2nd nine weeks study guide-Louisiana History

  1. Spain received Louisiana from France in the Treaty of Fontainebleau.
  2. The Cabildo is a building in New Orleans where the city council met under Spanish rule.
  3. Bloody O’Reilly created 12 geographical divisions of the Catholic Church which we call parishes.
  4. Ways the Spanish increased rights for slaves: they could testify in court, receive 30 minute lunch breaks/2 hour dinner breaks, freed at will without government approval, & could purchase their own freedom
  5. Galvez helped American colonists during American Revolution by providing supplies such as medicine, clothing, and weapons to them.
  6. Governor Miro’s biggest achievement was bringing more settlers to Louisiana than any other governor before him.
  7. English forced Acadians to leave Nova Scotia because they were afraid of rebellion. (Acadians were of French heritage)
  8. Spanish invited Acadians to Louisiana because they were trying to populate Louisiana. Being accustomed to farming & trapping allowed Acadians to fit into Louisiana culture quite easily. They settled mostly in Southwest Louisiana & along Bayou Teche.
  9. A Cajun is the term used to describe someone who descends from the Acadians in Canada.
  10. French Quarter is not really French because it was rebuilt using Spanish architecture due to the TWO fires and hurricanes that destroyed the French Quarter in the late 1700s. Governor Carondolet ordered all buildings over one story had to be made of brick.
  11. Treaty of San Lorenzo was signed by Carondolet to avoid war with United States. It set a northern boundary for West Florida and allowed U.S. to have the right of deposit in New Orleans for three years.
  12. Jefferson sent Robert Livingston & James Monroe to buy Louisiana from Napoleon(French dictator/general). They spent $15 million dollars on the purchase some of which they borrowed from the English which is ironic since the French & English were at war during this period.
  13. Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States.
  14. In a span of three weeks, the territory of Louisiana was owned by three separate countries (Spain, France, and the United States)
  15. Vocabulary words:
  16. ratify (to approve),
  17. annex (to incorporate or blend into a political unit),
  18. blockade (using ships to block a coast keeping other ships from passing),
  19. Neutral Strip (land that Spain & United States agreed to stay out to avoid war),
  20. Andrew Jackson (American general during the Battle of New Orleans),
  21. Jean Lafitte (pirate who aided Jackson during the Battle of New Orleans),
  22. Julien Poydras(Congressman who assisted Louisiana in gaining statehood),
  23. Thomas Jefferson (U.S. president who bought Louisiana from France)
  24. Assimilation difficulties after Louisiana Purchase: French & Spanish speaking Catholics vs. English speaking Protestants
  25. Manifest Destiny is the belief that the U.S. had the right to expand westward to California. LA Purchase is an example of how this belief was accomplished.
  26. Louisiana Purchase split the territory into TWO parts: Territory of Orleans (eventually the state of Louisiana) & District of Louisiana (everything else)
  27. Claiborne was selected governor of the Territory of Orleans.
  28. Spain & Louisiana could not agree on Louisiana’s western border. To avoid war, the Neutral Strip was created which was not controlled by either side. Outlaws moved into this area and took advantage of people robbing them since NEITHER side could enforce any laws.
  29. West Florida was not included in LA Purchase. Spain owned West Florida, but most people living there were Americans. Americans overthrew Spanish rule and formed their own country (Republic of West Florida) which lasted for 10 weeks. President Madison annexed West Florida and it became part of the United States.
  30. The process of statehood: territory needs 60,000 people, bill for territory to become state, state constitution, constitution ratified, governor
  31. Louisiana became the 18th state on April 30, 1812 which was anniversary of LA Purchase. Claiborne was elected 1st governor.
  32. Louisiana’s first constitution was biased because it only allowed wealthy, white, land-owning males to vote and participate in government.
  33. Battle of New Orleans was fought between America(led by Andrew Jackson) and British(led by Edward Pakenham). United States was outnumbered but with help of Creoles, black militiamen, and Lafitte’s pirates were able to defeat British in the battle which occurred in Chalmette (Rodriguez Canal).
  34. Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812 which was technically signed two weeks before the Battle of New Orleans.
  35. 25 % of Louisiana’s population owned slaves.
  36. Adams Onis Treaty: U.S. bought Florida from Spain & western boundary of Louisiana is finalized.
  37. Caddo were forced by United States to sell their land for 15 cents per acre & relocate to Oklahoma by signing the Caddo Cession Treaty
  38. Steamboats & railroads were the big improvements in transportation during the Antebellum era. Henry Miller Shreve designed the steamboat which was useful for navigating through narrow & shallow waterways in Louisiana.
  39. LSU was originally a military academy in Pineville, LA before being destroyed during the Civil War and relocating to Baton Rouge.
  40. New Orleans had a yellow fever epidemic between 1853-1854 killing 11,000 people and causing many people to retreat to the Northshore to avoid getting sick.
  41. Constitution of 1845: ALL white men could participate in government, free public education/schools, state capitol moved from New Orleans to Baton Rouge in 1850
  42. Mardi Gras originally started as one last day to indulge before the Catholic season of Lent.
  43. Krewe of Rex (started in 1872) introduced the 3 Mardi Gras colors (purple, green, gold)
  44. Mardi Gras is important to Louisiana today because tourists stay at city hotels, eat at area restaurants, and bring in more tax dollars.
  45. Abolition is a movement to end slavery.
  46. Secession is the political process of withdrawing from a union.
  47. The Conscription Act was a Confederate law that subjected all Southern men aged 18-35 (later changed to 17-50) to military service.
  48. The Emancipation Proclamation did not free any slaves because it freed slaves in rebel controlled territories, but the south had already succeeded from the Union so Lincoln had no control over that area.
  49. The 13th amendment abolished slavery in the U.S.
  50. African Americans faced discrimination during the Civil War. They were eventually allowed to fight for the Union army after the start of the war because the Union needed more soldiers. They were only allowed to be guards at first but were eventually allowed to fight. The Confederacy did not allow African Americans to join their military.
  51. The Anaconda Plan was a two part plan created by Winfield Scott so the Union could quickly win the war. The first part of the plan was to blockade the southern coastline this would stop supplies from getting to the Confederacy from other countries. The south would eventually run out of supplies with the blockades. The second part of the plan was to seize control of the Mississippi River. This would split the Confederacy, making it easier to conquer. This would also give Northerners total control of the river. The Anaconda Plan made it very difficult for Louisiana to get supplies.
  52. The 3/5ths Compromise said slaves would count as 3/5ths of a person in terms of state population. This would effect representation in the House of Representatives.
  53. Lincoln did not win any votes from the south during the 1860 election because the south refused to print his name on the ballot. He still was elected because the North had more people voting.
  54. After Louisiana seceded from the Union they formed the Republic of Louisiana. It existed for six weeks. Louisiana then joined the Confederate States of America.
  55. The Tax-in-Kind act said farmers had to give a percentage of their crops to the Confederacy.
  56. The Impressment Act said the Confederacy could impress (means to seize or take) ANY property needed for the war effort.
  57. New Orleans was the largest slave selling and trading city because it had one of the largest ports at that time.
  58. Impacts of the Civil War on Louisiana:

•Most of Louisiana was destroyed

•600 battles in Louisiana

•Homes, livestock, levees, railroads, bridges, everything!!

•15,000 Louisianans were dead

•Before the Civil War Louisiana had the highest income per person. After it was the lowest.

  1. Prior to the Civil War, the North was mostly urban and made money through manufacturing. The south was mostly rural and made money through agriculture. The South wanted to spread slavery to the Western territories.
  2. After the presidential election of 1860, Lincoln won the election because the north had more people voting. The south used the phrase “tyranny by the majority” after this because they thought that anything the north wanted to vote on they would win because they had more representation in Congress. If slavery was ever voted on they knew it would be abolished because the north had more people to vote against slavery.
  3. Soldiers from Louisiana were called Louisiana Tigers.
  4. When the Union attacked New Orleans, the people of New Orleans burned all their supplies to keep the Union from getting the supplies.