Catholic Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, Northfields

38, Camborne Avenue, Ealing, London, W13 9QZ

Tel. 020 8567 5421

e-mail: website:

Parish Priest: Fr. Jim Duffy Pastoral Assistant: Miss Anna Maria Dupelycz

Office Opening Hours: Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri, 10.30am-1pm; 2pm-6pm Closed Thursday

Sacraments and Devotions:

Reconciliation (‘Confession’): Saturday, 10am & 6pm

Baptisms: Second and Fourth weekends of the month after attendance at a Preparation Course

Marriages: arranged by appointment. Six months’ notice required. Information on prep. courses available on parish website.

Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday 10am – 11am

Rosary: After weekday Mass Psalter Week 3

In case you are admitted to hospital......

In light of data protection please indicate on entering hospital that your details are to be passed to the RC Chaplain. Also state that you would like the RC Chaplain to visit you.


3rd Sunday Lent Year C

Sunday 28th February 2016


Readings for This Week Exodus 3:1-8, 13-15; Ps 102; 1 Corinthians 10:1-6, 10-12; Luke 13:1-9

Next Week Joshua 5:9-12; Ps 33; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; Luke 15:1-3, 11-32


Reflection from Fr. Hilary February the 29th and the Calendar

I think the following is interesting – hope you find it so!

In 46BC Julius Caesar drew up a calendar which took its name from him – the Julian Calendar. Nothing quite like it existed before. Each year began in March so February was the last month. He fixed the months alternating with 31 and 30 days. March had 31 days, April 30 days, May 31 days and so forth. February had 30 days but that would have made 366 days for every year which was too much. So one was knocked off February leaving it with 29 days. September was the 7th month. It got its name from ‘septem’ the Latin for seven. So with October, the 8th month from ‘octo’, November, the 9th month from ‘novem’ and December, the 10th month from ‘decem.

The 5th month was named July after Julius Caesar. His nephew, Augustus, on becoming emperor, named the following month after himself but decided he too should have 31 days like his uncle! So August, already with 30 days now had 31. This created one day too many yet again and so poor old February had another day knocked off, being now reduced to 28. Keep in mind the Earth encircles the Sun in 365 days and a ¼ day.

It was to Julius Caesar’s credit that he introduced the 365 day year with one leap day added every 4 years at the end of February which was the last month of the year. The leap year had to be divisible by 4. But even the leap years didn’t correct things completely. Over a period of centuries real time became separated from calendar time. To complicate things the ¼ day attached to 365 isn’t precisely 6 hours. It is about 11 minutes less! In the 4th century that Spring Equinox was falling on 21 March. By the 16th century it was on 11th March. If nothing was done things would get out of hand.

Step forward Pope Gregory XIII! He introduced a reformed calendar named after him. He removed 10 days to bring the Spring Equinox back to 21 March. This was in the year 1582.

The New Year was moved from March to January and the number of leap years was reduced slightly. This was achieved by laying down the rule that the turn of the new century had to be divisible by 400 not just 4. Hence 1600 and 2000 were leap years not 1700, 1800 or 1900. The next one will be 2400 but I can’t hang around that long so I’m telling you now! All this should ensure that real time and calendar time don’t get separated again.

The reformed calendar took effect on 5 October 1582 which became 15 October. Catholic countries adopted the Gregorian calendar immediately but not the Protestant or Eastern Orthodox. England adopted it 170 years later in 1752 and Russia as late as 1917. In England there was an outcry “give us back our 10 days”!

I think I’ve got the facts right but I could be open to correction!


Rest In Peace We pray for the repose of the soul of Mary Butler whose requiem will be celebrated on Tuesday at 11.00am. This replaces the 9.30am Mass. The intention for Peter Magin has been transferred to 8th March.


1. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Monday – Wednesday, Friday & Saturday, 8.00am- 9.15am.

2. Morning Prayer will be said Monday – Wednesday, Friday & Saturday at 9.15am.

3. Morning Mass At Mount Carmel School each Wednesday of Lent, 8.15am, beginning 24th February. All welcome.

Masses this Week

Sunday 28th February (3rd Sunday Lent C) Thursday 3rd March

6.30pm (Sat.) James Hosey (Get Well) No Mass

8.30am (Sun.) Anne Boniface (Ann.) Friday 4th March (St Casimir)

10.00am Piero Capitelli (L.D.) 9.30am Derek Bourne (Get Well)

11.30am Eilish Roche (L.D.)

6.30pm Mary Downey (Get Well) Saturday 5th March

9.30am Amber Kijowski (L.D.)

Monday 29th February Sunday 6th March (4th Sunday Lent Year C)

9.30am Special Intention 6.30pm (Sat) Patrick & Patrick Vincent Fitzgerald (Ann.)

Tuesday 1st March (St David) 8.30am John Colgan (Ann.)

11.00am (Requiem) Mary Butler RIP 10.00am People of the Parish

Wednesday 2nd March 11.30am Francy Carr (L.D.)

9.30am Carmel Coll (Intentions) 6.30pm Jadwiga Treszka (Ann.)

Lent (cont.)

3. Reflection booklets are now available from the back of the church for Infants, Juniors and adults.

4. Stations of the Cross will take place each Friday after morning Mass.

6. Faith-Sharing Lift Up Your Hearts, The prayer group are running a drop-in session on Wednesdays. They meet at 2pm for a prompt start at 2:15pm in the Parish house. At the end of each session there will be intercessory prayers for our parish, the sick the elderly and the world's needs. All are most welcome. Please call Maria on 020 8840 7672 for more details.

7. Deanery Station Mass at Our Lady of the Visitation, Greenford, Sat. 12th March, 12 Noon. All welcome. Main Celebrant: Bishop John Wilson, Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster. There will be no morning Mass on this day.

8. Lenten Lunch in aid of Acton Homeless Concern (Emmaus House), Sat. 12th March, 1pm, Parish Hall. Tickets £2.50 from Teresa Daly 020 8998 3224

Getting Married in 2016? Six months’ notice is required for Catholic marriages taking place anywhere in the world and attendance at a pre-marriage course. Generally, enquiry paperwork should be done in the parish of domicile. Please do check with Fr Jim or Anna and give plenty of notice

Altar Servers Training for existing servers: details of dates have been sent by e-mail. New servers: 4th March., 5.15pm, church

New Young Readers Training continues as follows Monday group: 29th Feb.; Friday Group 2: 4th March. Both at 6.15pm in the Church.

Music in Mass Rehearsals for 11.30am Mass: Tuesday 7pm in the church. Singers and musicians needed. All welcome..

Cleaners Church: Team D; Hall: Team 4. More volunteers needed, especially for team 2 for the hall. Contact the parish office if you are able to help.

Liturgy Meeting Tues. 1st March, 8.00pm, Parish House, to discuss and plan Holy Week and Easter.

Parish Anniversary/Year of Mercy Flower Festival taking place 23rd/24th April, planning meeting Weds. 9th March, 7.30pm, Parish Hall. Anyone is welcome to attend as volunteers will be needed for roles other than flower arranging. Come and see how you can be involved!

DBS/CRB Forms Please contact Kathleen (020 8567 5864) or Hazel (020 8567 9595) to arrange a mutually convenient time to return and process applications. Application forms available from the parish office. Checks are needed for anyone involved in any parish ministry or work involving children, young people, or vulnerable adults . If you are unsure, please contact Kathleen or Hazel. They will be available to process forms on Wednesday, 7-8.00pm, Parish House.


First Communion Please pray for those children celebrating First Reconciliation on 2nd March, 6.30pm.

R.E. for Children in Non-Catholic Primary Schools Session on Wednesday 16th March, 5.45pm, Parish Hall.

Confirmation Next session : today, 4.30pm in the Parish Hall. Retreat Day: Sat. 5th March. Information has been sent out by e-mail.

Journey in Faith (R.C.I.A.) Please keep Barry who is preparing for full initiation and Betty, Gabrielle and Grace who are preparing for Baptism, in your prayers throughout Lent. Next session Sat 12 March, 10.00am.

Offertory Envelopes The new sets of envelopes are now available for collection for 3 weeks. Please collect them from the back of the church as soon as possible even though they do not begin until the beginning of April. Information about gift-aiding and other aspects of giving is also available.

Cardinal’s Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony Westminster Cathedral, Sat. 14th May, 3pm. If you are celebrating an anniversary -10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60, please give the parish office the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and email (or telephone number, if no email) by the 7th March 2016.

Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes is being organised to take place 23rd to 30th September 2016. Cost £640, flying from Stansted airport. Details from Carmel Elliott on 07808 162958.