(1 – 10 minutes)



(2 – 8 minutes)
S240(x^2/24)dx – (S240(x/24)dx)^2


(3 – 5 minutes)


(4 – 7 minutes)


(5 – 3 minutes)
5) Given the boxplot shown what is a reasonable guess for the mean?

D) 1

(6 – 4 minutes)


(7 – 12 minutes)
Xbar (mu) = (1+7+6+7+9)/5 = 6

Var (sigma2) = [(1-6)2+(7-6)2+(6-6)2+(7-6)2+(9-6)2]/4=9


(10-6)/3= 1.33


(8 – 1 minute) (you can’t get this wrong unless you leave it blank)
8 said Statistician

2 The statistician wouldn’t get into the smackdown unless he knew he would win

Since WWF is fake anyway

Brains over brawn

Since physical stature doesn’t matter against blunt instruments and the statistician would know the probability of getting hit by a trash can or folding chair, I give advantage to statistician

Based on a sample so statisticians evaluated on a pdf which had the best mu and sigma

Because he has a black belt in everything

Because he would sing a stat song and the guy’s head would blow up (like in “Mars Attacks”)

11 said WWF Wrestler

Maybe if the statistician worked out, otherwise it would be a massacre

Unless the statistician turned out to be a WWF wrestler too

Because it’s the one with more muscle, statistically speaking. Just saying

Statistician has 0% chance unless this is a video game

Who are we kidding, the wrestler is huge

Since the wrestler has 150 pounds on the statistician

If it was wrestling the WWF fighter would win because statisticians down have muscles. If it was a math wrestling match the statistician would win because wrestlers don’t have brains.

The statistician would start by talking about the other’s fights and weaknesses. Then the wrestler would bellow and smash the statistician. Afterwards they could go for a beer and talk statistical strategy.

2 said only if it’s Dr. Crawford

Future prediction is 0 or 1

The referee

Depends on who paid the producer to write the script

WWF is the World Wildlife Fund so the statistician would be wrestling a Panda. I feel as though it would be a close match.

They’re wrestling. They’re both losers.

What is a “smack down” and what is a “WWF”?

If a “WWF wrestler” is a type of gun I would say the statistician will win

Since it says this problem takes “-1 minute” a physicist would win