King’s College, Telephone: 225-5501

31 ½ Miles Old N. Hwy. E-mail-

Lucky Strike Village

P.O. Box 290, Find us on Facebook!

Belize City King’s College Application Form 2014-2015

King’s College, situated on the Old Northern Highway, 31 ½ Miles from Belize City, offers a healthy environment to serious students who would like to pursue their education. King’s is a boarding school. We begin the day at 6:00 a.m. and rest/sleep at 9:45 p.m. The series of activities in a normal school day include the following: dorm life, regular classes, cafeteria, sports, supervised study hall, assigned responsibilities, chapel services and other activities. Students that live close by have the option to commute.

Counseling and Discipline

Counseling and discipline are the strengths of the school. This is evident by the change we expect students to demonstrate in their life style. God, His Word and the Holy Spirit are the foundation of this institution.

Courses Offered

Form I – English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Spanish, Integrated Science, Information

Technology, Physical Education & Life Skills.

Form II – English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Spanish, Integrated Science, Information

Technology, Physical Education & Life Skills.

Form III – English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Information Technology, Leadership, History,

Spanish, Principles of Business & Principles of Accounting, Biology & Chemistry, Computer Electronics & Electrical Installation.

Form IV– English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Information Technology, Leadership, History,

Principles of Business & Principles of Accounting, Biology & Chemistry, PC Repair & Electrical Installation.

The passing mark for all forms and core subjects is 70%.

All students leaving Std. VI and entering Form I are to attend one week of Orientation prior to the reopening of the school.

N.B.Only completed application forms along with application fee and all other documents will be considered.

Registration Fee and 1st Payment: must be paid by all students upon enrolling at King’s.

All students can register June 2-12 & August 4-14, 2014 at King’s College from 8:00 – 10:30 a.m. (except Fridays). If our response does not reach you on time, please call us or e-mail your concern.

FeesThere is a payment plan with the due dates to abide by; if you need further information, please contact us.

There is a onetime $300.00 fee for repeating King’s students and any non-Belizean students.


King’s transport leaves Orange Walk Town on Mondays at 7:30 a.m. to bring students from the North. The same transportation leaves King’s College at midday on Fridays. King’s transport also takes local village students and those going south towards Belize City on Fridays. The passage fee is not included in the monthly fees due to the unstable price of fuel.

Living at King’s College is a great challenge you will never regret. Maturity is attained throughout the years with a sound foundation of Christian faith and moral values.

*Required for studentsleaving Standard VI:

  • Application Fee- $10.00
  • One of the attached recommendation forms must be completed by the principal of yourschool and the other form by another teacher or pastor/church leader.
  • Copies of your Standard 5 & 6 report cards.
  • Copy of Birth Certificate.
  • On a separate sheet, write two paragraphs. One stating why you want to continue

your education and the other why you are seeking to do so at King’s College.

*Requiredfor studentstransferringfrom another high school:

  • Application Fee- $10.00
  • One of the attached recommendation forms is to be completed by the principal and the other by yourhomeroom teacher or another teacher.
  • A copy of your transcript of marks from previous high schools must accompany your application.
  • Copy of Birth Certificate.
  • On a separate sheet, write two paragraphs. One stating why you want to continue your education and the other why you are seeking to do so at King’s College.

*Please do not submit any originals for copies!

Completed application form along with all other documents canalso be mailed to:

King’s College, P. O. Box 290, Belize City.



(Please seal when finished.)

Name of Applicant ______

How long have you known the applicant? ______

How do you know the applicant? ______

Circle the number which best describes the applicant in the following areas:

1. Very Good 2. Good 3. Average 4. Poor 5. Don’t Know



Attitude towards learning12345


Participation in activities12345

Respect for authority12345



Academic promise12345



If the applicant plans to board at school, how do you feel he/she will adjust to living away from home. ______

How do you feel the applicant will adjust to the rules and discipline at King’s College?


Additional comments:______

I, ______, highly recommend _____

recommend _____

recommend with reservation _____

do not recommend _____

the above-mentioned applicant to be accepted as a student at King’s College.

Signed: ______Date:______



(Please seal when finished.)

Name of Applicant ______

How long have you known the applicant? ______

How do you know the applicant? ______

Circle the number which best describes the applicant in the following areas:

1. Very Good 2. Good 3. Average 4. Poor 5. Don’t Know



Attitude towards learning12345


Participation in activities12345

Respect for authority12345



Academic promise12345



If the applicant plans to board at school, how do you feel he/she will adjust to living away from home. ______

How do you feel the applicant will adjust to the rules and discipline at King’s College?


Additional comments:______

I, ______, highly recommend _____

recommend _____

recommend with reservation _____

do not recommend _____

the above-mentioned applicant to be accepted as a student at King’s College.

Signed: ______Date:______



(Please do not leave any blanks in sections 1-6)

1. Student’s Name (as on legal documents): (F) ______(M) ______(L) ______Gender:  Male  Female Social Security Number: ______

Nationality: ______Country of Birth: ______

Date of Birth: ___/___/______

DD / MM / YYYY Age

Permanent Address (if different from parents): ______

2. (a)Name of Father: ______ Living  Deceased

Occupation & Place of employment ______

Ph. #’s (Home) ______(Work)______(Cell)______

E-mail ______

(b)Name of Mother: (Ms./Mrs.)______ Living  Deceased

Mother’s last name before Marriage______

Occupation & Place of employment ______

Ph. #’s (Home) ______(Work) ______(Cell) ______

E-mail ______

Student lives with: Dad/Mom/Both (Please circle). Other? ______

Address of Parents______

(c)Guardian/s student lives with (if any) ______


Address of Guardian ______

Ph. #’s (Home) ______(Work) ______(Cell) ______

E-mail ______

3.Did you take the P.S.E?  Yes  No When? ______

What was your percent in: English ____%, Math ____%, Science ___%, Social Studies ___%

Overall ______

4.I plan to:board at school.travel everyday.

5.What church do you attend? ______

Address: ______

Name of Pastor/Church Leader: ______

Ph. #’s ______

Are you a born again Christian?  Yes No

6. Transfers Only

Primary school you graduated from: ______Year: ______

High School you are transferring from: ______

Ph. # ______

Last Form you were enrolled in: ______Did you pass?  Yes No

Reason for transferring:  Academic  Conduct  Other (Please explain) ______
