to the kids, and the staff. Desiree Everett explained to the committee how she was not treated fairly. Ms. Everett explained how she was not contacted in person but by phone about the corrections on the sign in/out sheets that needed to be made. Ms. Everett stated how John Coronado and Tonya Hiers stated verbally to Ms. Everett, that the sign in/out sheets would need to include the Bus In and Bus Out times. Ms. Everett explained further that anytime she would call to set up a meeting with Sonya Bosanko to discuss the attendance policy, Ms. Everett was told that Mrs. Bosanko was busy. Ms. Everett stated that she was given the number to Tallahassee to seek further answers. Ms. Everett stated she felt she wasn’t given a fair chance with any of this.

Review Hearing Luv-N-Hugs

Gailen Spinka explained to Ms. Everett the inappropriate signing in/out of the children is why the committee was brought together. Mr. Spinka requested Sonya Bosanko review the following exhibits. Ms. Bosanko briefly explained the Case Summary before reviewing the following exhibits:

Exhibit 1 – During an onsite visit, it was noted that four of the nine children involved in the Special Needs application were absent; however, all four of the absent children were singed into the ELP’s program at 6:00am.

Exhibit 2 – Two of the children were claimed for regular payment on the attendance reimbursement rolls.

Exhibit 3 – Two other children were claimed for an (authorized) excused payment.

Exhibit 4 – In addition to the above discrepancies, all four children were recorded as absent on their sign in/out sheets but were claimed for regular payment on the attendance reimbursement rolls.

Exhibit 5 – The above discrepancies were discussed with Ms. Everett.

Exhibit 6 – In addition to discussing the attendance discrepancies, Mrs. Hiers attached the written instructions on the proper procedure for documenting child attendance.

Exhibit 7 – Ms. Everett attended the Sumter County Provider Meeting. During this meeting, Ms. Hiers gave a training on common errors that were found by the ELCNC during the agency’s monitoring process. Copies of sample attendance sheets were provided as a guide for providers.

Exhibit 8 – One child was absent from the program; however, later, the ELP claimed an (authorized) excused absence payment.

Exhibit 9 – Two of the children were observed by ELCNC staff until 4:10pm; however, their sign in/out sheets indicated that they left the program at 4:00 pm.

Exhibit 10 – All five children were signed in and out of the program for February 28, 2017 in advance of February 28, 2017.

Ms. Bosanko asked if there were any questions about the exhibits. Ms. Everett explained how the children in question came in for morning care and those children who were signed out attended a school age program. Mr. Spinka asked for Ms. Everett to further explain her statement. Ms. Everett explained to Mr. Spinka, the children were missing the Bus In and Bus Out signatures. Mr. Spinka asked if the kids were there. Ms. Everett stated that her staff stated to her that the children were present at the time Education Specialist Heather Schwartz was there. Mr. Spinka asked if Ms. Everett had anyone to validate if the children were there on that day. Ms. Everett stated the teacher that gave her the validation is no longer employed with Luv N Hugs child care center. Ms. Everett stated the letter that was mailed to her with the correct process of attendance processing was never discussed verbally. Ryan Hausner asked if the letter was sent along with example sheets as technical assistance. Ms. Everett stated that it was attached to the letter. Ms. Hiers explained that the letter sent to Ms. Everett via certified, dated December 13th listed the sign in sheet issues along with an additional page of technical assistance on how to properly document a child’s day of attendance.

Ms. Hiers stated the Coalition monitors 100% of the sign in and out process required by providers but issues such as advance signing in and out can only be determined by on site monitoring. Much discussion took place.

After much discussion, Mr. Hausner motioned for the termination of Luv N Hugs contract to be withdrawn and a corrective action plan to be put into place. Mrs. Barber seconded the motion and Mr. Spinka agreed with the motion. Motion was carried unanimously.

Brian Coleman suggested to Ms. Everett, given this opportunity, she would need to make sure the attendance sheets were properly completed daily.

Ryan Hausner motioned to adjourn at 10:06 am. Linda Barber seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

*If additional detail regarding the discussion at the meeting is desired, a recording is available at the Coalition’s main office in Crystal River.

Minutes prepared by Amanda Newbern

Early Learning Coalition of the Nature Coast

Review Hearing Committee Meeting

April 5, 2017Page 1