Week #1

Day 1


  • 3 km: Should set your goals to running 5-7 minute km. (min 50% speed)
  • Spider-Man’s 4 x 30 sec intervals
  • Box Jumps – 4 x 10 jumps.
  • Push yourself to see how high you can consistently jump at.
  • 2 x 25 crunches
  • 2 x 25 Bicycles
  • 2 x 25 HLR’s (Hanging Leg Rasies)


  • Reverse Pull-up
  • 5 reps with 4 different grips x 4 Sets
  • Using a squat rack, place the bar at waist height. Using a chair or something to prop your feet up on, start by lying on the ground with the bar above your chest and your feet up on the chair. Pull yourself up to the bar while pinching your shoulder blades together. Grips include both hands forward, one facing forward and the other back (reverse it), and both facing back. Do all 4 grips x 6 reps in a row before doing the sequence again.
  • Lat pull Downs
  • 4 x 60% weight
  • Make sure to pull the bar down in front of head and not to go behind the head with the bar. This is to preserve the shoulders.
  • Bent Row
  • 3 x 60% weight
  • Using a dumbbell and a bench, put one knee on the bench and while bent over with the weight on the ground, pull it up to your body while keeping the back straight.
  • Back Extensions
  • 3 x 10 reps
  • For added effectiveness, hold a 25 lb disc while lifting. Pressure should be felt in the buttocks. There should not be pain in the back with this drill.
  • Straight Bar Curls
  • 4 x 10 reps @ 60%
  • Cable Curls
  • Using cables, attach the uneven bar and set the lever next to the ground, Keep the back straight and isolate the arms (biceps).

Day 2


  • Pro Agility – 5 @ full speed
  • Otherwise known as a 5-10-5. Use cones or any sort of markers. First start in the middle with a marker. Put another marker 5 yards to the right and one five yards to the left. Start in the middle touching the ground, sprint first to the left cone touching the line, 10 yard sprint to the right cone touching the line with your right hand, then sprint back through the middle where the time will stop once crossed.
  • “L” Drill
  • Speed Ladder
  • Using a ladder or anything resembling a similar shape, set up so that you can take 2 quick steps between each rung of the ladder before moving on to the next one and set up a cone 5 yards past the ladder for which you will sprint past.
  • First set is to be done facing forward. 2 steps in between each rung while pumping your arms to increase speed. Sets 2&3 – laterally facing opposite directions.
  • 200’s – 3 x 2 x 200yd @ 70% intensity2 min rests between200’s and 6 min rests between sets
  • Sprint front one foul pole to the other and back. This is one 200 meter sprint. It is intended to get hamstrings in shape. 2 min rest in between and then 200’s and 6 min in between sets of 2.

Day 3


  • Back Squats – 4 x 50%
  • Barbell on back. Isolate legs and DO NOT use back to lift weight. Weight should be put on heels and lift low weight until you can get proper form.
  • Lunges – 4 x 50%
  • While holding dumbells , you will “lunge” forward with one foot while keeping your weight balanced in between your legs. It is important not to lunge forward over your front knee as this will begin to create pain in the knee.
  • RDL’s – 4 x 65%
  • Place the barbell roughly knee high off the ground on the squat rack. Take the bar off the rack like you would in a clean, keeping the back straight and isolating the legs. Having the bar on roughly just above your knees, slide the bar up and down your quads by pushing your core forward and back. It is different than a thrust and should work your hamstrings.
  • Wall Sits – 3 x 1 min
  • Pull-up’s – 3 x circuit
  • Circuit includes several grips.
  • HLR’s (Hanging Leg Raises)
  • Individualized choice of sit-ups. Any 100 of your choice. (4 sets of 25)


  • Low impact conditioning. No treadmill. Stationery bike and elliptical are ideal. Should be done for a minimum of 30 min.

Day 4

  • Volume Sprints (Work to rest ratio is 1:3)
  • 4 x 60 yard
  • 4 x 40
  • 4 x20
  • 6 x10

Day 5

  • Push up Circuit
  • Will go over this set at Practice.
  • You begin with a set of no more than 5 per exercise. There are roughly 12 different exercises in a set and you do not take a break until the entire set is over. Every week, the amount of reps should increase by 1.