Outdoor and Woodland Learning North East Group Meeting
19th June 2017
Embark Forest School Site, Gemmel Woods, Nr Fettercairn
10am -1pm
- Welcome & Apologies – Introductions.
Present: Emma Miller, Caroline Hay-Crawford, Joanne Evans, Jill Birch, Ian Cowe, Julia Mackay, Claire Hudson, Neil Taylor, Doug Gooday, Frida Mittman, Quentin McFarlane, Stuart Troup, Alan and Russell from Milltown Camphill Community.
Apologies: David Brown, Pam Ross, Stephen Reeves, John Malster, Dan Puplett, Susi McLarty, Juliet Robertson, Lindsey Duncan, Mandy Tulloch, Eric Baird, Aileen Salway, Ian Talboys, Joan Anderson, Bonnie Maggio.
- Minutes of previous meeting 20th March 2017, matters arising (approval of accounts).
The shed is in place at Murtle Estate, shelving erected and a 5-lever padlock fitted, the group tools and equipment are now stored there, with the exception of 5 sets of knives, loppers, handsaws and two Kelly Kettles which are stored at DG’s shed at Bourtie.
The AGM accounts were approved by IC.
Previous minutes approved by CH & IC
- Embark Forest School Site talk
Quentin, the owner of the Gemmel Woods, welcomed the group to his wood and told us of his ideas for community use of the wood, their management and their future ownership by the Milltown Community. Stuart later took the group on a guided walk through the woods.
- Best Practice Guidelines for an Outdoor Learning Site
Following on from the recent guidelines for tools and fire, OWLNEG wish to produce best practice guidelines for Outdoor Learning Sites. ACTION all to think of content for this document.
- Events – 2017/18
Forestry Careers Events: JB ran a biodiversity workshop for pupils from Aboyne Academy at Ballogie Estate and another at a similar event at Glen Tanar Estate.
Cairngorms Nature Festival: OWLS members ran several events at Glen Tanar as part of this festival with help from Glen Tanar Rangers and Balmoral Rangers. As in previous years advertising by the CNP authority left a great deal to be desired. Feedback from customers was good.
Portsoy Boat Festival: Sunday 25th June. JB leading a pond-dipping event, other OWLS members leading storytelling and clay crafts.
Network Event: September 16 at Murtle Estate. Aimed at recent FS trainees to share experiences. EarthTime, Beth , Luke and Ross are running activities and JM asked Stuart from Milltown Community if he could also run an activity for us.
Network Event: March 2018 at Hazlehead Park, Best Practice, Aberdeenshire Rangers will deliver a workshop on tool use and Aberdeen City Rangers will deliver a fire workshop.
Wild about Aden: August 15 & 16 in planning stage ACTION DG & JE, opportunities for others to contribute activities as well
Early Years CPD event: Haddo Sept 2nd. 10 workshops, many being run by OWLS group members.
Turriff Show: July 30/31. We will be in the FCS tent, JM asked FC for logs. ACTION ALL volunteers are needed for one or both days.
Aberdeenshire Play Forum Play Session at Glen Tanar: July 12th, 17th and August 15th. EB is looking for OWLS group members to assist with these events.
Food Hygiene Course: on July 23rd. Places available, contact JM.
- Shed/insurance
See above for shed information, Insurance is in place.
- OWL grants
JM will apply for the Admin grant and will look into other grants for projects, including Skogsmulle.
IC reminded the group about the Woods for Learning Grants of £500 that are available from the group – contact DG for details, and also about the FC Community Grants – contact IC for details.
- Update from constituent organisations and individuals (all)
EM: busy setting up a FS site for a home-ed group and piloting a therapeutic FS.
C H-C: organising Early Years conference, needs assessment for Meldrum Early Years Forum and organising pop-up play events across Aberdeenshire.
CH: running Outdoor learning sessions at Kinswells school and helping with nature Nurture sessions at Seaton Park. Circulated project plan for the Skogsmulle project and proposes a national awareness campaign for the project. Group funds have been allocated to this and CH will contact Bonnie with a progress report. ACTION CH
JB: FS sessions with Aboyne Academy and Nature Nurture at Kitybrewster. Nature Detectives at Glen Tanar and attended Branching Out seminar at Cornhill Hospital.
DG: Two John Muir award programmes with disadvantaged/vulnerable adult groups, Europark Junior Ranger Programmes for Alford and Aboyne Academies. Delivered environmental education sessions to 550 school children since April.
JE: Gardening for Kids at Ben Reid Garden Centre and Aberdeen Science Centre, Forest School sessions on hold while Kate Mennie is away as a volunteer ranger on Mull.
Stuart Troup: working in the woods with weekly Forest school group doing green woodwork and forest thinning, also working at Benholm, Rossie Children’s Trust and Ferryden School.
Frida: organising a green woodwork gathering and working at Benholm
NT: environmental education sessions for schools, working with Sustrans on the I-Bike scheme and running public events.
JM: running programme of outdoor CPD for Banchory Academy, To attend OWLS Chairs meeting on 23rd June. Has been asked to quote for writing best practice guidelines for Food Hygiene.
Big Canopy Campout: Glen Tanar, Sat June 24th. EB notified the group of this event which is happening this coming weekend as part of a national event to raise awareness of tropical deforestation.
- Next meeting: September 11th, 10:00, Claire’s wood near Blackburn. ACTION CH to send maps.