English 10B

Course Syllabus

Ms. Royal

Rm. 121

Welcome! I am excited to begin a new year—I have quite a few plans in store that I am looking forward to sharing with you. I have praying for you, and I am excited to get to know each of you. It is my hope that we can create an intellectually stimulating environment where you will feel free to ask questions and explore new ideas. This syllabus has been created to set forth the policies I have to ensure that this expectation will be met.

Course Description

321B/322B English 10 Honors (2 semesters, 2 credits)

This English course will stress basics in reading comprehension and good writing form. Literature in the forms of the short story, novel, drama, and poetry will be included. Sentence structure, paragraph development, and longer writing assignments, including the study of the research paper, will be the main thrust of this course. In addition, students will study vocabulary and public speaking.

Course Texts

·  Holt McDougal Literature

o  Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

o  Various short stories, dramas, poems, etc.

·  A Pocket Style Manual, Sixth Edition

·  Vocabulary for Achievement, Fourth Course

·  Developmental Language and Sentence Skills Guided Practice Workbook, Fourth Course

·  To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

·  Our Town by Thornton Wilder

·  Tex by S.E. Hinton

Course Materials

·  Binder or folder to keep assignments and notes organized

·  Loose leaf paper

·  Pens and pencils

·  3X5 cards (to use later in the semester – you can wait to buy these)

Class Expectations

Classroom Conduct

Be prepared,

Arrive on time (this means working quietly in your seat when the bell rings) with the appropriate materials. Failing to arrive on time means you will be sent to the office to obtain a pass and subsequently receive a detention. If you need to use the bathroom, ask me for permission before the bell rings; furthermore, I will only grant permission to one individual per class period. This will decrease distracting traffic at the beginning of the period. The only other time bathroom breaks will be available is if there is individual work time at the end of the period. Work diligently and participate in class discussion.


Refrain from distracting conversations. Negative comments or inappropriate language detract from your classmates' learning experience and will be addressed. Raise your hands, and speak only after I have called on you. Keep your area neat and clean. Return your books in the same condition that they were given to you.

and use common sense.

Above all, use common sense. If you are unsure of whether or not a particular course of action is appropriate, do yourself a favor and err on the side of caution. You will be held responsible for any behavior that contradicts common sense.

Classroom Management

First offense = Verbal warning*

Second offense = Conversation after class

Third offense = Detention and/or a phone call or email home

*If deemed necessary or appropriate, one or more of these steps may be skipped. Some behavior will immediately merit a detention.

Academic Honesty

You are responsible for your own grade. Unless I have stated that you may work with a partner, you may assume that the work is designed to be done individually. Any plagiarized work will receive a zero and will be reported to the administration.

Grading Criteria

Tests/Papers/Projects = 50-100 points

Pop Reading Quizzes = 3-10 points

Vocabulary Quizzes = 10 points, every other Friday

Grammar Quizzes = 10 points, every other Friday

Homework = 5-20 points

Journals = Collected occasionally, 2-5 points

Late Assignments Policy:

One Day Late = 80%

Two Days Late = 70%

Three or more days late = 50%



10% reduction per day late. Anything more than four days late will receive only 50%.


Place any late assignment in the late tray on top of the filing cabinet after filling out and stapling the “Late Assignment” sheet to it.

If your grades are not what you wish them to be, do not wait to ask for help! I am here to ensure that you work to your full potential, and I sincerely desire that you succeed in this class. If you are absent, please email me a request for missed assignments.

Class Routine

Bellwork: Arrive before the bell and work silently.

Prayer: Refer to Class Prayers WS for daily prayers.

Class Content: Varies according to lesson.

Work Time: Read silently for the last 5-15 min of class. You will not always have work time!

Course Content

First Semester

Unit One | Read short stories/write a short story

Unit Two | Read To Kill A Mockingbird/body paragraph assignment followed by a 2-3 page thesis-driven essay

Unit Three | Read Poetry

Second Semester

Unit One | Read Julius Caesar/give a recitation

Unit Two | Write a research paper on a controversial topic of choice

Unit Three | Read Our Town

Unit Four | Read Tex