Catholic Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, Northfields

38, Camborne Avenue, Ealing, London, W13 9QZ

Tel. 020 8567 5421

e-mail: ; (catechesis; Anna)


Parish Priest: Fr. Jim Duffy Pastoral Assistant: Anna Maria Dupelycz Administrator: Sylwia Williams

Office Opening Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 9.30am-2pm Thursday: closed

Sacramental enquiries: 07787 048144

Sacraments and Devotions:

Reconciliation (‘Confession’): Saturday, 10am & 6pm

Baptisms: Second and Fourth weekends of the month after attendance at a Preparation Course

Marriages: arranged by appointment. Six months’ notice required. Information on prep. courses available on parish website.

Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday 10am – 11am

Rosary: After weekday Mass

In case you are admitted to hospital......

In light of data protection please indicate on entering hospital that your details are to be passed to the RC Chaplain. Also state that you would like the RC Chaplain to visit you.

Psalter Week 2


2nd Sunday of Advent Year B (Bible Sunday)

Sunday 10th December 2017



This Week Isaiah 40:1-5,9-11; Ps 84:9-14; 2 Peter 3;8-14; Mark 1:1-8

Next Week Isaiah 61:1-2,10-11; Ps 94; 1 Thessalonians 5;16-24; John 1:6-8,19-28


Reflection from Father Hilary. Getting at the heart of the matter

If you hope to give birth

To God on earth

Remember: God is not external.

Conception takes place in the heart

The womb of the Eternal.

The Everlasting Word

Is born anew each day.


Wherever someone has cast their ME away.

If Christ were born

within my heart

He would no longer

have to roam the earth

an outcast, alien by birth.

Angelus Silesius, 17th Century Mystic

A lovely, beautiful, simple but profound poem. I plead with you-please use it often, meditating and praying on it.

1st verse: We must all pull our weight to let Christ grow in our hearts much more.

2nd verse: That can only happen if we are honest enough to discard our ME, our selfish, inhuman side.

3rd verse: Only then can we reach out to Christ hidden in outcasts of so many kinds.

A powerful poem.

Please keep for prayerful reflection.


Advent 2017

1. Exposition & Morning Prayer Mon. – Weds. Fri. and Sat., Exposition 8.15am, Morning Prayer 9.15am

2. ‘Day by Day’ reflection booklets available in the racks by the papers at the back of the church.

Music in Mass All rehearsals take place in the Church. Singers and musicians of any age welcome.

1. Rehearsal for 10.00am Mass and Carol Service: Thursday, 7.30pm

2. Rehearsal for 11.30am Mass: Tuesday, 7.30pm.

Church & Hall Cleaning Church: This week: Team 2; Hall: Team 3. More volunteers still needed. New rota will be available early New Year.

Liturgical Ministries (including altar servers) Please sign up on the lists in the sacristy if you are available over the Christmas period. from this weekend.

Masses this Week

Sunday 10th December (2nd Advent- Year B) Thursday 14th December (St John of the Cross)

6.30pm (Sat) Onofrio Padalino (Ann) No Mass

8.30am (Sun) Colgan Family (Intentions)

10.00am Nancy O’Donnell (LD) Friday 15th December

11.30am Joan Coughlin (LD) 9.30am Tom Nicholas (Ann)

6.30pm William Casey (Ann)

Saturday 16th December

Monday 11th December (ST Damasus 1) 9.30am Timmy O’Leary (RIP)

9.30am Jack McPadden (Ann)

Sunday 17th December (3rd Advent Year B)

Tuesday 12th December (Our Lady of Guadalupe) 6.30pm (Sat) Bridge and Ciaran Fitzgerald

9.30am Peter O’Sullivan (Ann) 8.30am (Sun.) George and Douglas Colgan (Intentions)

10.00am Marcus De Souza (Ann)

Wednesday 13th December (St Lucy) 11.30am Noreen Sinclair (LD)

9.30am Sr.Pauline (LD) 6.30pm David Bercer (LD)

Carol Service & Christmas Liturgies

1. Carol Service Readers wanted for the Carol Service on 17th December. Please sign up on the list in the sacristy. Rehearsal today, 3.30pm, Church. Music rehearsals: Thursdays 7.30pm, in the Church. All welcome. The service itself takes place on next Sunday, 4.00pm. This year we are incorporating an adaptation of the Latin American celebration of ‘posadas

2.Christmas Eve Children’s & Family Mass Sign up lists available in the sacristy for reading and acting for the Christmas Eve Masses at 5pm and 7pm. Initial meeting for signing up for the different roles and to arrange rehearsals Weds. 13th, 5pm, in the Church. If you can’t make the meeting, please either sign up on the list in the sacristy or contact Anna ( or 07787 048144).

3. Christmas Eve Solemn Mass (9pm) Music rehearsals on Tuesday at 8.00pm in the church. All welcome.

4. Christmas tree Volunteers needed to put up and decorate the church Christmas tree, next Saturday morning after morning Mass. If you are able to help, please contact the parish office.

5. All Age Flower Workshop Saturday 23rd Dec, 10.00am, Parish Hall, to make wreaths for the church. All supplied provided.

6. Greenery If you have any of the following greenery in your garden and are willing to cut some, the flowers arrangers would be very grateful: pittisporum, leylandii, ivy, fatsia, eucalyptus, choisia, aspidistra.

Toddler group (birth to five) Christmas Party will be held Wednesday 13th December, 9.30-11.30am.Please bring an item of food for children to share, e.g. fruit, biscuits. Cost: £1.50-per child, £2.00-per family. All welcome!

Music Tots-all welcome to join on Tuesday 12th Dec, 9.45-11.00am in the Parish Hall for mice pies and some Christmas cheer! Cost: £3 per child, £2 additional sibling.


Religious Education for Children in Non-Catholic Primary Schools Next session takes place Wednesday, 13th Dec. 5.45pm – 6.30pm, Parish Hall. .

Confirmation Adults (over 16s) requesting Confirmation, please contact Anna, initially by e-mail. ()

Journey in Faith (R.C.I.A.) If you are aged 7 and over and interested in knowing more about the Catholic faith, or in becoming Catholic, please contact Anna ()

The Future of Catholic Schools Do you support Catholic schools and the right of Catholics to send their children to them? Then we need you to make your voice heard. The Government is making a critical decision on whether to overturn the admissions cap which prevents Catholic schools from allowing all Catholic pupils to attend. They have acknowledged that this policy discriminates against Catholics and promised to abandon it; now we need you to tell them not to u-turn on their promise to Catholics. Visit or search for ‘Catholic Education’ in your search engine to write to the Government and urge them to drop their policy which bans new Catholic schools.

Adoremus! National Eucharistic Congress 2018 This will take place in Liverpool 7th – 9th September. Northfields has been allocated 7 places for delegates. A brief overview is as follows: On Friday the plan is to offer a Theological Symposium and workshops for better forming Parish catechists (especially for First Holy Communion programmes), RE teachers, Hospital and Prison Chaplains, Seminary Communities and Extraordinary Ministers. The focus for sessions will be: Scripture, Ecclesiology, Eucharistic Language and Catechism, Workshop on the Rites and Music for Eucharistic Adoration On the Saturday to present a six hour stage led programme, based in the new Echo Arena, for 10,000 Pilgrims to include: Two Keynote speakers, Drama highlighting reverence and devotion, Music, Screen presentations on best practice, Adoration. On Sunday, to focus on Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral for: Pilgrimage Masses, Street Procession –open to all If you are initially interested, please contact Fr Jim or Anna.

Special Mass will be celebrated for the late Fr John Leahy on Sunday 10th December, 12noon, at Our Lady of Lourdes.

Parish Office Details of opening hours and how to contact Anna regarding sacraments are given at the top of this newsletter . Please note the new parish office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9.30am – 2.00pm. Anna Please be patient with the implementation of these new arrangements and for any subsequent refinements. Thank you!