
Copley High School330.664.4999 ex: 527293

3807 Ridgewood Rd. Google Classroom Code: te8826

Copley, OH 44321

English 11

Textbook: Common Core Literature: The American Experience. Hoboken: Pearson
Education, Inc. 2015

Course Overview: English 11 is a core-curriculum, college-preparatory class. The course covers

the history of American Literature, from Native American traditions to

modern 20th Century writing. Students will broaden their experience of

reading classic pieces of American Literature, continue & advance their

writing skills, & gain a new repertoire of vocabulary & literary terms.

1st 9-Weeks / ●Native American Literature
Students will research cultures of various Native American tribes and read the various creation myths of each society.
Literary Terms
Exploration, Colonial, & Puritan Literature (Textbook, Supplementals)
Writing, MLA Standards, Grammar, Literary Terms
●The Crucible (Textbook)
Students will study the history of the Salem Witch Trials and how the Red Scare in the 1950s was compared to them.
Literary Terms / ●Iroquois
●Christopher Columbus
●John Smith/Pocahontas
●William Bradford
●Jonathan Edwards
●Patrick Henry
●Benjamin Franklin
●Arthur Miller
2nd 9-Weeks / ●The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
The Devil and Tom Walker
●Rip Van Winkle
Students will read Irving’s most famous pieces of literature, discovering why he was such an extraordinary author in American history. Focus will be on expanding vocabulary and learning to understand differing writing styles.
●Fireside Poets
Students will learn the styles that the Firesides made famous and learn various standards of poetry along the way.
American Romanticism
●Literary Terms / ●Washington Irving
●Washington Irving
●Washington Irving
●H.W. Longfellow
●J.G. Whittier
●O.W. Holmes
●J.R. Lowell
●W.C. Bryant
●Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman
3rd 9-Weeks / ●Transcendentalism
oCivil Disobedience, Walden
oNature, Self-Reliance, The American Scholar
Late 19th Century Literature
●Literary Terms / ●H.D. Thoreau
●R.W. Emerson
●Lincoln, Gillman
4th 9-Weeks / ●Harlem Renaissance
Students will read a variety of early 1900’s African American poetry and prose in this unit. They will learn how this movement sought to elevate the position of African Americans in society. The major work of this unit will be the novel, Their Eyes were Watching God.
Debates/Position Papers
This is the students’ most extensive writing assignment of the year. With a partner, they will research opposing sides of a controversial topic, write a 5-page MLA paper, and stage a debate as a presentation.
Catcher in the Rye
Along with reading the novel, students will also be responsible for completing a choice of creative projects to go along with this unit.
●Literary Terms / ●Arna Bontemps, Claude McKay, Countee Cullen, Langston Hughes, Jean Toomer, Zora Neale Hurston
●J.D. Salinger