32ndMeeting of the WFD CIS Working Group on Ecological Status (ECOSTAT)

20 October 2016 9:00–18:00; 21st October 2016 9:00-16:00

Fort Kijkduin, Den Helder, The Netherlands

Draft Agenda

Thursday 20 October

Presentation Documents (with hyperlinks to CIRCABC)

9:00 / Welcome / NL
9:10 / Meeting aims and agenda
Minutes of previous meeting / Minutes of previous meeting
1. Hydromorphology
1.1. / 9:15 / ATG hymo – mandate and planning of activities / ATG leads / Terms of Reference for
Ad-hoc Task Group on hydromorphology
1.2. / 9:45 / Outcome workshop on hydromorphological assessment and monitoring, Ispra, 13-14 October 2016 / ATG leads
1.3. / 10:00 / Hydromorphology next steps (including CEN standard development) / Martina Bussettini
10:30 / Coffee Break
2. Good Ecological Potential
2.1. / 11:00 / Reports on mitigation measures / GEP steering group / Note to ECOSTAT on GEP work
GEP mitigation measures reports – water storage
Compilation of comments water storage report
GEP mitigation measures report – flood protection
2.1. / 11:45 / Intercalibration of GEP – next steps / GEP steering group
12:15 / Lunch Break
3. Justifications for not developing methods for specific BQEs
3.2. / 13:45 / Introduction
Lake Fish methods
Lake Phytobenthos methods / Sandra Poikane
Tom Buijse (NL)
Martyn Kelly (UK) / MS justifications and reviews
Phytobenthos review paper
4. Intercalibration of ecological status methods - progress and results
4.1. / 14:30 / Introduction and timetable/procedure for finalisation / JRC, ENV / IC gap overview
Updated IC gap overview (18 Oct)
Timetable for finalisation of the intercalibration exercise
4.2. / 14:45 / River IC: Overview / Wouter van de Bund
15:00 / Very Large Rivers state of play / GIG experts / River GIG technical reports and reviews
15:25 / Northern GIG macrophytes / River GIG technical report and reviews
15:30 / Coffee Break
4.3. / 16:00 / Lake IC: GIG results
- EastCont GIG macrophytes
- EastCont GIG benthic invertebrates
- Northern Fish GIG (Norway and Sweden) / Sandra Poikane
GIG experts / Lake GIG technical reports and reviews
5. Nutrient standards
5. / 16:30 / Progress update: Drafting the Guidance on setting nutrient boundaries / S. Poikane / Progress report on nutrient work
17:00 / End of first day

Friday 21 October

6.Miscellaneous issues
6.1. / 9:00 / Collaboration with MARS project - brief update (tbc) / tbc
6.2 / 9:20 / Use of eDNA as new method for monitoring and classification of our water bodies / RoelKnoben (NL)
6.3 / 10:00 / Update on CEN/TC230 work programme / Paul Logan (CEN) / Note on CEN/TC230 work programme
10:15 / Coffee Break
10:45 / WFD 2.0: the future of the Water Framework Directive / Diederik van de Molen, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, NL
4. Intercalibration of ecological status methods - progress and results (continued)
4.4. / 11:15 / Remaining IC gaps at MS level for river and lake methods / Sandra Poikane / IC gap overview
Updated IC gap overview (18 Oct)
MS reports, reviews
12:15 / Lunch Break
4.5. / 13:45 / Coastal-transitional waters: GIG results
-NEA GIG CWTW harmonization Clh a boundaries
- MED GIG Type III-E harmonization Clh a boundaries
-NEA GIG CW (Type NEA 3/4) benthic invertebrates
- NEA GIG TW benthic invertebrates
- Baltic harmonization Clh a boundaries (BC1, BC9, BT1)
- Baltic BC7 benthic invertebrates
-MED GIG TW fish / Fuensanta Salas, GIG experts / Coastal/Transitional Technical reports and reviews
4.6. / 14:45 / Remaining IC gaps at MS level for coastal/transitional waters methods / Fuensanta Salas Herrero / IC gap overview
MS reports, reviews
15:30 / Intercalibration wrap-up and next steps / JRC
Any Other Business (15:45-16:00)
16:00 / End of the meeting