2nd Grade Project: In“Vest“in the State of Georgia

Due:November 14, 2011

Choose one of the following topics:

  • The Five Georgia Regions(Coastal Plain, Piedmont, Blue Ridge Mountains, Valley and Ridge, Appalachian Plateau)
  • 5 GeorgiaCities and Leaders (Governor and Mayors - Select Atlanta and4 other GA cities),
  • 7Georgia Rivers (ChattahoocheeRiver, Flint River, OcmulgeeRiver,

OconeeRiver, AltamahaRiver, Savannah River, and St. Mary’s River)


  • Students will create and design a (wearable) child sized vest that displays information about the selected Georgia Topic.
  • Student will write a factual report with at least eight facts about their selected topic.

Suggested Materials

The vest may be made from large grocery paper bags.Other materials such as butcher paper, poster board, construction paper, fabric, foam cut outs, stencils;plastic,etc. may also be used in creating the vest. Students must have evidence of at least three types of art media in vest.

Suggested Art Media:

paint markersfelt

photosmagazine picturesstickers

ribbonyarnconstruction paper

Crayonsglue etc.

scissorsoriginal artwork

Be creative! Students’ vest will be worn and on display.

Suggested Ways to Make a Vest

Family Fun:


  • Large brown paper bag
  • Scissors
  • Paint
  • Glue
  • Art Media (See the Art Media list.)


  1. Make a vest from a brown paper bag by cutting a head hole, arm holes, and a fringe along the bottom.
  2. Your child can paint and decorate the vest.
  3. When the vest is dry, your child can wear it.

DLTK's Crafts for KidsRecycled Vest:

CATEGORY / 4 (25 points) / 3 (20 Points) / 2 (15 points) / 1 (10 points)
Art- Relevance / The topic /title is displayed on the vest. All art work is related to the topic and the work is clear and easily understood.All areas of the subject are included. / All art is related to the topic and most make it easier to understand. More than half of the areas of the subject are included on the vest, / Art relates to the topic. Fewer than 3 areas of the subject are included on the vest, / Art does not relate to the topic
Oral Presentation -Knowledge Gained / Student orally tells important facts about the project. Student can accurately answer all questions related to facts in the vest and processes used to create the vest. / Student can accurately answer most questions related to facts in the vest and processes used to create the vest. / Student appears to have limited knowledge about the facts or processes used in the vest. / Student appears to have insufficient knowledge about the facts or processes used in the vest.
Written Content - Accuracy / . Student has written 8 to 10 facts in complete sentences about topic on notebook paper. / Student has written 7 or 6 facts in complete sentences about the chosen topic on notebook paper . / Student has written 4or5 facts in complete sentences about chosen topic on notebook paper / Student has 3 or fewer facts written about topic on notebook paper .
Neatness and Accuracy. / The facts are neatly written in complete sentences. The written report begins and ends at the correct margins. All information is correct. There isno punctuation or spelling error. / The facts are neatly written in complete sentences. All information is correct. There are 5 or fewer punctuation or spelling errors. / Some facts are written in complete sentences. Improvement is needed in the area of neatness or accuracy. / Neatness and accuracy are not satisfactory..

Project Rubric