1.Anna Marie Mazzone - FMI Associate/ Germany - Pray for Anna Marie as she works on final details for her departure to Germany. She will be working with children and youth at TPLF (TreffpunktLeben), a Foursquare church in Frankfurt.
2.Juventino & Maria Arredondo - FMI Associates to Peru – In process of preparing to go to Peru. Need specific prayer for passport /visa process to proceed smoothly and quickly.
3.Royal Family Kids Camp –June 17-22 - The purpose of Royal Family is to provide a week of positive memories for abused and neglected children in foster care. Please pray for each child to be able to come, for the love and peace of the Lord to fill the camp, and for wonderful weather.
4.Emily Wood/Singapore. Pray for Emily as she serves as an intern for our Foursquare missionaries, the Butrons. Pray for her as she makes the transition to return home this fall.
5.Logan Faber – New Zealand. Praise God for the job and flat in ChristChurch. This is an answer to prayer! Pray for grace for his job and for relationships to build in the Foursquare church there.
6.NWC Summer Teams – Bellingham and NorthwestChurch locations – Pray for these teams as they do their team trainings and finalize their project details. Pray for team unity and joy as they prepare together for these missions. Please provide for every need.
7.Hope for Youth International – Pray for Tony Barnett and Barb Pearson as they lead this ministry. Please pray for the students who are returning to their home countries –that they will continue to grow in all they have learned here. Pray for Christian host families for all the international students coming for the 2012-2013 school year.
8.Point Man Ministries and Home Front support group. Pray for continued encouragement and breakthroughs for veterans and their families on Thursday evenings.
9.Sports Ministry – Pray for Ron Walker as he heads up the Basketball Outreach. Pray for many young men to come to know the Lord.
10.Lew Cox – Violent Crime Victim Services. Pray for comfort and strength for the families of violent crime victims. Pray for protection, encouragement and strength for Lew and his wife, Suzanne. Please pray that the Dept. of Justice grants will continue after this year and that cut-backs will be avoided.
11.Hispanic Ministry – NorthwestChurch. Pray for Pastor Paulo and Elizabeth who lead this ministry for strength, joy, wisdom and discernment as they pastor this growing congregation.
12.Youth MontanaMission Team – Pray for this High School team as they prepare to minister with Corb and Jan Morgan on the Flathead Indian Reservation, July 8-16. Pray for wisdom, sensitivity and the love of the Lord as they minister to children at the 4 day Bible Camp.
13.Island Hope Church / Guam – Cesar & Ana Crisostomo Praise God for this growing church. Pray for effective outreaches and a strong anointing of the Holy Spirit as they begin a church plant in Saipan.
14.Jenny Norton – Hospital Chaplain, Phoenix, AZ. Pray for wisdom and strength as Jenny ministers in various hospital settings to patients, family members and medical staff.
15.Michael & Jennifer England - FMI Associates / Ecuador. Pray for theEnglands (& their two children, Nastassja & Michael Jr.) as they adjust to life in Cuenca, Ecuador. Pray a blessing on the new Bible Study they are starting.
16.Steve Vollmer-Young Life/Federal Way - Pray for the upcoming summer camps – that each young person who needs to be there will have the opportunity to go – and for the needed staff and funding, and that many will come to know Jesus.
17.Corb & Jan Morgan – MissionMountainWorshipCenter, St. Ignatius, MT. Pray for the “REZ HOPE – Turn-It-Around” Discipleship Group meeting in their home. Praise God for those who are coming regularly and being touched by the Lord.
18.Please pray for Will Ghere and his wife, Linda. Will serves as the Endorser for all Industrial / Institutional Chaplains for Foursquare Chaplains Int’l (FCI). Their chaplaincy divisions are: Fire, Hospice, Hospital, Police, Prison and Specialized.
19.Westway Kids Club – Please pray a blessing on Sean O’Leary and his team as they teach Bible lessons to these children in the Westway Community on Wednesday nights.
20.Pray for the 24 Foursquare Prisons chaplains and 5 associate chaplains ministering in detention centers, correctional facilities, jails and prisons in 10 various states.
21.SummerFest – Pray for this outreach at the NormanCenter (across the street from Westway). It is a community event with lots of fun, food and activities – sponsored by AmeriCorps and NorthwestChurch. Please pray for good weather, a good turnout and a wonderful family time for all involved.
22.Pray for protection & wisdom for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Pray a blessing on all the troops who are returning home and as they transition back to life here.
23.StarLake Campus – Praise the Lord for the one year anniversary of our satellite campus! Pray for the VacationBibleSchool planned for August 20-24 – for volunteers, good advertising and attendance, good weather, and that the children’s hearts would be touched by the love of Jesus.
24.Paul & Carina Greer – FMI Associates / Papua New Guinea Pray for blessing on their ministry of training up youth leaders with the National Youth Ministry program. Pray for God’s wisdom and leading in the area of education for their boys, Mason & Ezra.
25.MondaHolsinger – Coordinator for AmeriCorps volunteers. Please pray for a replacement Coordinator for AmeriCorps as Monda is retiring in June. Thank you, Monda!
26.Police Officers in Federal Way and in King & Pierce Counties Pray for safety, protection and encouragement! Pray also for Rick Bulman, Chaplain to Pierce County Sheriffs and Gwen Bagne, Police Chaplain in Fife.
27.Moale Ministries - Papua New Guinea.Praise God for the Nutrition program and the literacy program to children. Pray for LivingLightChurch as they lead out in the community.
28.Care Net of Puget Sound - Please pray for this ministry for unplanned pregnancies. Pray for protection as they care for those choosing life for their babies, and also for continued provision of finances and loving volunteers.
29.John & Robin Mazariegos, FMI Associates/San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Pray for God’s anointing on their church & family. Pray protection for the family amidst the escalating violence in Mexico. Pray for continued wisdom and fruitful ministry.
30.Please pray for our national Foursquare Chaplain’s Int’l (FCI) Director, Robby Booth, and his wife, Bonita, as he leads FCI. FCI includes the Industrial & Institutional, Military and Disaster Relief Ministry components.
Thank you, Intercessors, for praying!