Council Minutes 22nd March 2010

30.4Fleurieu Tourism - 3 Year Funding Agreement (Confidential)

Moved Cr Oliver, seconded Cr Woolford that in accordance with the 1999 Local Government Act, Section 90 subsection (2) and (3):

(2)A Council or Council Committee may order that the public be excluded from attendance at so much of a meeting as is necessary to receive, discuss, consider in confidence any information or matter listed in subsection (3)

(3)The following information and matters are listed for the purposes of subsection (2):

(j)information the disclosure of which—

(i)would divulge information provided on a confidential basis by or to a Minister of the Crown, or another public authority or official (not being an employee of the council, or a person engaged by the council); and

(ii) would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest;

With the Chief Executive, Governance Officer and other relevant officers remaining in the Chambers.


File Ref:9.24.1

Officer:Graham Webster

Budget Allocation:$50,000Budget Spent to Date: $50,000

ESD Impact/Benefit:-

* Environmental:n/a

* Social:Positive

* Economic:Positive provided benefits exceed costs


The 3 year funding agreement between South Australian Tourism Commission and the four Councils of Onkaparinga, Yankalilla, Victor Harbor and Alexandrina is coming up for renewal at the 30th June 2010. The funding is primarily aimed at pooling financial resources and outlaying those funds through Fleurieu Peninsula Tourism to drive various marketing initiatives.

There is a view that the current arrangements are not clearly focussed on measurable outcomes or on maximising efficiencies. Officers of each Council have been developing proposals that would form the basis of negotiations to continue funding for a further 3 years.


The prime concern surrounds local government’s lack of direct representation on the board of Fleurieu Peninsula Tourism which we had prior to the changed arrangements 3 years ago.

Officers of the participating Councils also believe that Fleurieu Peninsula Tourism’s marketing plan should:

  • be based on fewer but more clear objectives
  • establish measurable outcomes collected by Visitor Information Centres and tourist accommodation businesses and collated by SATC
  • present regular and detailed reports to all member Councils on a regular basis, and
  • regularly critique the marketing strategies based on valid data.

We do not believe the above will be achieved without strong local government involvement at the board level.

Furthermore the recent change by SA Tourism Commission to the brand, FleurieuPeninsula, by including McLaren Vale be rescinded given that it has little support by the member Councils.

ACS1049Moved Cr Rusby seconded Cr Gartrell:

That to continue the Joint Funding Arrangement, Council requires direct representation on the Fleurieu Peninsula Tourism Board and that the Board develop an Annual Marketing Plan that ensures marketing actions are accountable and are measurable.

That the recent change in the Branding to include McLaren Vale be altered back to the Fleurieu Brand.

That the Report remain confidential for a period of twelve (12) months under Section 90 (3) (j) of the Local Government Act 1999.

That the Minute remain confidential for a period of twelve (12) months under Section 91 (7) (b) and 91 (9) (a) of the Local Government Act 1999.

That Graham Webster be the responsible officer to review this item at the end of the Confidential period