WTCS Repository

31-410-2 Wood Tech

Performance Assessment Tasks

31-410-2 Wood Tech WTCS TSA Scoring Guide 2015


This summative assessment scoring guide will be used to determine if you have met the program outcomes at the end of the program. To meet the requirements on the scoring guide, you will be asked to draw upon the skills and concepts that have been developed throughout the program and are necessary for successful employment in your field. Your instructor will provide detailed instructions on how this rubric will be used. After your instructor completes this scoring guide, you will receive feedback on your performance including your areas of accomplishment and areas that need improvement.

Target Program Outcomes

1. / Use hand and power tools and equipment
2. / Apply industry recognized safety practices and procedures
3. / Analyze sustainable building practices
4. / Interpret construction drawings
5. / Interpret building codes
6. / Demonstrate industry building practices and material application

Rating Scale

Value / Description
Met / Fully or adequately met expectations
Not Met / Partially met or failed to meet expectations

Scoring Standard

You must receive a rating of "met" on each criterion in order to successfully complete this assessment.

Scoring Guide

Criteria / Ratings
1. / Use hand and power tools and equipment
2. / you use the correct tools and equipmentfor various operations / Met Not Met
3. / you use hand and power tools to produce a product to specifications / Met Not Met
4. / Apply industry recognized safety practices and procedures
5. / you wear appropriate clothing and PPE / Met Not Met
6. / you maintain a clean and organized work environment / Met Not Met
7. / you explain methods to prevent an electrical hazard / Met Not Met
8. / you identify unsafe job conditions / Met Not Met
9. / you use tools and equipment safely / Met Not Met
10. / you identify industry fall protection rules / Met Not Met
11. / Analyze sustainable building practices
12. / you explain advanced framing techniques / Met Not Met
13. / you install drainage planes in a shingle fashion / Met Not Met
14. / you install window flashing to meet manufacturers specifications / Met Not Met
15. / you explain air sealing techniques / Met Not Met
16. / you explain why and how an energy performance test is conducted / Met Not Met
17. / Interpret construction drawings
18. / you identify information on construction drawings / Met Not Met
19. / Interpret building codes
20. / you locate information in applicable code / Met Not Met
21. / you explain construction terminology / Met Not Met
22. / Demonstrate industry building practices and material application
23. / youlayout floor systems to applicable code / Met Not Met
24. / youframe floor systems to applicable code / Met Not Met
25. / youlayout wall systems to applicable code / Met Not Met
26. / you frame wall systems to applicable code / Met Not Met
27. / youlayoutroof systemsto applicable code / Met Not Met
28. / you installroof systemsto applicable code / Met Not Met
29. / youapply interior finishes to applicable specifications / Met Not Met
30. / you apply exterior finishes to applicable specifications / Met Not Met

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Wednesday, March 11, 2015 3:58 PM