(Procedures for CRMS Data Input and Storage of Fiscal Year Data)

A. Introduction

  • The South Dakota NRCS cultural resources program has two basic forms that are used to manage the flow of cultural resources information. These two forms are the SD-SSC-1 and the SD-SSC-2 form. The SD-SSC-1 form is used when a Low Priority survey is undertaken. The SD-SSC-2 form is used in the event of a High Priority Project.
  • In the past, these forms had not been computerized and they needed to be filled out once when the Field Office did the cultural resource survey or required assistance, and the same information had to be entered and tabulated again at the State and Field Support Office level for the State Historic Preservation Office’s (SHPO) Annual Report. These procedures required a duplication of effort at various NRCS levels, much wasted time, and produced forms that were more than often illegible.
  • With the advent of PRMS and the increased emphasis on accountability, a computerized cultural resource database system was required that would keep track of cultural resource projects, eliminate time spent on duplicated efforts, ease the efforts of PRMS and SHPO end of year reporting, and would produce clear legible forms.
  • To accomplish these goals a Cultural Resource Management System (CRMS) Access database system has been developed in which the data may be entered at either a Table or Form level (although the Form level is recommended). The results are then printed as a Report, and the data is stored in a master table, that is easily assessable for viewing.
  • The data is easily entered, easily saved, easily printed and easily assessed for future use. If one wants to see the projects that have been done in the past year the Table view will display all the data from that year (or earlier years), and the data can be easily exported to an Excel spreadsheet if required.

B. Using the Database

Databases are used to enter and store data. There are many types available for use but Microsoft Access is the USDA standard. Data may be entered and stored and easily accessed. On the other hand, Spreadsheets are used for creating tables. It is often more difficult to enter data into a spreadsheet.

1. Opening Access

A data entry form has already been set up. This template contains the data format for the forms. To Open the templates:

  • Select the icon for the SD-SSC-1 or SD-SSC-2 form (This icon will be a page symbol with a golden key icon).
  • Enter the proper password [contact your respective CRS]
  • Select and open the icon.
  • The Access program will open and an Access window will be displayed with Tabs for Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, Macros, and Modules (Note we will not be using the Macros, Queries, or Module Tabs).

2. Entering or Viewing Data

Table Format

  • At Access window select Table tab and select Open.
  • A data sheet will open.
  • Data may be entered or edited in this table.

Form Format

  • At Access window select Forms tab and select Open.
  • A form template will open.
  • To go from one form variable to another use tab or point and click with the mouse.
  • To select forms to view, select a form number in the lower left-hand corner of the Accesswindow.
  • Old forms may be edited at this level or new forms entered.

Viewing Report Format

  • At Access window select Reports tab and select Open.
  • A Report page will open.
  • Select the number of the report to be viewed at bottom left hand corner of Access window.
  • Reports cannot be edited in Report format. To edit a Report, edit the associated form in Form Format and changes will appear in the Report.
Saving and Closing Form or Table
  • Data is saved automatically as it is entered. To save and exit the form or table, select the 'X’ in the upper right hand corner of the Access window.
Printing Tables, Forms and Reports
  • Open Table, Form, or Report, that will be printed.
  • Select Files from the Tool Bar at the top of the screen.
  • From Files select Print.
  • Print dialog box will open and you can select to print All or various pages.
  • To print a specific form or Report refer to the number at the bottom left-hand corner of Access window of the specific form or report, and use this number when the print dialog box asks for pages to print.

3. The Forms Template

SD-SSC-1 Form

The SD-SSC-1 form template contains 33 variables that need to be entered. As listed below:

  • Field Office: This variable is the Field Office where the project was done. It is a pull down menu so select the proper Field Office.
  • County: This variable is the County where the project was done. Enter the County.
  • Acres: Enter the total acres of the project.
  • Field Office Address: Fill in this address.
  • Level of Training: This variable is a pull down menu. Select the highest level of training of personnel on the project (Either CRS, FCRC, or FOP).
  • Project #: This variable refers to a sequential number for the project. Format should be a sequential project number followed by a two character County abbreviation and a two-character code for the year (i.e.: 01ST02).
  • Personnel: Enter the names of the personnel present on the project.
  • Date of Inventory: Enter the date of inventory (i.e.. 12/23/01).
  • Inventory Size N: Enter the longest northern extent of the project. This is not a

required field.

  • Inventory Size E.: Enter the longest eastern extent of the project area. This is not a required field.
  • Fiscal Year: Enter the fiscal year of the project (i.e.: when the survey was done).
  • Section: Enter the Section or Sections of the project. If there are multiple sections separate with a “,”. If there are multiple Township and Ranges separate sections with “,” and specific township and ranges with a “;”. (i.e..: same Township and Range: 12,13,14 , different Township and Ranges: T23N, R13E;R14: Sections: 12,13;23,24).
  • Township: Enter the Township(s) of the project (i.e.: T12N, R13E, or T12N,T13N; R13E) Make certain that the N, S, E or W is included with the Township and Range.
  • Range: Same as Township (be certain to include N, S, E, or W with the Range).
  • Ground Vis %: Enter a number representing the percent of ground visibility visible during survey (note: this is an estimate). If less than 40%, call the CRS for field inventory information.
  • 1/4 section: Enter the quarter section of the project. This variable is not required.
  • Landowner: Enter the Name of the person who owns the land (generally the


  • Conservation Name: This is a pull down menu, so select the proper type of

conservation practice. If the type is not present on list select Other and describe in the observations. If there are multiple practices select Other and describe in the observations.

  • Conservation Program: This is a pull down menu, so select the proper program. Do not include multiple programs on the same form. If program is not on the list select Other and describe in observations.
  • Practice #: This field is automatically filled in when Conservation Name is selected.
  • Attached USGS Topographic Map: Enter the names of the Topographic Maps on which the project is located. If the maps are not 7.5’ quadrangles note this in the observations. If there is not enough room in this variable enter the remaining data in the observations.
  • Owner’s Address: Enter the Owner’s Address.
  • High Priority Project Yellow Section: This is a pull down menu (enter Yes or No).
  • High Priority> 40 acres: This is a pull down menu (enter Yes or No).
  • ARMS database search: This is a pull down menu (enter Yes or No).
  • Project Time Accountable (in hrs): Enter time spent on field survey (i.e. .6, 1.1).
  • Consultation: This is a check box (check if Yes).
  • Consultation Type: This is a pull down menu (select none if none was done). Remember that consultation letters have gone out to each county commission and many local historical societies.
  • Property Type: This is a pull down menu (select either Private or Tribal).
  • Cultural Resources Located: This is a pull down menu (select Yes or No).
  • Observations: This space is used for any observations concerning the project.
  • Sig Date CRS: (Leave blank).
  • Sig Date FO: Field Office ASK Level 1V required .

SD-SSC-2 Form

The SD-SSC-2 form template contains 24 variables that need to be filled out. These are listed below:

  • Field Office: This variable is the Field Office where the project was done. It is a pull down menu so select the proper Field Office.
  • County: This variable is the County where the project was done. Enter the County.
  • CR Number: This variable refers to a sequential number for the project. Format should be a sequential project number followed by a two character County abbreviation and a Two-character code for the year (i.e.: 01ST02).
  • Fiscal Year: Enter the fiscal year of the project (i.e.: when the survey was done).
  • Field Office Address: Fill in this address.
  • Date: Enter the date of inventory (i.e.. 12/23/01).
  • NRCS Contact Name: This variable is the name of the NRCS person to contact if there are questions concerning the SD-SSC-2 form.
  • Landowner/Cooperator Name: Enter the Name of the person who owns the land (generally the producer).
  • Conservation Program: This is a pull down menu, so select the proper program. Do not include multiple programs on the same form. If program is not on the list select Other and describe in observations.
  • Practice #: This field is automatically filled in when Conservation Name is selected.
  • Level of Training: This variable is a pull down menu. Select the highest level of training of personnel on the project (Either CRS, FCRC, or FOP).
  • Conservation Name: This is a pull down menu, so select the proper type of

conservation practice. If the type is not present on list select Other and describe in the observations. If there are multiple practices select Other and describe in the observations.

  • High Priority Project: This fills in automatically when Conservation Name is filled in.
  • Consultation: This is a check box (check if Yes).
  • Consultation Type: This is a pull down menu (select none if none was done). Remember that consultation letters have gone out to each county commission and many local historical societies.
  • Observations: This space is used for any observations concerning the project.
  • Attached USGS Topographic Map: Enter the names of the Topographic Maps on which the project is located. If the maps are not 7.5’ quadrangles note this in the observations. If there is not enough room in this variable enter the remaining data in the observations.
  • Township: Enter the Township(s) of the project (i.e.: T12N, R13E, or T12N,T13N; R13E) Make certain that the N, S, E or W is included with the Township and Range.
  • Range: Same as Township (be certain to include N, S, E, or W with the Range).
  • Section: Enter the Section or Sections of the project. If there are multiple sections separate with a “,”. If there are multiple Township and Ranges separate sections with “,” and specific township and ranges with a “;”. (i.e.: same Township and Range: 12,13,14 , different Township and Ranges: T23N, R13E;R14: Sections: 12,13;23,24).
  • Project Acres: Enter the total acres of the project.
  • Property Type: This is a pull down menu (select either Private or Tribal).
  • ARMS database search: This is a pull down menu (enter Yes or No).
  • Signature date #1: This is used for date that the form is signed if it is a High Priority Project.
  • Signature date #2: This is used for date that the form is signed if it is a Low

Priority Project.

4. Advanced Techniques

Advanced techniques cover what to do with the data once it is entered into the form template and viewing Queries.

  • At the end of each quarter-year [monthly preferred] Field Offices’ will submit a copy of their up-dated table format data so that it be placed into a master form. This will involve exporting the data table to Excel and sending the CRS or SCRS the Excel Table. Excel will be used because it takes up less space to send over the Internet.
  • The other technique of viewing Queries allows you to view a summary of projects that have been done.

Exporting Data

  • At the Access window select Tables tab.
  • Open Table
  • From the toolbar at the top of the screen select Files.
  • From Files select Save as Export.
  • A Save As dialog box will come up. Select To External File or Database.
  • Select Okay.
  • A Save In dialog box will come up.
  • Select desired Drive (generally A: with a floppy)
  • Select desired File location.
  • Select desired file name (generally SD1 or SD2) followed by the fiscal year of the data.
  • Save type: Select Excel 97.
  • Select Export.
  • The exported Table should now be an Excel file.
  • Open the Excel file. If there are multiple Fiscal Years - delete the fiscal Year data that you do not want.
  • Save the Excel file.
  • Send the Excel file via Email to your CRS or SCRS.
  • CRS or SCRS will import the Excel file into a master database.

Viewing Queries

  • At the Access window select the Queries tab.
  • Select (highlight) the Query (summary) that you want to view.
  • Select Open.
  • The Query table will come up for viewing.
  • To close select the “X” in the upper right hand corner of the Access window.
C. Summary

The cultural resource management process involves:

  • Opening the Access form template to enter data.
  • Entering or editing the form data.
  • Printing out the form Report (the report is created automatically when the data is entered in the form).
  • Closing the Access window.
  • Sending a signed hard copy of the Report (either SD-SSC-1 or SD-SSC2) to the CRS or SCRS. (Please do not send us the form in Form format).
  • Placing a copy of the form Report in the producer’s file and Cultural Resource File.
  • On a regular basis, export data table to an Excel file and email to CRS or SCRS.
  • If too many fiscal years are entered into the Access database.
  • Export the data table to an Excel file.
  • Save the excel file in a secure place (such as a floppy disk)
  • Open the Access Data Table and delete the old fiscal year data that you do not need any more (remember you still have the data on a floppy).
  • To delete data from the Access data Table sort data by Year (the sort button is on the toolbar select the column you want to sort on and select sort ascending) and then select the rows you want to delete and select delete.

[Questions? Call Charles “Pete” Armitage at Rapid City support office.]