Home of the Vikings
305 South Eighth Street
Mount Horeb, WI 53572
Phone: 608-437-2400
Fax: 608-437-4926
The Mount Horeb Area School District does not discriminate against pupils based on sex, race, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability/handicap in its educational programs or activities. If you believe you have been discriminated against based on a protected class, a complaint may be filed with the District Administrator or his/her designee by calling (608)437-2400 extension 1211.Mount Horeb High School Schedules
Daily Schedule1st Bell8:00
1st Period8:05 – 8:50
2nd Period8:55 – 9:40
3rd Period 9:45 – 10:45
(FIRST 15 min. - STAR)
4th Period10:50 – 11:35
Lunch A11:40 – 12:05
5th A Period11:40 – 12:25
Lunch B12:30 – 12:55
5th B Period12:10 – 12:55
6th Period 1:00 – 1:45
7th Period1:50 – 2:35
8th Period 2:40 – 3:25
(Daily schedule includes 45 min. classes; Any ‘Activity Day’ time will take
place in lieu of STAR time)
Early Release______
1st Bell8:00
1st Class8:05 – 8:35
2nd8:35 – 9:00
3rd9:05 – 9:30
4th9:35 – 10:00
6th10:05 – 10:30
7th10:35 – 11:00
Lunch A11:05 – 11:30
5th A11:05 – 11:30
Lunch B11:35 – 12:00
5th B11:35 – 12:00
8th12:05 – 12:30 / Late Start______
1st Bell 10:00
1st Class10:05 – 10:35
2nd10:40 – 11:15
Lunch A11:20 – 11:45
5th A11:20 – 11:50
Lunch B11:55 – 12:20
5th B11:50 – 12:20
3rd12:25 – 1:00
4th 1:05 – 1:35
6th1:40 – 2:10
7th2:15 – 2:45
8th 2:50 – 3:25
Our School Song
Go, you, Mount Horeb, fight for victory;
With your colors flying, we will cheer you all the way
U-rah, rah
Go, you, Mount Horeb, fight for victory;
Fight for the fame of our fair name;
Go, Mount Horeb, win this game.
Go, Mount Horeb, go.
Go, Mount Horeb, go.
Shoot ‘em high, pass ‘em low.
Come on, Mount Horeb, let’s go.
Go you, Mount Horeb, fight for victory;
With your colors flying, we will cheer you all the way
U-rah, rah
Go you, Mount Horeb, fight for victory;
Fight for the fame of our fair name;
Go, Mount Horeb, win this game.
(To the tune of “Go You, Northwestern”)
Mount Horeb Alma Mater
Guide of our youth, we sing praise to you.
Hail, Alma Mater; mighty and true.
Loyalty to you, binds and enshrines;
Ever we will honor you, our Mount Horeb High.
Registration 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (Tues) ...... August 13
Teacher In-service (Tues, Wed, Thurs) ...... August 27, 28, 29
Labor Day (Mon) ...... September 2
First Student Day Grades PreK-9 (Tues)...... September 3
First Student Day Grades 10, 11, 12 (Wed) ...... September 4
Early Release 12:30 p.m.(Mon)...... September 9
High School Open House 4:00-7:00 p.m. (Mon)...... September 9
Early Release 12:30 p.m. (Mon)...... October 7
End of First Quarter (Fri)...... November 1
Early Release 12:30 p.m. (Mon)……………………...... November 11
No School (Wed) ...... November 27
Thanksgiving (Thurs) ...... November 28
Thanksgiving Break (Fri)...... November 29
Early Release 12:30 p.m. (Mon)……………………...... December 9
Freshmen Orientation 4:30-7:30 p.m. @ HS (Mon) ...... December 16
Winter Break...... December 23-January 1
First day after Winter Break (Wed) ...... January 2
Semester Exams ...... January 15, 16, 17
Teacher In-service - No School (Mon) ...... January 20
Early Release 12:30 p.m. (Mon)...... February 10
Teacher Convention - No School (Fri) ...... February 21
Parent/Teacher Conference 1:00-7:00 p.m. @ HS –
No School (Thurs) ...... March 13
End of Third Quarter (Fri)...... March 21
Spring Break ...... March 24-28
Early Release 12:30 p.m.(Mon)...... April 7
No School (Fri)……………………………………………………………………April 18
Early Release 12:30 p.m. (Mon)...... May 12
Memorial Day (Mon) ...... May 26
Graduation 3:00 p.m. (Sun) ...... June 1
Semester Exams...... June 3, 4, 5
Last Student Day (Thurs.)………………………………………………………..June 5
Last teacher day 1:00 p.m. (Fri) ...... June 6
Mount Horeb Area School District is proud of the individual attention and community atmosphere that we provide for our students. Driven to achieve academic excellence through meeting the needs of individual learners, Mount Horeb High School is dedicated to provide a quality education to our students. An expert and dedicated faculty and staff, together with strong community support, enable us to provide academic, social and personal experiences that will benefit our students for a lifetime.
It is our goal to maintain a safe environment where every student may learn. This planner is both informational to both students and parents while also being designed as an organizational tool.
Parents play a critical role in the education of their children and must act as partners with the school in all areas: academic, social and co-curricular. Parents are responsible to their children and the school for: reviewing and promoting compliance with school rules, collaborating to improve learning, preventing or resolving discipline issues, promoting prompt and regular attendance, providing prompt explanations for absences and tardiness, attending parent conferences and school activities, and informing the school of changes in emergency contact information.
In order to maintain a safe school environment that fosters learning and academic success, students are expected to conduct themselves according to District Behavior Standards.
The focus of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is to provide clear and consistent expected behaviors at Mount Horeb high School. While the School District does have Standards established for behavior, PBIS provides staff and student with common language and teaches appropriate behavior. Through PBIS, we will work to create and maintain a productive, safe environment for ALL school community members.
Schools that implement school-wide systems of positive support focus on taking a team-based system approach and teaching appropriate behavior to all students in school. Schools that have been successful in PBIS systems develop procedures that accomplish the following:
1.Behavioral Expectations are Defined. A small number of clearly defined behavioral expectations are defined in positive, simple rules. Mount Horeb High School Behavior Expectations are:
· Be Respectful
· Be Responsible
· Be Ready
2.Behavioral Expectations are Taught. The behavioral expectations are taught to all students in the building. Teaching appropriate behavior involves more than simply telling students what behaviors they should avoid. Specific behavioral examples are:
·Being Respectful means using appropriate language in all school settings.
·Being Respectful means treating visitors and officials with positive regard as a participant or spectator at extra/co-curricular events.
·Being Responsible means being honorable in all school settings.
·Being Responsible means being watchful of younger students while walking to and from the bus stops and riding the busses.
·Being Ready means being on time to class.
·Being Ready means giving your best effort.
Behavioral expectations are taught using the same teaching formats applied to other curricula. The general rule is presented, the rationale is given, positive and negative examples are shown and students then have the opportunity to practice positive behaviors.
3.Appropriate Behaviors are Acknowledged. PBIS uses a system of rewarding positive behaviors. These “rewards” are used as tools of encouragement and motivation. For example, a monthly drawing for a prize may take place for students who do not have any referrals to the office.
4.Negative Behaviors are Corrected Proactively. When students violate behavioral expectations, clear procedures are established for providing information to students to explain behavior that is unacceptable and to remedy the negative behavior. Students, teachers, staff and administration should all be able to identify and correct behavior.
Schools are for learning and require a reasonably ordered environment in order to conduct the instructional process. Students who cause serious disruptions to the classroom climate shall be removed from the school environment until the student and the parent/guardian can provide assurances that such behavior will not be repeated.
Every child and adult has a right to a safe school environment. Adults must ensure that a safe environment exists for all children. Students who persist in behavior that clearly harasses other individuals shall be removed from the school environment until the student and the parent/guardian can provide assurances that such behavior will not be repeated.
Student compliance with reasonable requests or directives from staff members is expected conduct in the Mt. Horeb Area School District. It is also expected that requests or directives or the exercise of legitimate authority by school personnel will be civil, reasonable, and courteous. Students who refuse to cooperate, when these conditions have been met,will be removed from the school environment until the student and the parent/guardian can provide assurances that such behavior will not be repeated.
Violent behavior may have become commonplace in our society but has no place in the school environment. The school building, grounds, and bus must be safe places for children and adults, free from those who would use violent behavior. Such behavior will result in removal from the school environment, and could result in expulsion from school.
Profanity has become commonplace in the media, on television, and in movies. One can argue that its use is so common that it has little importance except to be irritating. We strongly believe that it has no place in the school environment and warn those who use hard core profanity or persist in the use of less commonly used profanity that they will be removed from theschool environment until the student and the parent/guardian can provide assurances that such behavior will not be repeated. Use of profanity may result in a disorderly conduct citation by MHPD.
The destruction, damaging, or defacing of property will result in immediate suspension from school with consideration by the Board for an expulsion. The district shall take legal action, if necessary, to hold students and parents/guardians responsible for the restitution of any damaged property.
Students who steal will be suspended from the school until assurances are made that such behaviors will not be repeated. Restoration or return of the property will be required. Continued behavior could result in an expulsion.
Possession of weapons or controlled substances will result in an expulsion hearing held by the Board to determine if an expulsion order should be issued separating the student from the school environment.
Occasionally, an individual will cross the line endangering the lives of many, if not all, the people who inhabit the school environment. Such a transgression is a serious offense and will result in expulsion proceedings against the student.
The behavior and conduct of students attending Mount Horeb High School shall reflect:
1.Standard of good citizenship;
3.Responsibility for one’s own actions;
4.Respect toward others.
ALL students attending Mount Horeb High School regardless of age are subject to school rules. Due process will be afforded all students, as required by law.
Behavioral Offenses
In many cases where disciplinary action is necessary, reasonable efforts will be made to contact a parent/guardian. In all incidents where criminal activity has taken place, the police department will also be notified.
Infractions that occur at school, school activities (home or away) or on school grounds are subject to these consequences. A student violator may be subject to any penalty for any infraction or misconduct that has the effect of interfering with the educational process, adversely affecting the health or safety of others, or constitutes a crime.
Disciplinary Actions
Disciplinary actions will depend upon the nature of the behavior, the past history of the individual, and the degree to which the student is willing to correct inappropriate behavior.
These actions may include but are not limited to:
1.Student Conference 6. Community Service
2.Parent Contact 7. Suspension
3.Parent Conference 8. Expulsion
4.Detention 10. Referral to law enforcement
5.In-School Suspension
Students may be detained by an administrator/teacher for the following reasons: excessive
tardiness, unexcused absence from school or class, disrespect, insubordination or any other
violation of the behavior standards. Detentions last fifteen (15) thirty (30) or forty-five (45)
minutes after school.
In-School Suspension
Students may be required to remain in the in-school suspension room for one period to several days depending on the reason for the removal from classes. During this time, students are required to complete class work. Parents are often notified when this option is used for more serious behaviors.
Community Service
Community service to be served in the school may be assigned. This may include working with other students or performing a general service such as light cleaning, picking-up trash, or assisting school personnel in the set up or clean up of school activities.
Out-of-School Suspension
“Suspension” means an action taken by an administrator prohibiting a student from attending school for a period of not more than five consecutive school days. The suspension period may be extended an additional ten days when an expulsion hearing has been set. Suspension removes the student from the school environment and provides time for the professional staff, parent/guardian, and student to discuss the matter and bring about an agreement on future conduct. Students may complete any coursework missed during a suspension. Additionally, during the suspension, the student is NOT to be on school grounds and cannot attend school functions or events. Being on school grounds will result in being cited for trespassing.
Referral to Police or Juvenile Authorities
If a student’s behavior is a violation of the law, police will be contacted. Every reasonable effort will be made to notify parents. If the officer indicates that s/he
is arresting the student, that officer shall have complete jurisdiction and responsibility in the matter in regard to the student’s removal from the building and in the notification of parents/guardians.
Regular attendance is an important factor in school success. The activities and learning that occur during a class period are not easily made up since the experiences cannot be duplicated. Therefore, it is important that absences be kept to a minimum. State Law requires that a student must attend school until the end of the semester in which s/he reaches the age of 18.
Parents may log into and access their student’s attendance and other records through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal:
Please note that attendance may not be completely updated until 4 pm each day.
Questions should be directed to the attendance office 437-2400 ext. 2111
Guidelines for School Attendance- A student should remain at home if any of the following apply:
·Vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours and the student cannot tolerate a regular diet.
·A temperature of approximately 100 degrees or higher and the student feels ill.
·Ill enough not to be able to participate in class and school activities.
·Uncontrollable cough or running nose that cannot be cared for in a sanitary manner.
·Untreated contagious disease (strep throat, influenza, pink eye, etc…).
·An injury that causes significant discomfort and distracts from class or activities.
We encourage parents to send students to school each day if injury or illness does not significantly compromise the student’s health or the health of others.
Excused Student Absences
Students will be in attendance every period, including any specially scheduled activities, every day that school is in session. The school attendance officers may excuse a student’s absence for all or part of a day for:
1.Illness- limited to 10 per year without a written medical excuse
2.Family emergencies, including funerals
3.Medical or dental appointments that cannot be arranged outside of the school day (provided written proof is submitted to the attendance officer)
4.A court appearance or other legal procedure which requires the attendance of the student
5.Recognized religious observance or service
6.Anticipated Absence/ Parent Request- parents may excuse their child up to ten (10) times at their discretion provided written (or email) notification is made in advance of the absence.
School attendance officers may exercise discretion and excuse student absences for attending special events of educational value, visiting college campuses or other reasons that serve the educational interest of the child. A College Visitor Form is required (available in attendance) to be completed by the visiting school and returned to the attendance office.
Absences are excused when students participate in approved school activities such as field trips or attend approved school functions during the day such as, plays, practices, school meetings and sporting events.
Aside from the 10 parent request excuses, students will not be excused to attend tournament contests, outside social events, personal appointments, go on vacation or stay home to recover from a late night’s activities.
Reporting Student Absences (437-2400 ext. 2111)
Absences will be considered unexcused unless a parent or guardian contacts the Attendance Office within 24 hours of the absence (437-2400 ext. 2111) and provides a legal excuse for an unexcused absence. To avoid possible error, contacting the office on the day of the absence is preferred. Failure to do so will result in the absence remaining “unexcused.” All unexcused absences will count toward truancy.
Makeup work may not be given to students who are unexcused from school, with the exception of exams.
Absences from the Building
During the school day, students may not leave the building for any reason other than a school event or field trip, without permission from the office. During school hours, the office shall release students only to parents, legal guardians, or persons designated in writing by the parent/legal guardian. Students who become ill during the school day, must go to the attendance office in order to contact a parent/legal guardian. All students who leave the building during classes must sign out at the attendance office. If this procedure is not followed, absences will be considered unexcused and will count for truancy.