If you are new to theworkcrewprocess or just have questions– here’s a timeline of events that might be helpful and answer a lot of common questions:
1.In January, begin training your potentialworkcrewkids. There issome information from Kelly Hyatton our regional msite about training or you can refer to thisworkcrewtraining handbookon the staff resources site.
2.In Jan and Feb have your candidates complete theworkcrewapplicationand a staff person or leader needs to complete theworkcrewrecommendation form(if you want to have a leader complete this form that’s fine but an Area Director needs to sign off on them).
3. Collect all of your area’sworkcrewapplication and recommendations:
·Make sure each application has aparent signature(if kids fill the form out electronically, the parent’s name can be typed but be sure the parent is ok with your kid signing up forworkcrew)
·Make sure theiravailable datesare correct and clearly indicated – this is important!!
·On the recommendation formlet me know which campsthey are interested in serving at – especially if they want to travel to Rockbridge or Timberwolf or somewhere else outside the division.
·Make sureall contact information is legible
·Make sure kidsanswer all the questions– preferably with more than just a 3 word answer – we will be reading the questions to determine who will be placed inquotaspots.
·Leave the box at the bottom of theworkcrewapplication blank– the region will fill out that information
4. Prioritize your femalecandidatesas 1stchoice, 2ndchoice, 3rdchoice, etc. and then prioritize your malecandidatesas 1st, 2nd, 3rdand so on by placing a post it note on each one or noting this info in an email.
5. Mail, fax, or email/scan them to meno later than March 5th.Please don’t be late – we need all of theworkcrewapps from every area before we can determine which kids will fill regionalquota.
6. By March 9thRick and I will review applications and assign kids intoregional quotaor waitlist spots and will then mail applications directly to the camps.
A word about Regional Quota Spots
A regional quota spot is a guaranteed spot onworkcrew. Our region collects all of the work crew applications and then places the top candidates from each area into spots. So after 3/5, Rick and I will look at all of the candidates for our region and place kids into our region’sworkcrewquota.If you send forms after 3/5, we will send them directly to the camp as a waitlist candidate and they will not be eligible for a regional work crew quota spot. Kids need to know that the best chance for getting on toworkcrewis getting into a regional quota spot. If your kids want to serve in places where we don’t have quota then they will start out on the waitlist. Even if you didn’t requestworkcrewspots back in the fall you can still send meworkcrewapplications on 3/5!
Below are the quota spots our region got. Please note we have spots at Timberwolf and Rockbridge – please talk to your kids and encourage kids to serve in these spots if they are able!
WorkCrewRegional Quota AF76
Saranac: 24 total
session 2: 3 male and 4 female
session 3: 6 male and 7 female (and then 2m and 2f for kids who are affiliated with the assignment team 3rdsession)
Champion: 15 total
session 2: 2 male and 2 female
session 3: 5 male and 6 female
Rockbridge: 4 total
session 3: 2 male and 2 female
Timberwolf: 6 total
session 2: 1 male and 1 female
session 3: 2 males and 2 females
7. By March 16th, camps will post on thecamp reservation sitewho has been accepted toworkcrewand who is on the waitlist
8. If you have kids apply forworkcrewafter March 15th, send their wc app and recommendation directly to the camp they wish to serve at and they will be placed on the waitlist.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Holly Pettit
Young Life AF76 Regional Admin
31 Greens Road
Catskill, NY 12414
Phone: 585-507-8156 Fax: 585-301-4896