31 July –4 August - Pentathlon Camp

14-18 August - Fencing Camp

The camps are aimed at competitive athletes who want to improve their technical and tactical ability in an intensive environment with like-minded individuals.

The camp will be based around the individual development needs of each participant and will include at least two individual lessons during the week in addition to the group sessions. The group fencing sessions will look at the development of simple actions during the course of a bout and their tactical applications. The course will use a variety of training media including video analysis of competitive international fencers, video analysis of your technique, verbal and written materials as well as peer review. The training day will commence at 9.30am and end at 4pm. The course fee includes all training, resources, lunch and snacks at the centre, and a t-shirt ( tshirt available if booked before 30/6/17).

The courses have limited places and reservations will be only be made once both payment and form have been received. For more information contact Iain Aberdeen 07960 363485 or

Other sessions during the camp will include fencing focussed speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) sessions, line lessons, scenario fencing and footwork drills.

Fencing course: £160, £35 per day (must be pre-booked before 7 August – late fee £200 pw, £50 per day)

Pentathlon course: £180, £40 per day (must be pre-booked before 24 July, after this date £220 pw, £50 per day)

Booking Form Fencing / Pentathlon Training Week



Date of Birth:

Email Address:

British Fencing membership number:


Dietary requirements:

  1. Emergency Contact Name and number:
  2. Emergency Contact Name and number:

Medical Conditions:

T shirt size: CHILD 5-6 7-8, 9-10, ADULT XS S M L XL (Please circle)

I enclose cash / cheque payable to ‘NFST’for £……..

Or direct payment to NFST, sort 40-46-28, Account 11451669

This fee is non-refundable.

Individual fencers are personally responsible for making sure their own clothing and equipment conforms to the British Fencing rules and is in a good, safe condition.

I accept that the organisers & coaches of the Newcastle Fencing and Sports Trusttraining days cannot be held responsible for accident, loss or damage to persons or belongings at these sessions.

Signature (parent or guardian): Date: