Team Leasing Sudden Stoppage S275492

Unscheduled Removal Report

Prepared for:

Team Leasing



PT6A-41, S/N PC-E81829

Prepared by: ______

Kevin Batke C.E.T., PT6 Service Center Service Engineer, SAL

Approved by: ______

Marcus Maier P.Eng., PT6 Interim Director of Engineering, SAL

PT6A- 41 / Serial Number / TSN (Hours) / TSO (Hours) / CSN (Cycles) / CSO (Cycles)
Gas Generator / PC-E 81829 / 6113.9 / 3103.9 / 6649 / 3639
Power Section / 81829 -100 / 6113.9 / 3103.9 / 6649 / 3639


PT6A-41 Turboprop Engine serial number PC-E81829 was received in the Standard Aero Limited PT6 Service Center for investigation and repair of propeller sudden stoppage.

The engine was visually inspected to determine a course of action. It was noted that the gas generator case was buckled at the conical section. Several of the engine driven accessories were cracked near the AGB mounting flanges. The inlet case struts were examined and no visible cracking was evident. The power turbine blade tips sustained heavy rubs and various components within the engine will require repair or replacement.

The engine was cleaned and detail inspected in accordance with OEM light overhaul, sudden stoppage criteria.

This report will outline the condition of major components that require replacement or repair, describe the repairs and give details of unserviceability where required.

1.  Investigation

PT6A-41 Turboprop Engine serial number PC-E81829 was received in the Standard Aero Limited PT6 Service Center for investigation and repair of propeller sudden stoppage.

Visual assessment was carried out to determine the condition of all external components and confirm the extent of repair workscope to be performed. It was determined that the entire engine would require dismantle and detail inspection to determine repairability.

The following report will show all components that require repair or replacement and give a relationship between the sudden stoppage event and unserviceability of components. Serviceable components or assemblies will not be discussed.

2. Parts Requiring Removal and Replacement or Rework

Component / Comments / URR Related
Gas Generator Section
First Stage Compressor Hub P/N 3021911 / Will be replaced due to corrosion in the dovetail roots beyond acceptable limits. / No
Second Stage Compressor Disk P/N 3023112 / Will be replaced due to corrosion in the dovetail roots beyond acceptable limits. / No
Third Stage Compressor Disk P/N 3023113 / Will be replaced due to corrosion in the dovetail roots beyond acceptable limits. / No
Compressor Centrifugal Impeller P/N 3017463 / Requires blending repair to a slight rub. / Yes
First Stage Compressor Blades P/N 3017701 / Require blending of minor FOD. / No
Second Stage Compressor Blades P/N 3021402 / Require blending of minor FOD. / No
Third Stage Compressor Blades P/N 3021403 / Require blending of minor FOD. / No
Second Stage Compressor Blades P/N 3021402 / Require blending of minor FOD. / No
Compressor Stubshaft P/N 3017966 / Is corroded in the balance weight holes and requires replacement. / No
Compressor Tie-Rods P/N 3030355 / Qty – 6 require replacement due to corrosion under the bolt heads. / No
#2 Bearing Forward Rotor Airseal P/N 3029306 / Is rubbed undersized and requires replacement. / Yes
Gas Generator Case P/N 3028332 / The case has a buckled conical section and has an out of concentricity of the #2 bearing diameter by 50% beyond tolerance. The case requires replacement. / Yes
Inlet Case P/N 3024241 / Requires repair to damaged and bent studs. / Yes
#1 Bearing Ring P/N 3006246 / Is cracked and requires replacement. / Yes
Accessory Gearbox Section
Accessory Gearbox Housing P/N 3024295 / Requires repair to damaged studs. / Yes
Accessory Gearbox Roller bearings / Qty – 1 P/N 3010674 has metal pick-up on the roller end face.
Qty – P/N 3010674 has roller end wear and a bent separator.
Qty – 1 P/N 3101636 has grooved rollers. / Yes
Starter/Generator Drive Gearshaft P/N 3017609 / Requires repair to a damaged drive spline. / Yes
Accessory Input Drive Gearshaft P/N 3021459 / Has a damaged bearing journal and requires replacement. / Yes
Low Speed Accessory Gearshaft P/N 3100450-01 / Has frosted gear teeth and requires replacement / No
Oil Pressure Pump Drive Gear P/N 3008127 / Has spalled gear teeth and requires replacement / No
External Scavenge pump Driveshaft P/N 3008769 / Has frosted teeth faces and requires replacement. / No
Oil Pressure Pump Gears P/N 3008799 / Has corrosive pitting on the gear teeth and requires replacement. / No
External Scavenge Pump housing P/N 3024287 / Is cracked and requires replacement. / Yes
Compressor Turbine Section
Compressor Turbine Blades P/N 3121451-01 / Show crack indications that may be in the coating. The blades require stripping to determine serviceability. / No
Compressor Turbine Shroud Segments P/N 3035673 / Are below class limits required for reinstallation and require replacement. / No
Sealing Rings P/N 3014660 / Fretted sealing faces and require replacement. / No
Compressor Turbine Vane P/N 3033351 / Has burned and cracked areas and requires replacement. / No
Combustion Liner P/N 3103775-01 / Requires repair to multiple cracks. / No
Power Turbine Section
First Stage Reduction Sungear P/N 3028456 / Is spalled and requires replacement. / No
Power Turbine Shaft P/N 3027698 / Has excessive scoring and gouging on the coupling splines. / No
Power Turbine Shaft Coupling P/N 3022038 / Has scoring on the coupling splines. / No
#3 Bearing P/N 3006146 / Has a cracked outer race and requires replacement. / Yes
#3 Bearing Rotor Airseal P/N 3100014-01 / Is rubbed and requires replacement. / Yes
PT Shaft Housing P/N 3021769 / Requires replacement of a rubbed seal stator. / Yes
First Stage PT Blades P/N 3027402 / Qty - 47 Have heavily rubbed tip shrouds and require replacement. / Yes
Second Stage PT Blades P/N 3101903-01 / Qty - 43 Have heavily rubbed tip shrouds and require replacement. / Yes
PT Shroud P/N 3100823-01 / Has rubbed blade path and requires replacement. / Yes
PT Interstage Seal P/N 3023685 / Is fractured and requires replacement. / Yes
First Stage PT Vane P/N 3030262 / Requires repair to rubs and cracks before returning to service. / Yes
PT Stator housing P/N 3105685-02 / Requires repair to cracked T5 bosses. / No
T5 Thermocouple P/N 3021390 / Qty – 1 Failed functional test and requires replacement. / No
Reduction Gearbox Section
RGB Thrust bearing Cover P/N 3024673 / Requires repair to corroded stud holes. / No
#6 Bearing P/N 3007147 / Requires replacement IAW sudden stoppage inspection criteria. / Yes
Propshaft P/N 3003999 / Requires tin flash restoration. / No
First Stage Planetary gears P/N 3101525-01 (assembly includes 3 gears) / Require mandatory replacement due to the spalled, mating sungear. / no

3. Conclusion

PT6A-41 Engine S/N PC-E81829 was dismantled, cleaned and detail inspected in accordance with Pratt & Whitney Canada instructions due to a propeller sudden stoppage.

Some major components require repair or replacement due to the sudden stoppage event. There was significant damage to the gas generator case, power turbine blades and shrouds and various engine accessories due to the event. In addition several bearing surfaces were damaged and the #6 ball bearing requires replacement due to the sudden stoppage.

6 11/21/02