Printer Driver Installation Guide
for Tire Storage Solutions

Table of Contents

1.0 Overview

2.0 Requirements

3.0 Install Intermec Printer Driver

4.0 Browser Configuration

5.0 Install the Tire Storage Solutions Label Printer software

6.0 Troubleshooting


In order for tire labels to be printed from the TSS application, the printer drivers must first be installed on the PC. The instructions included here provide a step-by-step process on how to install and configure the printer and printer drivers.


In order to properly install the printer drivers, the following are required:

  1. Windows XP or Windows Vista or Windows
  2. Internet Explorer 7 or newer
  3. USB Ports
  4. Labels and ink loaded into the Intermec printer
  5. For instructions, see Intermec printer manual

3.0Install Intermec Printer Driver

In order for labels to print correctly from the Tire Storage Solutions application, the following steps must be followed to install the printer software.

  1. Plug in the printer to a power source. DO NOT connect it to the PC yet. Leave the printer off for now
  2. Install the printer driver

a.This program can be found at this link: Intermec Driver

b.After downloading, open the program by double-clicking the icon

c.A window may open like the one below. If it does, click “Run”.

d.Accept the terms in the license agreement and then click “Next”.

e.The next screen asks you to select the installation directory where the software will be unpacked. The address that is already entered is typically fine, but if you wish to change this directory, select “Browse” and make the necessary changes. When you are satisfied with the selected installation directory, click “Next”.

f.Click on ‘Install’ and wait until the installation finishes.

g.At this point, you should connect your printer and turn it on. The screen will ask you if you want to check for updates. Uncheck the box and hit ‘Next’

h.This screen should soon find the printer

  1. If it does not, check the printer is on and connected to the PC. Then, click on “Serial”. Then click on “USB” again to make the search restart

i.When the printer is found, click “Next”

j.The printer will be displayed on this screen. Click “Next”

k.Enter a name for the printer (or leave the default name). Then make sure that the box that says “Use this printer as the default printer” is unchecked. Otherwise every document that is printed from the PC will be printed on the label printer. Also, specify that you do not want to share the printer with other network users. Click “Next”.

l.Click “Finish”

Browser Configuration

  1. Change settings in IE7
  2. Navigate to Tools > Internet Options > Security tab
  1. Select Custom Level
  1. Scroll down to the Downloads section
  1. Click to enable “Automatic prompting for file downloads”
  2. Click “OK”
  1. Click “OK”

4.0Install the Tire Storage Solutions Label Printer software

  1. This application can be found here:
  2. Open the application by double-clicking the icon
  3. A Welcome window will open. Click “Next”
  1. Select the installation folder you wish to use. If you wish to change the automatically selected folder to something else, click “Browse”. Usually this will not be necessary. Also,select that the label printer is installed to “Everyone” who uses this computer. Click “Next”
  1. You will be asked to confirm the installation by clicking “Next”
  1. A dialog box will be displayed, showing you the progress of the installation. It should take less than a minute.
  1. Once the application has been installed, you will be notified. Click “Close”.
  1. Work through one full cycle of printing
  2. Log in to the TSS Dealership Portal and navigate to the Tires tab
  3. Select the tires for which you wish to print labels
  4. Click “Print Tires for Selected Tires”
  5. The first time you print, you will need to set up the defaults. Deselect the “Always ask before opening this type of file” option, then click “Open”.
  1. A window will pop up like the one below. To select the label printer, select the down arrow, and select the printer that you previously named from the drop down menu. After the label printer has been selected, click “Next”.
  1. Labels will print. Ensure that the printer prints the labels without issue. Once you have completed the installation, all future printing will only require step 3a, b, c, and e.


During the first printing job, or anytime following the first job if you open the printer and adjust the roll of labels or ink tape, the printer may have trouble locating the beginning of the label, thus causing alignment issues. To solve this issue, push the blue button found on the front of the printer. This will cause the printer to realign the label to the proper place. If a red light starts to flash, push the blue button a second time. Once the label has stopped moving, you may now print as normal.

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