The evaluation of ministry effectiveness is intended to provide input for the pastor and congregation on their effectiveness in ministry. In addition, the information gleaned from the evaluation is valuable to both the conference ministerial appointments committee and board of ministerial education and guidance as they carry out their work.

The Ministerial Appointments Committee makes its decisions after prayerful reflection using a variety of information including the local church delegate(s) recommendations,meetings with the superintendent, a confidential report from the pastor and the results from this evaluation.

We encourage all who participate in the evaluation to do so with Christian grace, prayer, and fasting, as the Lord may lead (Discipline ¶5800.D).

Name of Pastor and Church being evaluated: ______

Please identify your membership status in the church.

Full Member – Usually attend / Full Member – Rarely attend / Preparatory Member / Non-Member Usually attend / Non-Member Rarely attend

Please identify whether you strongly agree (SA), agree (A), have no way to judge the question (N), disagree (D) or strongly disagree (SD).

How is Our Church Doing? / SA / A / N / D / SD
1 / We have a clear and common vision as a church.
2 / Our church presents a positive gospel message.
3 / I feel good about inviting people to our worship services.
4 / I feel good about inviting people to regularly scheduled outreach events.
5 / Our church balances well reaching the lost and building believers.
6 / Prayer spontaneously occurs for each other when needs or joys are known.
7 / There is a well understood plan to lead people into maturity as Christians.
8 / We really work hard to make visitors feel at home.
9 / Our church has a solid plan to follow up with people who visit the church.
10 / Our church ministers with positive, visible impact in our community.
11 / I feel good about inviting people to my small group.
12 / If our church were to disappear tomorrow, the community would be grieved.

Free Methodist pastors take seriously the call to ministry which requires commitment to 1) proclaiming the whole gospel, 2) continually growing in full devotion to Jesus, and 3) to lead with disciplined order and Free Methodist values which move us to bring Jesus to our community and world. The North Central Conference seeks to develop “boldly apostolic leaders” which are defined by five characteristics: 1) Soul winning, 2) Community involvement, 3) Developing leaders, 4) Navigating change and 5) Connecting with the broader church. These are the activities characteristic of New Testament church leaders.

My Pastor as a Person of the Word / SA / A / N / D / SD
13 / My pastor has a thorough and relevant knowledge of the Scriptures.
14 / My pastor owns and communicates Wesleyan & Free Methodist principles.
15 / My pastor regularly leads people to Christ.
16 / My pastor promotes and creates systems so that our church as a whole prioritizes evangelism.
17 / My pastor is raising, training and deploying leaders fairly regularly.
18 / My pastor’s sermons and teaching often have real, positive impact in my life.
19 / My pastor is leading our church to be more compassionate to people in need and promote justice within the congregation and within our community.
My Pastor as a Person of Devotion and Prayer / SA / A / N / D / SD
20 / My pastor’s life of prayer and spiritual discipline are a good example to us all.
21 / My pastor’s life is characterized by the Fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control).
22 / As far as I know my pastor is healthy in body and mind, and addictions free.
23 / My pastor’s family life is healthy and a model for others.
24 / Worship is a truly spiritual, challenging and enriching experience under my pastor’s leadership.
25 / Sacraments are treated with respect & meaningfully administered in church.
26 / My pastor has put people and systems in place that provide for congregational care – people feel loved and cared for in our church.
My Pastor as a Spiritual Leader / SA / A / N / D / SD
27 / My pastor is instrumental in articulating a clear vision for the church.
28 / My pastor is instrumental in forming strategic plans that move us forward.
29 / Many people share the tasks of ministry in the church because my pastor delegates well and equips others to do ministry.
30 / My pastor is always coming up with fresh ideas and innovations for ministry.
31 / My pastor resolves conflict quickly and with grace whenever possible.
32 / Our pastor and church seems to be open to utilizing new technologies for outreach, worship, community involvement.
33 / Free Methodist local and global ministries are regularly promoted at church.
My Pastor’s Love & Professionalism / SA / A / N / D / SD
34 / My pastor treats people fairly and with respect regardless of their age, gender, color or creed.
35 / My pastor accepts criticism and suggestions graciously and isn’t “touchy”.
36 / My pastor is dependable, keeping promises & not over-promising.
37 / My pastor’s personal appearance makes a good impression on people.
38 / It’s fairly clear that my pastor prepares well for meetings and for worship.

The New Testament outlines “five-fold leadership” or offices for the church. Most church leaders have particular calling and gifting that is weighted toward some and no some much toward others. It is important to know this, and not to unrealistically that a pastor is called equally to each. Please rank order from 1 to 5, 1 being the greatest strength, 5 being the least strength (though your pastor may exhibit strength in each category).

My Pastor’s Particular Biblical Leadership Gifts (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher – Ephesians 4:11) / 1-5
40 / My pastor seems at his/her best when establishing new ministries and innovative plans for change and impact into new areas, challenging the status-quo or crossing cultural barriers.
41 / My pastor seems at his/her best when proclaiming Biblical truths in ways that really impact my life and our world today.
42 / My pastor seems at his/her best when clearly stating God’s plan of salvation and leading new believers to faith in Christ, or teaching us to do so.
43 / My pastor seems at his/her best when providing care and compassion to people in need, praying for, protecting and encouraging the flock.
44 / My pastor seems at his/her best when teaching new concepts to people, articulating theological truths and challenging hearts and minds.
Congregational Survey for Pastor / Yes / No
45 / I favor the continued appointment of our pastor to this church.

The North Central Conference is…Bringing Jesus to the North Central United States through growing and planting healthy congregations advanced by boldly apostolic leaders working synergistically together.

Date completed: ______