MINUTES of the meeting of Hough on the Hill Parish Council held at 7.30 pm on Thursday 14thDecember 2017 at All Saints Church Community Area, Hough on the Hill.

Present: Cllr R Kingscott (RK) (in the Chair), Cllrs. Milnes (PeM) Morgan (SM), and Rhymer (SR), Cty Cllr Maughan and Dist Cllr Sampson, and 1member of the public.

38/17.Public forum– The member of the public had nothing to raise.

39/17It was proposed by PeM and seconded by RK, and resolved unanimously to co-opt Paul Miley (PM). He completed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office and handed in his completed Pecuniary Interests form.

40/17 Apologies for absence from Cllr S. Nevin.

41/17.There were no declarations of interest.

42/17.Minutesof the meeting of 21st September were read and it was resolved to accept the

same as a true record, and they were duly signed.


S17/1316 - application to vary conditions to Barns adjacent to Brownlows Cottage –approved; S17/2032 – approval of details of condition 3 to S17/0987 re Hough Manor; S17/1838 – Certificate of Lawfulness re alterations at The Willows – lawful certificate granted; Certificate of Lawfulness re alterations at 1 Carlton Road – pending consideration.

SM noted that a tree had been cut down opposite the Brownlow Arms – it appeared to be on Highways land and in the Conservation Area – no planning application had been seen and it was agreed the Clerk should raise this with Highways.

44/17.Playing field:

Reports were available for October and November. There have been no concerns from users regarding the cracking on the swings and in the past, it has been reported as “Low Priority” in our annual inspection report. It was agreed to take no action until the Wicksteed report is received in April (or thereabouts).

45/17. Road safety/Highways:

C001 – Highways will implement a 40 mph speed limit in spring/summer 2018. The “Brandon” sign needs moving back towards Stragglethorpe but this should form part of the works when the speed limit is reduced. Highways have advised that Hall Lane and Hall Road fingerposts are to be removed and replaced with No Through Road signs. The warning sign for the Hall Lane junction is leaning back and appears about to fall into the drainage ditch; it also impedes visibility for traffic turning out of the junction. A sign stating“Unsuitable for HGVs” is to be sited near the phone box in Church Lane. This is an advisory signso access will always be permitted. Brandon has had a large number of articulated lorries getting stuck (including 2 straw lorries very recently). HGVs getting stuck at the end of Blind Lane is a particular problem and this new sign is to try and avoid this happening. PC has asked that Rowan Smith liaise with them regarding the timing and positioning of the sign.

46/17. Straw lorries – it has been noted that a number of straw lorries are not going through Stragglethorpe to the A17 but are coming along the C001 through Brandon and Marston to access the A1. It was understood that the planning approval stated they should always go to the A17. A planning condition also said that all lorries carrying straw should be netted but this condition is not being met. SKDC has taken legal advice and is entitled to put any condition on planning applications that it considers necessary. Enforcement Officers are looking into this and the routing problem. There has been a meeting with the Renewable Energy Plant in Sleaford. RK will draft a letter to J. Short.

47/17. Footpaths:

Footpath 8 – all 3 landowners have been written to but there has been no response. The path has been cleared but there are no stiles or signage. Clerk to write to Footpath Officer requesting that the path be re-opened. Cllr Maughan to be copied in.

Footpath 14 – there is no requirement for dog friendly stiles. Cllr Maughan will ask the Countryside Officer about dog friendly access stiles. Agreed a note will go in the Newsletter regarding dogs to be kept on leads and to “pick up” after them.

Brandon’s unofficial footpaths – the new landowner is still not known. A local public meeting should be held when more information is available.

The landowner may install a farm gate on Footpath 1 in Brandon due to vehicles accessing the field for hare coarsing, and fly-tippers driving through. Foot access must be made available if a gate is installed.

48/17. Gelston to Loveden Hill field: Water problem has been resolved but there are still concerns over the quality of the outflow from the cesspit into the dyke. SK Environment Officer has not responded to the Clerk’s enquiry. The cesspit is on private land but owned by SKDC and collects effluent from The Row. Await a sketch and then forward to Cllr Sampson.

49/17. Light pollution – Court Leys farm has installed new security lights which are far too bright and on all night. RK had contacted the owner who said he would get the Site Manager to sort it out – nothing has happened as yet. PM will speak to the owner. Cllr Sampson will check as to whether they should have sought planning permission. Clerk to ask Caythorpe PC what they are doing about it.

50/17. Defibrillators – PeM confirmed that invoice 1188 for the annual maintenance of 3 defibs is due for payment but she is still querying invoice 1848 for the VETS costs. Invoice 1188 will be paid by the PC and invoice 1848 (or its replacement) will come from the village monies held.

51/17. Communications – The village Facebook page is now operative and Next Door is very successful. The Brownlow Arms has offered to fund the printing of Onside and an advert for them will be included in Onside by way of thanks. PM will take over editorial for Onside which should be delivered between Christmas and New Year.

52/17. War memorial at Hough Church – SR is looking into the cleaning/repair of this as an individual. He will put in an application for funding. SM advised that research in the past had shown that either the organisation that installed it, or the landowner, are the parties that have ownership of it. The PC will be kept informed on progress and take an active interest, but will not take any responsibility. As the memorial is listed, SKDC must be informed of any works.

53/17. Church heating – A letter had been received stating that heating is to be renewed in the Church which entails new electrical works as well. Likely total cost is £35,000. SN had advised that no funding is likely as community organisations are not using it. SN and SR are dealing and will promote useage in an effort to get funding. Clerk advised of the Lincolnshire Funding Portal as a starting point. More information is needed before the PC can commit to any financial assistance.

54/17. Meeting Dates – a schedule of meeting dates for 2018 had been circulated and was agreed.

55/17. Financial matters:

[a] It was resolved to approve and sign the Bank Reconciliation at 30.11.17.

[b] Bank balances at 30.11.17 £4,458.99 (deposit a/c} and £2,557.53(current a/c).

[c] Clerk had produced a budget/actual spreadsheet to assist with setting the precept. It was resolved unanimously that an increase of 3.6% should be requested, making the figure £6,250.


An e-mail had been received from Mr Bradshaw and it was agreed that the clerk should respond.

57/17.Presentations from invited speakers:

Cllr Maughansaid that meetings had taken place concerning the Fairer Funding campaign and the Secretary of State is to review the matter. Lincolnshire is likely to get some increase in cash but unlikely to match the shortfall. The County Council has started its budget process and the final decision will be made at a meeting in February. If any walkabouts are required with Highways, they must be for a specific reason; however, Cllr Maughan is happy to walk around with Councillors if requested. A review is underway regarding the turning off of street lights and the new LED lights. There is a meeting today concerning the overnight closure of A & E at Grantham Hospital and the outcome will be known tomorrow (15th). On 21st February 2018 there will be a meeting with the Police & Crime Commissioner and local Police – details to follow.

Cllr Sampson advised that Phase 2 of the A1 extension at Spitalgate will start in March 2018. The planning application for outlets there has received full approval. The Downtown application for outlets on its site is still being validated and will go to Committee in the spring. SK is to inject £40,000,000 in to the expansion of the market towns. The Big Clean will carry on but will only have 4 teams and not 12. InvestSK has been set up for future investments. There is to be a Charity Gala Evening on 2nd March 2018 – tickets will be available later on.

58/17. Next meeting: 15th March 2018 (Annual Parish Meeting and regular meeting).

Meeting closed at 9.40 pm.