Gift Aid Form (Friends of the Centre)

Lancaster University has my permission to claim Gift Aid on this subscription and all subsequent payments I make until further notice. I confirm that I am a UK taxpayer and that the amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax that I pay each year is at least equal to any tax reclaimed.

Please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made

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Please tick the boxes you wish to apply

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First name: ______

Surname: ______

Address: ______


Email: ______

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Signature: ______

Please return this form and your Direct Debit/Standing order instructions (if applicable) to:

Christine Wilkinson

Regional Heritage Centre

Lancaster University

Lancaster LA1 4YT

Regional Heritage Centre (incorporating Centre for North-West Regional Studies), Department of History




(Annual membership runs

1 August 2014 - 31 July 2015)

RHC Enquiries Telephone & Voice-Mail: 01524-593770


For more details of our activities and publications

visit our website at

Please complete and return this form to:

Christine Wilkinson

Regional Heritage Centre

Department of History

Lancaster University

Lancaster LA1 4YT

The Regional Heritage Centre has been established as successor to the Centre for North-West Regional Studies, which was founded in 1973. By becoming a Friend of the Regional Heritage Centre, Lancaster University, you will be making an important contribution to the Centre's life. The financial support our Friends provide helps to underpin all our activities, while the interest that our Friends show in our work is equally important.

In return for an annual subscription of £30, Friends of the Regional Heritage Centre receive the following benefits:

·  a discount of £2 off the attendance fee for conferences, study days and other events

·  An invitation to the official launch of the RHC on Saturday 7 March 2015, with free guest lecture and refreshments

·  a 35% discount on the published purchase price of all our Occasional and Resource Papers (we now have a reduced publishing programme but still have lots of books available to purchase through our online store or at our events)

·  A choice of free publication from the following list:

Furness Abbey – Romance, Scholarship and Culture; The Buildings of Georgian Lancaster; A Fylde Country Practice (Medicine & Society in Lancashire, c.1760-1840); A History of Linen in the North West; A History of Catholicism in the Furness Peninsula 1127-1997; The Wray Flood of 1967; Hadrian's Wall: A Social and Cultural History; Walking Roman Roads in Lonsdale and the Eden Valley; Stained Glass from Shrigley & Hunt of Lancaster and London; The Jacobite Invasion of 1745 in North West England, and newly added for 2014-15 Juvenile Offenders in Victorian Lancashire.

To become a Friend for the year 2014-15, please complete the Application Form opposite. We encourage you to pay your subscription by Direct Debit or Standing Order by completing the enclosed form. Gift Aid increases the value of your subscription: please also complete the Gift Aid statement on the Application Form.

Application Form


I should like to become a FRIEND OF THE RHC 2014-2015 (runs from 1 August 2014 - 31 July 2015).

Name: ______

E-mail: ______

Postal address: ______



My choice of a free book is:

(please select one from previous page)

Method of Payment (please tick as appropriate)

□ I wish to pay by Direct Debit/Standing Order. Please complete the appropriate instructions on the enclosed form

□ I enclose a cheque/P.O. for £30 (made payable to Lancaster University)

□ Please charge £30 to my debit/credit card (excluding American Express/Diners Club). You will be sent a receipt


CARD TYPE: ------


□ I should like you to claim Gift Aid on my subscription. Please complete the form overleaf.