3805 Bell Oak Road Williamston MI 48895

July 2011 your key to township news Volume 30


ROPERTY TAXES may be paid by mail or at the township hall. Treas. Fuller’s township hall office hours are

Thursdays 10 am–4pm and Wednesday, September 14 9 am – 5 pm. Bring or send your tax bill with your payment to ensure proper credit. Paid receipts sent only when stamped, self-addressed envelope provided.

Application for Deferment of Summer 2011 Taxes, not exemption, are being accepted. Contact the treasurer for

eligibility guidelines. Forms are avail- able at the LockeTwp Hall and on our website. The form must be completed each year and filed by September 15th .


TC HOLDINGS CORP provided Locke Township with a $2000 Community Initiative sponsorship check in recognition of the ongoing partnership for the vegetation management program to maintain safety and reliability of the electrical transmission grid.


LECTION UPDATE. New voter precinct for Perry and Morrice school district voters. Like Webberville and Williamston school district voters, the Locke Township Hall will be the location for ALL elections – school, township, county, state, and federal.


ENSUS 2010: Locke Township residentshad an 86%mailparticipa- tionratefor having completed/returned Census questionnaires. Our population increased from 1671 to 1791, [+ 7.2%] . Our constitutionalrevenue sharing will increase approx. $65 per additional resident annually starting with the June and August payments. The new census numbers will change state and federal legislative districts and county commis- sion districts for the next 10 years.


DOT ROAD PROJECTS for 2011 include M-52 at Haslett Road. A center left turn lane will be added. This is a 4 stage process. Two way traffic is planned at all times, single lane closures.

Stage 1 – Haslett Road work

Stage 2 – M-52 widening

Stage 3 – M-52 shoulder widening

Stage 4 – resurfacing


ICHIGAN STATE POLICE have more of a presence in the area and will respond to calls. If told by the 9-1-1 operator to e-file, you may ask to be transferred to the State Police.


UTDOOR BURNING regulations regarding household waste planned by the DNRE were suspended pending further review. Michigan is one of few states to allow household waste burning. Information about pending changes to the open burning rules is posted at Remember, you are legally responsible for any fire you start!



Severe Weather Season. Emergency preparedness safety tips, resources and kids site available at

It’s important that children know what to do in an emergency including practicing emergency drills at home, knowing the family meeting location and how to call 9-1-1. Make a Plan, Be Informed!


EETING DATES for 2011.

Held at the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road, Williamston:

Township Board meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm: July 12 August 09 September13

October 11 November08 December 13

Planning Commission meetings are the 3rd Tues of every other month at 7 pm:

July 19 Sept 20 Nov 15



There is no new activity by the Board to proceed with financing and building a township hall on our 20 acres of vacant land at the SE corner of Sherwood Road and M-52.

Township hall office hours are:

Tuesday and Thursday 10am-4pm

Treasurer: Thursday 10am-4pm

The twp hall rental rate is $75 plus $50 deposit. Seating capacity is 100. Alcohol is not allowed. Tables/chairs available to loan to township residents. For information or rental agreement call the hall office @ 517 468-3405.

The Locke Township website address is


SSESSING UPDATE. H S C Services, Inc annually reviews township sections to upgrade the parcel appraisal record card system. In 2011, sections 26 & 35 will be reviewed. The Ingham County Equalizationis also con-ducting an agricultural and commercial appraisal study in Locke Township.


HOW YOUR NUMBERS, help emergency personnel find you!

Your visible road address could save your life.



Hall phone 517 468-3405

Hall fax 517 468-0105

Hall website:

Paul Griffes,supervisor/NIESA alt 468-3372


Dorothy Hart, clerk/zon adm 517 468-3405


Luana Fuller, treas 517 468-3405


Larry Schulz, trustee/ZBA 517 468-3903


Christine McGoron,trustee/PC517 468-3453


David Hess-AGS bldg insp 1 800 627-2801

Bert Gale-AGS elect insp 1 800 627-2801

Kevin Matteson, mech insp 1 800 627-2801

Forrest Hunnicutt, plumb 1 800 627-2801

HSC Services, assessor 517 655-3424

Mark Adams, attorney

Glenda Turner, deputy clerk

Julia Keyes, deputy treasurer

Paul Shepler, hall/cemetery maintenance

Earl Fuller, cemetery sexton

George Cornell, zoning board of appeals

Ken Cook, zoning bd of appeals/plan comm

Bob Davis, planning commission

Matt Flint, planning commission

Dean Kitchenmaster, plan comm/bd of rev

Roger Smith,board of review

Vernon Cobb, board of review

Tom Slider, construction board of appeals

Gerald Neil, construction board of appeals

Rich Westmoreland, const board of appeals

Ken Schmuecker, construction bd of appeals

Gerald Alchin, construction board of appeals

Ron Cole, NIESA representative

U.S. Senator Carl Levin 202 224-6221

U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow202 224-4822

U.S. Rep Mike Rogers 202 225-4872

MI Senator Gretchen Whitmer517 373-1734

MI Rep Barb Byrum 517 373-0587

Ing Co Comm Randy Schafer 517 655-1325

If you would like to be considered for any vacancy on a Board, Commission or short term task force, contact Supervisor Griffes.