NASW – Michigan Chapter
35thAnnual Conference: A Meeting of the Profession
April 11-12, 2013
Sponsorship Opportunities
Do you want to let social workers know about your business or services in a way that will provide even more exposure? Sponsoring is a great alternative for participants to learn about your unique product or service.
Sponsorship Categories and Pricing:
Full Sponsorship Shared Sponsorship
v Full Conference Sponsor $ 5,000 $ 2,500 [not available if full sponsorship sold]
v Reception (Thursday evening) $ 1,500 $ 750 [not available if full sponsorship sold]
v Breakfast (Thursday or Friday) $ 1,500 $ 750 [not available if full sponsorship sold]
v Lunch (Friday) $ 1,500 $ 750 [not available if full sponsorship sold]
v Breaks (Thursday or Friday) $ 1,000 $ 500 [not available if full sponsorship sold]
v Conference Bags [logo appears on bag] $ 2,000 [free reg. packet insert] N/A
v Reception Entertainment $ 500 $ 250 [not available if full sponsorship sold]
v Printing (program) $ 750 $ 375 [not available if full sponsorship sold]
v Workshop sponsor (Call office for listing) $ 500 $ 250 [not available if full sponsorship sold]
v Registration Packet Insert [brochure, give away, etc] $ 225 per piece N/A
Sponsorship Benefits:
$225 Insert of item provided by sponsor into conference registration packet
$500 - $999 One-quarter page ad in conference program, Signage displaying your organization/company name at sponsored event, listing in The Bridge newsletter & on website. (See ad specifications. Ads must be emailed.)
$1,000 - $2,000 One-quarter page ad in conference program, signage displaying your organization/company name at sponsored event; listing in The Bridge newsletter, and on website, conference exhibit table. (See ad specifications. Ads must be emailed.)
$2,001 - $4,999 Half-page ad in conference program, signage displaying your organization/company name at sponsored event, listing in The Bridge newsletter, and on website, conference exhibit table. (See ad specifications. Ads must be emailed.)
$5,000 Full page ad in conference program, signage displaying your organization/company name at registration and general sessions, listing in The Bridge newsletter, and on website, free registration packet insert, complimentary Friday lunch for up to 4 guests, 2 complimentary conference registrations, conference exhibit table. (See ad specifications. Ads must be emailed.)
Don’t see the opportunity you were looking for? Please contact Tricia McCarthy, 517.487.1548 x16, to discuss other options – we need your support!
___ YES, I wish to be a sponsor for the NASW-Michigan 35th Annual Conference, held April 11 & 12, 2013.
Please mark your sponsorship level below.
Full Sponsorship Shared Sponsorship
v Full Conference Sponsor ___ $5,000 ___ $2,500 [not available if full sponsorship sold]
v Reception (Thursday evening) ___ $1,500 ___ $ 750 [not available if full sponsorship sold]
v Breakfast (Thursday or Friday) ___ $1,500 ___ $ 900 [not available if full sponsorship sold]
v Lunch (Friday) ___ $1,500 ___ $ 900 [not available if full sponsorship sold]
v Breaks (Thursday or Friday) ___ $ 1,000 ___ $ 500 [not available if full sponsorship sold]
v Conference Bags [logo appears] ___ $2,000 [free reg. packet insert] N/A
v Reception Entertainment ___ $ 500 ___ $ 250 [not available if full sponsorship sold]
v Printing (program) ___ $ 750 ___ $ 375 [not available if full sponsorship sold]
v Workshop sponsor (Call office for listing) ___ $ 500 ___ $ 250 [not available if full sponsorship sold]
v Registration Packet Insert [brochure, etc.) ___ $ 225 per piece N/A
Please make checks payable to: NASW – Michigan Chapter
Credit Card Payment: Visa __ MasterCard __ Account Number: ______
Expiration Date: ______Cardholder Name: ______
3-Digit code from signature panel:______Signature______
Billing Statement Mailing Address – MUST include street number AND Zip Code:
Please return this form to:
NASW – Michigan Chapter
741 North Cedar Street, Suite 100
Lansing, MI 48906
Or fax to 517-487-0675.
Questions? Please call Tricia McCarthy, 517.487.1548 x16
NASW-MI Chapter Newsletter and Website reach approximately 7,000 members throughout Michigan
Visit us at