Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2016
3:30 – 5:00 PM – Senate Chambers, Student Union
Meeting Invitees:
Blake, David; Brandon, Maureen; Clark, Brad; Clausen, Rebecca; Colby, Chad; CoordinatorHonors; Dott, Cynthia; Elkins, Dennis; Fine, Kathleen; Fulton, Richard; Gianniny, Gary; Gilpin, Sandra; Greer, Kristine; Haaland, Ryan K; Knight-Maloney, Melissa; Kraus, Sue; Labach, Elaine; Malach, Michele; Mangrum, William; Martin, Michael T; McCarthy, Anne; McCormick, Peter; McGurr, Paul T; Miller, Kenny; Morris, Barbara; Mulhern, Dawn; Owen, Dugald; Pepion, Kenneth; Peterson, Michele; Reed, Marc; Rodriguez, Theresa; Sellin, Amy; Shuler, Phil; Smith, Carol; Smith, Pam; Snyder, Lisa; Stremba, Bob; Talman, Martha; Valdez, Michael; Barrett, Lisa
Next meeting:
– Council of Chairs
Campus Safety Guides-Joel Kirkpatrick
Joel K.-Represent faculty and staff on board on the health and safety board. We work on campus safety. As a member of the board discovered we would like to have a team of people on campus versed and trained on safety subjects. We have a team of 25 building proctors. Covering all building on campus. Some attrition and change over. Each proctor has a FLC safety bag, basic first aid equipment, and are certified in CPR. They know about emergency services on campus. Building proctor will try to alleviate confusion when a large group of people need to get out of a building. Our discussions led to safety book, yearlong project, students already familiar with from high schools. It is a tool to alleviate confusion in any kind of emergency. These will appear in specific places on campus. I have 201 books and they will have a home. They will be in a prominent location. They have a barcode.If you find one take it back to student union information desk so it can be returned to its home. I have space planned for 300. Students have been through lock down training in their high schools. What do I do if or where do I find this? This is what the book is for. Has information about room it belongs in and exit routes for evacuation. If you need extras, Joel can order in batches of 25. The cost has been lowered as much as $28-$32. If we have overlooked a facility or place in your building, please let Joel know. Help sign in book if you need it to make it visible. Dial 911 will alert campus police. Do not use cell phone in a bomb threat. All in the resource book.
Michele P.-Seems a little prohibitive that the department would have to pay.
Joel K.-Initial purchase $7400. Fastest way, approval process lengthy, quick order through me, much faster. If your department wants some I can get them much faster.
Provost Morris-If you think as a department chair you should have these books, I will work with Michelle and Steve to make sure each department chair has one.
Pam S.-Is there one proctor per building?
Joel K.-No, some have more. EBH has 4
Pam S.-Do we know who are proctors are?
Joel K. - If you have admin asst. in your department you probably have one.
Provost Morris-Can you send me a list of the proctors and I will distributeto the chairs.
Joel K.-I can give you this document in PDF form to place on your desktop. You do not have to have the plastic. It is not on the website but probably could be for further discussion.
Michele P.-Environmental Health and Safety website needs some work anyway so probably will happen.
Provost Morris-Send the pdf and I will distribute those immediately.
Joel K.- There will be an FLC announce when books are in place so students will know.
Advising Reorganization
Provost Morris- We’ve just finished our mission and value statement. Next stage Strategic Enrollment Initiatives. Over the last 16 years we have lost 1000 students in enrollment decline. We can no longer do as we have done in the past. Next phase will really be looking at what is market share, what are places where we’ve lost market share. Where can we be innovative?What do we need to tap into? Business not as normal. Large undertaking. Carol needs to be very focused on project of Strategic Enrollment Initiatives. Hiring a consultant to help with this next stage. Carol is going to let go of all she has on a normal basis day to day. My reorganization is to not to add a position but taking a position from Arts and Sciences. I am creating an assistant VPAA, Sandy Gilpin. She will be adding advising and PAA. She already does first year programs, comp, freshman math and tutoring. That transition will begin over the next few weeks. Goalis to have transition completed by January census. There are a lot of things under the advising piece. Sandy will be the go to person and will be meeting with advising staff and getting to know them and also meeting with you. She will take on the Beta 2 version and figuring out what budget pieces are needed. Moving this into Academic Affairs since itwill cross all programs. First I want to thank Carol for all she has done over the past few years. All that worked on the Quality Initiative. How we moved into this vein and all the blood, sweat and tears Carol has put into this. Thanks to Sandy for willingness to step into some pretty big shoes. I think this is going to be an undertaking. I appreciate that. It is really important. Big piece of our existing plan, already demonstrated success in regards to retention and graduation rates.
Sandy G.-I will be sending meeting invites and soliciting some input. Not at the end of semester. We are allso busy.
Provost Morris- Stay tuned. Carol will still be coming to Council of Chairs.
Dennis E.-Carol, if you were our go to person will we be assigned someone else?
Carol-Yes, working on that. Continue to contact me for now. Copy Sandy on email. A lot of pieces to transition.
Gtpathways Discussion-Pete M.
Transition of all of our gtpathways to comply with state outcomes. All of you know this has been coming down the road. LAC has talked about how to implement. We would make sure addendum to syllabus policy would be on all syllabi in January. We then realized, to develop a plan to stagger this out over a couple of years. The state gives us 3 years to be compliant. First two categories that need to be in compliance are CO 1, 2, 3 and MA1. They will need to have syllabi compliant in January with the gtpathways information. Pete will send the document. We have a schedule of the roll out. Erich will talk about how to link assessment to schedule roll out. We will give everyone a template for your syllabus. Lisa S. and Lisa B. will provide these. As we roll this out we will have a template for every single gtpathways category.The schedule was shown (see handouts). We will offer a signature assignment workshop for allinstructors teaching gtpathways. Imperative that all instructors are part of those workshops. We used LEAP values and LEAP rubrics so should not be difficult to align. Go back to the original submission in the LAC platform in Canvas. It all should be there with exception of updates for gtpathways and signature assignment. Proposal is very streamlined. You will not get policed on it until you are on the schedule. Remind we have to do this, we have to monitor this at the local level to prevent the drift. We could be audited at any time. If we are out of compliance, the entire course could be pulled from gtpathways offerings. We need a certain number of seats so students can graduate and to recruit you freshman and sophomore classes.
Provost Morris-Compliance is a piece but all of this is good stuff. Competencies created in Colorado from faculty across the state. Students have a right to know what they are learning, why they are learning it and how we are assessing it. State created LEAP rubrics, tested across the country and validated about student learning and from student perspective. We are actually doing the best practices. We find out students are not learning it or we do not want to learn it any more, we can inform state wide.The state wants to close the loop. This is beyond bureaucratic. It is a student centered position. What do we want our students to know? How do we know they are getting it? You should be excited to do this.
Pete M.-Two things I do not want to lose. We lead the conversation at the state level. It is great to be ahead. Getting the state to buy in when we had already laid this out in our gen. ed. program. The assessment pieces are tried and true. As we think about gen. ed. program the first thing we want to do is to make sure we are solid at the 100 and 200 level. That is where the development really needs to occur. Campus wide conversations and at LAC, about what is really happening in those courses when it comes to certain outcomes.
David B.-Is the compliance issue on the syllabi or the syllabi and the assessment?
Pete M.-On syllabi but need to make sure we are doing the assessment and LAC is getting the feedback to inform the program.
Provost Morris-Compliance on both. In local control. I sign off on syllabus and drift. It is both for me.
David B.-Follow up for the LAC this year they identified a specific outcome they want to assess. Now I see it is not part of the LAC. What I see is assessment part of a larger component.
Pete M.-Erich will discuss this. It will come back to the LAC to be discussed and disseminated.
Lisa S.-David, a whole bunch of stuff has happened since we last talked.
David B.-What you are saying is this is the schedule of assessment and it will go through LAC for discussion and analysis?
Sandy G.-Clarify-when you are giving the dates in the left column. For the syllabus spring 2017. If signature assignment still in development does it need to be on syllabus?
Pete M.-Yes, but the workshop will be there for you to add to and edit the syllabus.
Gary G.-Will there be special sessions for workshops for adjuncts?
Pete M.-We will accommodate and figure that out.
Cynthia D.-We did develop signature assignments earlier.
Pete M.-We did not have clarified state outcomes at that time. Bring it to workshop to edit and work on. We do not want this to be work intensive.
Pete M.-If we go further into the future we will roll out and start back with drift check and reassessment. Academic content changes, instructors change. We tend to have a tremendous amount of drift. We want the syllabi to maintain all the important pieces.
Provost Morris-Idea of workshops is to get all faculty teaching in particular category together. Programs getting together and discussing how we think about these learning outcomes and signature assignments should be. These will be rich conversations. We haven’t done this on campus before.
Ryan H.- Since this is fairly important, workshops should be for chairs also?
Pete M.-Yes you need to be in the loop.
Erich M.-Here’s hopefully I think tying into why we are realigning the syllabi. Last spring and the summer, the state gave specific outcomes to specific gtpathways courses. One of the difficulties with gen. ed. assessment so far, we do this where we say, we want, when LAC picks an outcome. We want to do Critical Thinking. We look up which courses listed as outcome. There are 60 courses. The state says this attribute owns this outcome. The total number of courses for each outcome is reduced. The difficulty in the past when we said we were going to assess Critical Thinking. Everyone has Critical Thinking in their course but when you use LEAP rubric what we mean is Kleenex brand, a specific type that fits into the rubric and it is different from say a math course. All of the LEAP rubrics are available on the assessment website. They make a lot of sense for each outcome. Ourproposal is that departments own these gtpathway courses/LAC course and they own those competencies. It is going to be more meaningful LAC assessment and easier if you are assessing the courses and outcomes you want to assess. Far too broad for across campus. We are proposing that gtpathway course assessment owned by departments and those teaching the course will be doing the assessment. They will be doing theassessment tied into signature assignment meant to assess those outcomes. Workshops will be provided. Rubrics and learning outcomes were not given until this summer. Take those and align those outcomes and rubrics with your current signature assignment. If courses are a common course they would have a common signature assignment. It says a 3 year cycle but it is a 2 year cycle. It is going to happen at department level. One important thing to note, if you are doing gtpathway courses that is not in addition to other program assessment. Not double dipping.
Ryan H.-Currently assessing our current program and it is also gtpathways, will we have to switch our assessment to this schedule?
Lisa S.-Some programs have a lot more gtpathways coursesthan others. Everyone doing 2 right now. Option to add that in a year, replace it and shift your cycle a bit. Depending on how large or big of a burden to add. Everyone will work with Lisa B. and Lisa S. on how to best integrate it.
Pete M.-Important departments not feel put upon. This should count towards their assessment.
Lisa S. - We will have a template in task stream for LAC assessment and linked to learning outcomes. Once you assess then it is always going to be a reassessment of the LAC learning outcomes.
Ryan H.-Program learning outcomes will need to be mapped to them.
Lisa S. – Yes, in Task Stream we can map to all learning outcomes.
Sue K. - Within departments, we have 1 gtpathway course every other year focus on this course. Spotlight on that one every other year seems a lot.
Lisa S.-This is in addition, to other assessment you are doing. It may be the idea for gtpathways, reporting on how well the students in the course addressing the state competency. For that one course, combine with other programs doing that. It will have to be a little bit by department. Some departments have a huge amount and others not so much. We want to think about lookingat the competency and how well are we getting our students where we want them to be with that competency. I am hoping this will give us really good conversation about what this looks like here on campus.
Dawn M.–Couldn’t we have a list of courses being assessed. SS1, SS2, and SS3 every other year. This does not make any sense to me. Shouldn’t it be a list of courses to be assessed and rotate? Not assess every single gen. ed. course every year.
Lisa S.-Part of the whole deal if a faculty member teaches a gtpathways course thenthey are responsible for engaging in the assessment of that course. That is the key piece of it. We have not thought about departments with only one course.
Erich M.-I agree, every 2 year cycle is a lot Take all SC1 and do half of them and rotate so every course not done every 2 years. I think a 4 year cycle is better.
Lisa S.-I think what has to happen next is this goes to assessment committee to review. What would be the approach to this? It is a shift from going across institution and have departments take ownership and responsibility for the gtpathway courses. Honestly it has been too much to ask one committee to oversee all of this and try to make it work. Gtpathways at the state has done this for us. This is your department, this is what you own and this is what we want you to assess. They laid it out for us. Written Communication is across curriculum but want us to assess it in the CO courses. The assessment committee has done a fantastic job but we are not closing the loop. We are not doing it. All of the bandwidth is in trying to get the assessment to happen. The assessment committee would provide support on the front end. Then Task Stream reports go to LAC to figure out a way how to use this data to demonstrate to the state and to HLC we are using the information. We do not have the capacity to do entire assessment process and close the loop.
Gary G. - If departments are doing assessment, isn’t it there task to close the loop?
Lisa S. - We are not talking departmentally but about gen. ed. curriculum. Engage in campus conversations across the curriculum. I will tell you that not all departments are closing the loop. Some are small and get data that is useful. Some departments need assistance. Have not closed it with gen. ed. data we have collected. We are responsible for that piece. That’s why we have the extra report and what we are supposed to be doing. Allow the committees to do work they find more interesting. Supporting assessment process.
Gary G.-I am concerned. Adjuncts may not do service. It’s a good idea that people who teach courses do assessment. Service vs teaching. Asking them to take on that role. Assessment Committee to wrangle with this. We are already asking them to teach high teaching loads.
Provost Morris-This comes on your shoulders as chairs. This is your responsibility as you hire adjuncts this is what you need to do. As they leave collect their samples. We are not going to put on adjuncts but on fulltime faculty and chairs.