38.Career development for the “Net Generation” - Heather Law, Massachusetts institute of Technology, USA
38.1Key Issues
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, being a well-known institute in US, solely focuses on technology, engineering and sciences. Communicating with students on their level is vital and much of their level is uses technology.
The background of Generation Y was outlined. Generation Y is a wide ranging and depending on resources used, varies differently. It is a generation that is completely shaped by all of the technology that we have been exposed to i.e. email, texting, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook etc. This generation has a reputation of being peer-orientated and employers are concerned that Generation Y has too high an expectation from the workplace. Studies are predicting that students will switch jobs frequently. There is no longer a type of career where one stays in one job for many years, but rather there is now a lot of switching and altering of careers. Students like technology; based on research they want quick information that is easily accessible via online resources.
38.2Tips for researching Generation Y
Experiential learning is vital, be it through teaching or counseling. Using technology is key and mutual interaction and technology as a part of the learning tool, as well as teaching, is essential. Visual learning is still very important. Students require interactive activities, variety, and immediate access to information that result in fun classes.
38.3What can be used to reach students?
A teaching environment might not always be available, but social media and the Web can be used, but this has to be in short bursts and easy to follow. Online workshops are used to teach how to appropriately use social media such as Twitter and LinkedIn. The benefits of online workshops are that they are available 24-hours a day, basics can be covered and this is an accessible medium for all students, be it on iPhone, iPads or computers. Twitter is easily accessible for students, many are on it and it is widely used for career development as well as a mechanism to reach students to share and create information.
Online resources are amazing in how they can reach out to employers as well as to industries and companies that students may be potentially interested in working for. It is a great way to share information, receive information and connect to others, including employers. LinkedIn is another great way to reach students.
Measuring results is something that is still in process. There are some tangible resources but there are resource tools that can be used (this is not clear?). that the use of technology is encouraged because students are open and willing and value the information they receive.