Chapter 42 SOLID WASTE
Chapter 42 SOLID WASTE [1]
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Cross reference— Buildings and building regulations, ch. 10; environment, ch. 22; removal of trash, garbage, refuse; collection of costs when done by town, § 22-121; utilities, ch. 58.(Back)
State Law reference— Authority for removal of trash, garbage, etc., Code of Virginia, § 15.2-901.(Back)
Sec. 42-1. Authority of town manager to regulate trash collection.
Sec. 42-2. Cover required on transporting vehicles.
Sec. 42-3. Tampering with trash containers.
Sec. 42-4. Penalty for violation of chapter.
Secs. 42-5—42-30. Reserved.
Sec. 42-1. Authority of town manager to regulate trash collection.
The town manager, by and with the consent and approval of the council, shall be authorized and empowered to draw up rules and regulations pertaining to the collection of trash, refuse and garbage, as may be deemed necessary for the proper carrying out of the provisions of this chapter.
(Code 1984, § 9-1)
Sec. 42-2. Cover required on transporting vehicles.
No garbage or trash shall be hauled on the streets of the town unless the vehicle transporting such garbage or trash is covered on all sides, the end and the top with such material and in such a manner that no trash or garbage can fall from such vehicle during the transporting process.
(Code 1984, § 9-2)
State Law reference— Construction, maintenance and loading must prevent escape of contents, Code of Virginia, § 46.2-1156.
Sec. 42-3. Tampering with trash containers.
It shall be unlawful and constitute a misdemeanor for any person to tamper or in any manner to meddle with any container of any kind or construction used for the containing of garbage or refuse, except the person using such container for containing his garbage or refuse and the employees of the town, duly authorized to collect and dispose of such refuse or garbage.
(Code 1984, § 9-3)
Sec. 42-4. Penalty for violation of chapter.
A violation of this chapter, unless otherwise provided, shall constitute a Class 3 misdemeanor.
(Code 1984, § 9-4)
Cross reference— Penalty for Class 3 misdemeanor, § 1-15(a)(3).
Secs. 42-5—42-30. Reserved.
Sec. 42-31. Trash receptacles for family dwellings and businesses.
Sec. 42-32. Placing containers or receptacles for collection.
Sec. 42-33. Containers and receptacles generally.
Secs. 42-34—42-60. Reserved.
Sec. 42-31. Trash receptacles for family dwellings and businesses.
(a) All family dwellings shall be required to use appropriate covered containers as receptacles for garbage, trash and other debris as specified in this chapter.
(b) All businesses requiring two or more pickups per week shall be required to use regulation containers as receptacles for garbage, trash and other debris as specified in this chapter.
(Code 1984, § 9-16)
Sec. 42-32. Placing containers or receptacles for collection.
(a) All garbage, ashes and refuse, unless carried away and disposed of by the party creating such garbage, ashes and refuse, shall be set out for collection by the trucks operated by the town for the collection of such garbage, etc., at such places upon the property of the party setting out such garbage, etc., as shall be readily accessible and convenient for collection of such garbage, etc., by the employees of the town delegated to make such collection; and such garbage, ashes and refuse shall be placed in proper and suitable containers or receptacles.
(b) Town employees shall not be allowed to enter buildings for removal of garbage or refuse.
(Code 1984, § 9-17)
Sec. 42-33. Containers and receptacles generally.
(a) Refuse and garbage containers shall be defined as follows: All refuse and garbage containing animal or vegetable matter subject to decay or fermentation shall be placed in a metal, plastic or other rigid waterproof receptacle, to include plastic trash bags of not more than 30 gallons' capacity equipped with a tightfitting cover or to be tied shut, such container and cover to be in such condition as to protect the contents from flies, dogs and rats.
(b) All trash, paper, cans, bottles, ashes and other matter not liable to decay or ferment may be placed in an appropriate container provided the container and contents do not weigh more than 75 pounds. Such container must be covered or tightly fastened to prevent scattering of the contents. Receptacles shall be filled not more than level full and must be strong enough to withstand handling by town employees in loading the truck. Paper or cardboard cartons are to be flattened out and securely tied.
(c) Covers on all receptacles shall be kept in place except when filling or emptying.
(d) No liquid shall be placed in any receptacle.
(e) Neither hot ashes nor any combustible material shall be placed in any combustible container.
(f) Containers shall not be placed outside of the buildings more than 12 hours before the day of collection in the residential districts, and such containers shall not be so placed until the day on which collection is to be made.
(Code 1984, § 9-18; Ord. of 6-28-1999, § 9-18(a))
Secs. 42-34—42-60. Reserved.
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State Law reference— Authority to collect and dispose of refuse, Code of Virginia, § 15.2-927.(Back)
Sec. 42-61. Rate for garbage collection.
Sec. 42-61. Rate for garbage collection.
Any household or business that receives water from the town shall pay a rate the equivalent of the residential garbage rate which is on file in the town clerk's office.
Bluefield, Virginia, Code of OrdinancesPage 1