1. People Strategy Performance Monitoring/Staff Governance Action Plan 2010/11

An update for the year of work towards achieving the agreed objectives was given. In the final year of its 3 year span pleasing progress had occurred in all areas.

It was agreed that a new People Strategy would need to be produced in line with emerging Healthfit Strategy. A workshop would be arranged within the next few months to look at issues which will need to be included in the new People Strategy

2.Workforce Development and Redesign (Corporate Risk No 1134)

There was discussion around future Workforce Planning plan and workforce Projections recently submitted to Scottish Government Health Directorate (SGHD).

3. Learning and Development

An update on the positive impact of the Careers in Transition programme which was being delivered as a pilot for the SGHD was given.

The ‘Being a Manager’ intranet site was presented to the Committee, having been developed in-house.

Succession planning initiative ‘Continuous Personal Improvement’ was launched in July.

4. Health and Safety Work (Corporate Risk No 752)

The Committee was updated on the on-going work following receipt of PWC Internal Audit Report on Health and Safety.

5. Partnership and Staff Governance (Corporate Risk No 752)

The 2011/12 Staff Governance Action Plan was received

The Employee Director gave an update on partnership issues andannounced that he was planning to retire in March 2012 .

6. Attendance Management (Corporate Risk No 752)

An update was received on the continuing progress being made to reach and sustain the HEAT 4% absence rate across NHS Grampian. In the month of March 2011 NHS Grampian was the best performing large Board in Scotland for both long and short term absence.

7. Strategic Change Update – Continuous Service Improvement (CSI) /Knowledge Skills Framework (KSF)

The Committee noted the risks around delivery with 2 posts, and a possible third,vacant. Agreement needed to be reached on covering this work and the need to further enhance the ownership of CSI project by Line Management.

8. Staff Management System (eESS)

There was a discussion on the roll out of eESS project. Committee agreed to assume the governance role for this implementation with regular updates.

9. Corporate Risk Register

The Committee agreed that the Corporate Risks that it owned were being addressed through this process.

Mike Scott

Chair, Staff Governance Committee

22 September 2011