Supply Chain Management


Pakistan International Airlines

2nd Floor, Contract Administration Cell

Pakistan International Airlines Corporations (PIAC), Head Office Karachi Airport.

Tel: +92-21-99044423-99043081 Fax: 34570120


Tender Ref #: GM/CAC/ Cont/001/18

Dated: 01-01-2018

Tender Cost: PK Rs. 3,000/-

Invitation to Tenders to read all Instructions carefully.

M/S ______


Sub: Tender for Annual Contract for Air Craft Cabin Cleaning for the Year 2018.

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are pleased to invite your sealed tenders for the items listed in the attached schedule/s. In case of more than one schedule separate tender for each schedule should be furnished. The terms & conditions of the tender / supplies are given below:-


1.  You are required to send/drop your sealed (taped with scotch tape) tenders In Single Stage Single Envelope Basis addressed to General Manager Procurement Commercial, PIA Procurement & Logistics Building JIAP Karachi by dated 08-01-2018. The tenders may be dropped in the tender box marked as “Tender Box Commercial Purchases” placed at the entrance of the PIA Supply Chain Management Building latest by 10:30 hours on the specified date. You may also send your tenders through registered A/D mail addressed to General Manager Procurement, which must reach before the closing date and time mentioned above. Tenders will be opened at 11:00 hours the same day in the presence of tenderers.

2.  Tenders received after stipulated date & time shall not be considered. The Corporation will not be responsible for postal delays. The decision of General Manager Procurement Commercial in this respect shall be final and binding.

Bidders are required to submit a Pay Order of Rs.3000/- (Non-Refundable) as tender fees along with the proposal (Local Bidders).

B) EARNEST MONEY (Local Bidders)

The Tender should be accompanied a Pay Order payable (valid for 90 days from the date of tender opening) equivalent to 2 % of total bid value in the name of M/SPAKISTANINTERNATIONALAIRLINES as interest free Earnest Money (Refundable). Earnest Money in any other shape shall not be accepted. Earnest/Security Money deposited against a running contract(s) purchase orders(s) shall not be transferable as earnest money for any other tender. All tenders without Earnest Money shall not be considered.


The successful tenderer upon award of Contract/Purchase Order will be required to furnish security deposit (pay order) in the amount equivalent to 5% of total tender value stated in the Letter of Acceptance as interest free Security deposit and to remain valid 3-months after the expiry period of the Contract. The Earnest Money already held can be converted into Security Deposit and balance amount if any shall be deposited as above.

The outer cover of envelope should bear address of the General Manager Supply Chain Management, PIA Supply Chain Management Building, JIAP Karachi – Pakistan and reference number of the tender with opening date of tender.

All information about the material proposed to be supplied must be given as required in the schedule to tender.

The tender will not be considered if complete information required is not given therein.

Authorized Signatures of individual signing the tender and other documents connected with the contract must specify whether signing as:

a)  Sole Proprietor or his attorney.

b)  A registered active partner of the firm or his attorney.

c)  For the firm per procreation.

d)  As Manager, Partner, etc., or their attorney in case of firms registered under Partnership Act.

e) The Tenderers must indicate whether its firm / company / organization etc is registered with PIA or not. If registered then specify PIA Registration number/ letter.


a)  The Prices quoted must be net as per accounting unit as shown in the Schedule to tender inclusive of all duties / taxes, packing, octroi and delivery charges for free delivery to Karachi Airport. However, if GST is applicable, same should be shown separately.

b)  The Prices mentioned in the tender will be treated as firm till the completion of Purchase Order / Contract.

c)  The Prices must be stated for each item separately both in words and figures in Pakistan Currency. Additional information, if any must be linked with entries on the Schedule to Tender.

d)  Offers must be valid for 180 days.

Term of Contract

The contract shall be signed for the period of one year, extendable for further two terms with mutual consent on same rates, terms & conditions.


PIA do not pledge themselves to accept the lowest tender and reserve the right to accept or reject any or all tenders / quotations, divide business among more than one supplier or accept the tenders at rates on lowest individual items or extend the date of opening with assigned proper reason.

Yours truly,

For Pakistan International Airlines

GM Contract Administration Cell

Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) invites “Sealed bids” on “Single Stage Single Envelope Basis” from interested parties for the Contract for Transit Cleaning Service of PIA Aircraft at the following stations:

Karachi KHI,

Lahore LHE,

Islamabad ISB and

Peshawar PEW

Note: 1) Separate Bids are invited for each station.

2) Bids can be submitted for any one or more stations.

The scopes of services required are:

“Transit Cleaning of PIA Aircraft including Cleaning of Flight Deck Compartment/Cockpit, Passenger Stairs, Passenger Cabin, Galleys/Service Center & Entrance Areas, Lavatories/toilets etc.”

The complete set of bidding documents containing the details of services required, instructions and terms and conditions for the tender, evaluation criteria etc (that form an integral part hereof and hereby incorporated by reference) can be downloaded from PIA website or Public Procurement Regulatory Authority website (

The bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents, must reach at General Manager Procurement, Supply Chain Department (Store Building), PIA Head Office, Karachi on or before 20th December 2017 up to 1500 (PST). Bids will be opened the same day at 1530 Hrs. (PST).

Bidders are required to submit two copies each of the technical & commercial bid marked as “Original” & “Copy”. Bids must be valid for 180 days. PIAC reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel the procurement process at any stage in line with PPRA rules.



Contract for Transit Cleaning Service of PIA Aircraft

Table of Contents

Pakistan International Airlines 1

Tender Ref #: GM/CAC/ Cont/001/18 1

Dated: 01-01-2018 1

Invitation to Tenders to read all Instructions carefully. 1



Preamble 8

Section A - Instructions to Bidders 9

1. Scope of Bid 9

2. Parties qualified to apply 9

3. Cost of Bidding 9

4. Bidding Documents 9

5. Clarification on Bidding Documents 10

6. Amendment to Bidding Document 10

7. Extension in Submission Dates 10

8. Submission of Bid 10

9. Tender Proceedings 11

i) Technical Proposal: 11

ii) Financial Proposal: 11

iii) Self Assessment: 12

10. Bid Related Details: 12

i) Currency of Bid: 12

ii) Bid Validity: 12

iii) Language of Bids: 12

iv) Format and Signing of Bids: 12

v) Sealing and Marking: 12

11. Deadline for Submission of Bids: 12

12. Late Bids: 13

13. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids: 13

14. Opening of Bids: 13

15. Bid Read Out: 13

16. Preliminary Examination of Bids: 13

17. Qualification: 14

18. Deliberations with Bidders: 14

19. Correction in Bids 14

20. Evaluation of Bids 14

21. Unsuccessful Bidders: 15

22. Ranking of Bids: 15

23. Letter of Acceptance 15

24. PIA’s Right 15

25. Signing of Contract Agreement 15

Section B – General Conditions of Contract 15

1. Scope of Agreement 16

2. Governing Law 16

3. Disputes 16

4. Civil Aviation Authority, ASF & other Security Agencies Requirements 16

5. Payment Terms 16

6. Taxes 16

7. Insurance 17

8. Exit Clause 17

9. Integrity Pact 17

10. Notices 17

11. Indemnities 17

12. Force Majeure 17

Section C – Special Conditions of Contract 17

1. Extension of Term 18

2. Addition of flights at station 18

Section D – Evaluation of Bids 18

1. Technical Evaluation Criteria 18

2. Financial Evaluation Criteria 21

3. Methodology for Assessing Lowest Evaluated Bid 21


General Information and Assumptions 22



Scope of services required: 23


A. Flight Deck Compartment/Cockpit: 23

B. Passenger Stairs: (where applicable) 23

C. Passenger Cabin: 23

D. Galleys / Service Centre & Entrance Areas: 24

E. Lavatories / Toilet: 24


Minimum number of cleaners and Maximum time allowed for Transit Cleaning: 25

Mandatory Requirements: 26


Form of Bid 27

Annex - III 28

Integrity Pact 28


Financial Proposal 29

1. Monthly Charges/Rate per flight 29

2. Rate Revision Provisions and Escalation, if any 30

3. Price Level 30

4. Invoicing Mechanism 30


This document is divided into four sections.

A.  The first section gives interested parties an overview of process and explains in detail as to how they should submit their bids and how their bids will be evaluated by PIA.

B.  The second section contains general terms which shall form the basis of the services agreement between PIA and the successful bidder.

C.  The third section covers the specifications of PIA’s requirement.

D.  The fourth section provides the interested bidders with an overview of PIA’s evaluation process to maintain complete transparency and criteria to determine the best suited offer.

The annexure contained thereafter are the standardized formats on which PIA expects to receive the actual offers from the interested bidders.

Section A - Instructions to Bidders

1. Scope of Bid

Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) invites “Sealed bids” on “Single Stage Single Envelope Basis” from interested parties for the Contract for Transit Cleaning Service of PIA Aircraft at the following stations:

Karachi KHI,

Lahore LHE,

Islamabad ISB and

Peshawar PEW

Note: 1) Separate Bids are invited for each station.

2) Bids can be submitted for any one or more stations.

The scopes of services required are:

“Transit Cleaning of PIA Aircraft including Cleaning of Flight Deck Compartment/Cockpit, Passenger Stairs, Passenger Cabin, Galleys/Service Center & Entrance Areas, Lavatories/toilets etc.”

The Bidders are invited to submit a detailed Technical Proposal and an item wise Financial/Commercial proposal for Services required as per the requirements detailed in the bidding documents.

By submitting a Proposal, the Bidder agrees to be legally bound by the terms and conditions set out in this Bidding Document. The Proposal will be considered as a binding offer from the Bidder subject to acceptance by PIA.

2. Parties qualified to apply

Service Providers/Cleaning Companies/Airlines Operators/Transit Cleaning/handling agencies having legal right for Transit Cleaning of Commercial Aircraft.

3. Cost of Bidding

The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid and PIA will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

4. Bidding Documents

For the purpose of this bidding process, the term “Bidding Documents” shall include:

i.  Invitation for Bids

ii.  Instructions to Bidders

iii.  General Conditions of Contract

iv.  Special Conditions of Contract

v.  Evaluation of Bids

vi.  Annexure

a) Specifications & Technical Proposal and mandatory services required (Annex ‘I’)

b) Form of Bid (Annex ‘II’)

c) Integrity Pact (Annex ‘III’)

d) Financial Proposal (Annex ‘IV’)

The bidders are expected to examine all the above, prior to submission of their bids.

The ‘Instructions to Bidders’ will not be part of Contract and will cease to have effect once the Contract is signed.

5. Clarification on Bidding Documents

A prospective bidder requiring any clarification(s) in respect of the Bidding Document shall notify PIA in writing. PIA will respond to any request for clarification which it receives earlier than five (5) days prior to the deadline for the submission of bid. For clarification on bidding document please email to

6. Amendment to Bidding Document

At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bid, PIA may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, modify the tender document by issuing addendum(s).

7. Extension in Submission Dates

At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bid, PIA may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or to provide prospective bidders reasonable time, in which to take an addendum into account, at its discretion extend the deadline for submission of bids.

8. Submission of Bid

Interested bidders will have to submit their offer in sealed envelopes either in person or through courier. The offer should be clearly marked as “Bid for Contract for Transit Cleaning Service of PIA Aircraft at ______stations”. Inside the sealed envelope, there should be a separate bid for each station for which services are offered. Bidder can submit bid for any single or as many stations as they can separately. Only Hard Copies of Bids will be accepted. Electronic submission via email etc is not allowed.

9. Tender Proceedings

Single stage – One envelope procedure.-

Each bid shall comprise one single sealed envelope. All bids received shall be opened and evaluated in the manner prescribed in the bidding document.

Bidders will be required to submit following two proposals.

·  Technical Proposal

·  Financial/Commercial Proposal

i)  Technical Proposal: Technical Proposal shall comprise of the following along with the covering letter on the official letter pad of the bidder;

a) Bidder Profile: A brief company profile highlighting portfolios and customer details. State company profile and experience in managing technical Handling of Aircraft.

b) Technical Information: The information on services as per the Annex ‘I’.

In case the bidder wishes to include additional technical information separate sheets may be added.

c) Form of Bid: Duly completed and signed by the bidder as per format provided in Annex ‘II’. No alteration is to be made in the Form of Bid except in filling up the blanks.

d) Integrity Pact: The bidder shall sign and stamp the Form of Integrity Pact provided at ‘Annex – III’ which is a mandatory requirement of Government of Pakistan.