Tyne Wear Local Access Forum – Notes of Meeting

11 February 2014


Victor Cadaxa
Ron Noble
Kathy Atkinson
Alisdair Buchan
Liz Bray
Charlie Hall
Nigel Harrison
Terry Welsh
Kevin Robson
Michael Smout

In Attendance:

Heather Evans - CTC
Anne Porthouse - BRAG
Tony Skinner
Andy Blanchflower, Green Party
Rob Hindhaugh – Gateshead Council
Graeme Clark – ROW Officer, North Tyneside Council
Simon Carey – ROW Officer, Newcastle City Council
Tim Ducker – ROW Officer, Sunderland City Council
Neil Frier – Gateshead Council
Annabel Haynes* – Newcastle City Council

* author of note

1. Welcome and Apologies – Neil Frier
Apologies received from Councillor Speding, Alison Blackburn, John Bourn and Lisa Tracey
NF, Gateshead Council welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Introduction to the work of the LAF – Neil Frier
NF explained the history of the Local Access Forum and the function of the Forum for the benefit of newly appointed members. He also highlighted some of the rules and regulations of the Forum and referred to the Terms of Reference which had been circulated with the agenda in advance of the meeting.
-frequency of meetings is the LAF’s decision
-can establish relevant sub groups
-aim to achieve a balance of interested parties
-council officers assist the Forum and are not members
-Gateshead is the appointing authority regarding membership
-Annual reports are available on the website:
-the meetings are public and therefore open to anyone but only members can participate/vote. Non members would need to seek the permission of the Chair prior to the meeting, if they would like to raise issues at the meeting
4. Election of Chair and Vice Chairs
A call for volunteers / nominations for Chair were requested. Alisdair Buchan volunteered and was seconded by C Hall. A vote was cast and Alisdair Buchan was confirmed at Chair
The same call for Vice Chair(s) was requested and resulted in two Vice Chairs being voted in - Victor Cadaxa and Liz Bray.
5. Minutes of the previous meeting, held 24thSeptember 2013
Item 3
There was a discussion around the balance of membership and the lack of minority groups and landowners/land managers. NF informed the meeting that there was scheduled to be a targeted recruitment drive in South Tyneside as there were no reps from this area. Item to be added to the next agenda for further discussion, ideas and suggestions.
Item 9
KA noted an amendment under Item 9 ‘Officer Reports – the second para should read “KA mentioned consultation from HA and advised Forum she is replying as bridleways should NOT be shown as cycleways.”
Action – amendment to be made by A Haynes
Item 10
VC gave a brief overview of the Planning sub group which had previously been established and was interested in keeping this going.
6.Matters Arising
VC advised the group of a previous ‘sub group’ that met to discuss planning applications that affect rights of way. Members of this group each had responsibility for checking applications in one district. VC would like to continue with this subgroup.
Action - AH to send out draft agenda which VC would put together, to ask for volunteers. A date to meet in early March would be set and members of the LAF invited to attend (AH).
Post Meeting Note: first meeting of Planning Sub Group was held on 5th March 2014.
G Clark mentioned that any interested party could sign up to the planning portal on council websites to receive notification of planning applications rather than having to trawl through the applications.
One site of concern that was mentioned was the potential open cast site at Marley Hill on the Gateshead/Durham border. After discussion, it was agreed that a site visit should be arranged in advance of the next LAF meeting in May.
Action - AH/RH to arrange for 13th May
There had also previously been a ‘Missing Links’ group which tried to identify where public rights of way didn’t connect up in certain areas to highlight with RoW officers and try and rectify. This group also to be re-established.
Action – AH to email all to invite members to participate.
L Bray also talked about the Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2007. This document has since been replaced by the 2011-2021 Local Transport Plan in which the RoW Improvement Plan is included as Appendix D.
Action – AH to circulate the above with minutes so everyone can have a look at and provide comments at next LAF meeting in May
N Harrison mentioned the Sunderland Big Bike Ride and whether organisers discussed with Rights of Way officers/other council officers regarding route – T Ducker responded – yes but conversation to be continued off line as district specific.
Other items of discussion:
-the poor condition of the Keelman’s Way route along the south side of the Tyne. R Hindhaugh advised that Sustrans’ volunteer ranger organises regular litter picks in this area. Council maintenance budget is very limited but there is some money being used to improve Keelmans Way.
-Traffic signals that are triggered by speed of vehicles approaching at more than 10mph but horseback riders don’t trigger this……
-Effect on rights of way where new developments are built and footpaths come into being that are not necessarily official rights of way but are well used by local residents. T Ducker advised that there is a procedure for establishing these routes as official rights of way.
-Purpose of site visits and potential locations for future site visits (each district in turn usually), usually invite relevant elected members (who are reps on Rights of Way Committees) and usually take place on the same day as the LAF meeting.
-How does the LAF influence/impact on planning/rights of way issues
7. Any Other Business
-L Bray on cycle training leadership course run by Gateshead Council – could lead a ride to tie in with the Newburn to Tynemouth rowing event. This brought about the discussion about the condition of the Keelman’s Way.
-Are Village Greens included as part of the LAF – yes, any public open space but Rights of Way officers probably not the best council officers to advise regarding village greens
- A Vote of thanks was given to the previous Chair in his absence.
8. Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 13May 2014 – Whickham Room, Gateshead Civic
Tuesday 23rd September 2014 - Whickham Room, Gateshead Civic