SOP 3.2 Greater than 90 day site standards for a permanent HHW Facility
1. Introduction 1
2. Regulatory and contractual requirements 1
3. Greater than 90 day site standards 1
4. Attachment A.- Acceptance of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) from another
HHW Collection site or for storage of waste for greater than 90 days 3
1. Introduction
The Program shall gain approval from the State 30 days prior to accepting waste from another HHW Facility or if storing HHW for more than 90 days. The HHW Program approval may allow for waste acceptance from other counties. This Facility shall develop and implement an Emergency Contingency Plan as outlined in SOP 2.10 HW Contingency Plan.
2. Regulatory and contractual requirements
Accepting from another HHW Facility or storing HW for more than 90 day requirements are established in the state agency contract and Minnesota Rules; 7045.0292, subp. 1.C , 7045.0292, subp. 1. E, 7045.0310, subp. 6, 7045.0562, subp. 1, 7045.0566, subp. 3, 7045.0626, subp. 4, 7045.0626, subp. 6, 7045.0626, subp. 7, 1910.141(a-d & g), 7510, and Minnesota Stat. § 299F.011, Subd. 4, OSHA 29 CFR; 1910.106 (d)&(e), 1910.106(e)(3)(v), 1910.151(c), 1910.157, 1910.1000, Minnesota Department of Health 4725.4450, and Minnesota Uniform Fire and Local Building Codes.
3. Greater than 90 day site standards
3.1 Construction and Storage Specifications
Program staff shall ensure this HHW Facility:
· is located greater than 150 feet from a water supply well
· has restricted access
· has receiving, sorting; packaging and storage areas with flooring that is impermeable to the waste; flooring shall be coated with chemically resistant epoxy paint
· does not have floor drain(s) leading to a sewer or to the environment in waste processing areas
· is located at least 50 feet from the property line if there are buildings storing ignitable wastes (this provision may be waived with written approval from the local fire marshal and/or building officials)
· complies with local zoning ordinances, building and fire codes, and OSHA standards which may specify construction materials (e.g., electrical fixtures, explosion-proof fixtures, wiring, HVAC systems, fire suppression equipment, grounding and bonding of containers, other special features)
· has adequate ventilation to ensure safe air quality for staff and to prevent fires, with a minimum ventilation of 1 cubic foot per minute per square foot of floor space if Class I or liquids with a flashpoint from 0° to 100° F and if bulked indoors
· has adequate storage space to ensure HW containers are visible for inspection (e.g., markings or labels, integrity, spillage) in accordance with SOP 4.11 Waste Storage
· containers of incompatible liquids are segregated by waste characteristic and have secondary containment (e.g., dike, berm, wall, curb) or stored at a distance of at least ten feet apart
· containers holding ignitable wastes are properly grounded; see SOP 4.5 Waste Bulking
· containers holding ignitable waste are stored in an area with overhead roofing (shaded) or other covering that does not obstruct the visibility of markings and secure from public entry
· HHW subject to freezing is protected to maintain container integrity and to prevent spills
3.2 Equipment
The following equipment shall be incorporated into the Facility design, and maintained in good working condition;
· fire extinguishers and/or fire suppression equipment with adequate volume, pressure, and signage
· signage posted in conspicuous places; “No smoking,” “Authorized personnel only,” “No one under the age of 18 allowed in Facility without adult supervision” and a sign stating the hours of operation, a contact and telephone number, and a statement prohibiting unattended drop-off of wastes posted in public view
· internal and external telephone or communication systems
· first aid and spill kits
· spill kit and decontamination equipment;
· emergency eyewash and shower with a 15-minute supply of continuous water and located within a 10-second travel distance from corrosive chemicals
· adequate toilet and washing facilities
· a designated area for eating and drinking (with potable water) where staff are not exposed to toxic materials
Attachment A
Prior to initially receiving Program Wastes from another site or exceeding the 90 day storage limit, the County shall submit to the State the completed application form with its specified attachments.
Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the County's application, the State shall review the application and notify the County whether the application is complete or whether additional information must be submitted.
Within forty-five (45) days of the State’s determination that the application is complete, the State shall conduct a site visit.
Within thirty (30) days of completion of a site visit and of receipt of information from the County which documents the resolution of all deficiencies noted during a site visit, the State shall provide written approval that the site meets the requirements specified in Minn. Rules pt. 7045.0310, subp. 6.
The State shall specify in writing the term of the authorization granted pursuant to this section.
As required by Minn. Rules Pt. 7045.0310, Subp. 6
A. Facility Name
B. Facility Address
C. EPA Identification Number
D. Facility Contact Person Phone ( )_____-______
E. Facility Operator
Office Address
F. Facility Owner
Office Address
G. This application is for: q acceptance of HHW from off-site
q storage of waste for greater than 90 days or
q both
H. Does the Facility have up-to-date Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in accordance with
Part D of Exhibit A to the Contract:
q YES q NO
I. Is the facility within a 100 year flood plain
q YES q NO
On a map extending 200 feet beyond the facility's boundaries, show a North arrow and identify any:
1. public streets and highways
2. buildings
3. land use classifications
4. lakes, streams, and wetlands
5. areas subject to flooding
Does the Facility have SOP’s that describe items 1 through 5 below?
q YES q NO
If the answer to the above question is "no", describe in detail:
1. wastes that will be accepted
2. wastes that will be refused
3. procedures for receiving wastes from the public
4. procedures for sorting wastes
5. procedures for packing and bulking wastes
A. Plot Plan
Attach a plot plan of the entire Facility, showing a North arrow and:
1. roadways
2. parking areas
3. traffic flow pattern
4. buildings, outdoor storage areas
5. the household hazardous waste receiving and storage building(s)
6. fences, gates, and other measures to control public access
B. Floor Plan
Attach a floor plan of the receiving and storage building(s).
A scale of 1/4 inch to a foot is suggested. The plan(s) shall include a North arrow and where applicable denote:
1. walls and partitions
2. doorways and windows
3. areas for receiving, processing (lab packaging, bulking, etc.), and product exchange
4. if applicable, location of curbing used for spill containment
5. layout of drum and pail storage, indicating:
a. rows of drums
b. waste hazard category for each drum
6. location of telephone or alarm system
7. location of spill kits, fire extinguishers, first aid, PPE
8. location of sinks or wash basins; eyewash, shower
9. ventilation system
C. Floor and Spill Containment
1. Year of construction of receiving and storage building:
2. Type of floor: q poured concrete:
q (other)______
3. Type of curbing or other containment system:
q poured concrete curbs ___ inches high
q concrete block walls
q sloped floor
q sump(s)
4. Does the floor and curbing have a coating impermeable to the waste stored on it?:
q Yes type
q No
5. Describe below and indicate on the floor plan: curbing, sloping, sumps, ramps, and any other type of containment system:
6. Containers are stored: q directly on the floor
q on pallets
q on shelves
q other
Briefly describe the ventilation system and the estimated air changes per hour in the receiving and storage areas:
Identify the type of construction in the receiving and storage building:
q concrete block
q sheet metal over steel frame
q wood frame
q other
q sprinkler system for fire.
If yes, “all” or what part(s) of the building?
1. Do the containers used for storage and transportation meet U.S.DOT specifications for construction and manufacture?
q YES q NO
2. Do you inspect all containers before placing wastes into them, and are rusted, dented, or damaged containers rejected?
q YES q NO
Attach a site specific Safety Plan which includes:
1. a list of emergency personnel (internal & external)
2. a list of the safety equipment available at the facility
3. procedures on the use of protective equipment
4. procedures for air quality monitoring in the receiving and storage building, if applicable
5. procedures for disposal and decontamination of safety equipment
6. a contingency plan for responding to fires, explosions, and spills which describes procedures and identifies those who are authorized to act
7. coordination procedures with local emergency response agencies
8. fire prevention measures, and if applicable, describe sprinkler system, sensors and alarms
Does the Facility’s Operations Manual address the management of the records 1 - 5 below?
q YES q NO
If the answer to the above question is "no", attach a description of the organization of the following records:
1. records of wastes received
2. records of packed drums and pails
3. records of manifests
4. periodic inspections of the receiving and storage facility
5. records of inspections
Do facility personnel participate in MPCA sponsored training?
q YES q NO
If not, describe the following aspects of the facility’s personnel training program:
1. Qualifications of the training director
2. contents of training courses given to the collection site personnel
3. a listing of the required training for each person, based on waste management responsibilities
4. record keeping regarding personnel training
A. What is the maximum quantities of household hazardous waste that will be accumulated in:
55 gallon drums
30 gallon drums
17 gallon drums
5 gallon pails
tanks (list sizes)
B. Describe procedures and the time schedule for removing the wastes and decontaminating the receiving and storage building in the event that the Management Facility is to be closed:
A. The quantity of wastes that may be accumulated at the site will be restricted to the quantity stated in Item VIII. CLOSURE.
B. The maximum duration of storage of any drum or pail of waste will be
q 3 years
q (other) ______
If longer than 3 years, please attach explanation.
In A and B below, list all HHW facilities or collection areas from which the facility intends to accept HHW:
A. HHW Program Name, Facility Type (P=permanent, M=mobile, O=other) list below:
B. Event Collections (city, county, state, site name or address for known recurring sites) list below:
C. Briefly describe the following for A and B above: Who (which program/county or contractor) receives and processes the waste at the off-site facility or event collection? What processing occurs at the off-site location (simple over packing and incompatible separation, or final processing, packaging per DOT ready for receipt by licensed transporter? Who transports the waste between the off-site location and your facility?
I hereby apply for an approval from the State to store household hazardous waste at the above collection site:
q for periods longer than 90 days
q for wastes received from other collection sites
I certify that the attached information is true and accurate.
Operator signature
Operator name (please print)
Operator signature
w-hhwsop3-02 July 2014