29. Incident Timekeeping

29.1 Purpose

To provide the incident commander with time frames used to gauge the progress of the action plan and consider the need to change tactical operations. Maintains consistent communications with dispatch, and provides a time stamped status log of the event from start to finish.

29.2 Policy

In accordance with NJAC 5:75-2.10 the communications center will announce the elapsed time on scene from time of arrival in 15 minute intervals for time sensitive, high risk incidents such as smoke conditions, structure fires, hazmat incidents, extrications and confined space incidents. Or at the request of the incident commander.

29.3 Procedure

Starting at the arrival of the first arriving fire department unit the communications officer will start the timer. At the every 15 minute interval the communications officer shall notify the IC that the duration of the incident has been 15 minutes and a progress report is due. The IC will give a status report following the below form, which will be documented by the communications officer. The timer shall run and reports given until the IC declares the incident under control. The following terms will be used by the IC to determine the status of the incident: Probable will hold, Doubtful will hold or Under Control.

The incident commander shall use the elapsed time from arrival to gauge progress of the incident action plan and consider the need to change tactical operations and or call additional companies.

The incident commander can request the timer to be started on any incident he/she feels necessary. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the IC to monitor the time of the incident, give a radio progress report and complete the below form in the event the communications officer fails to do so.

29.4 Periodic Roll Call

In accordance with NJAC 5:75-2.10, periodic roll call will be taken at the 30 minute interval at all incidents, with the first time period beginning a the time of arrival.

The IC will announce the PAR request, and all personnel for each apparatus operating at the incident will report to their immediate supervisor. Once a PAR has been confirmed or denied for each group, that groups supervisor will report back to the IC for example, (Command to Engine 379 your PAR...Engine 379 has PAR).


______Command to Dispatch

At ______(address)

We are using ______(2 engines, 1 truck)

For (fire, smoke, investigation) on the #______floor of a

____- Story, ______(building type/occupancy)

Primary search is ______(in progress/negative)

We have ______lines stretched _____ lines in operation.

______(Horizontal/vertical) ventilation is underway.

Exposure A is ______(Street, occupied/vacant, similar)

Exposure B is ______(Occupied / Lot / similar)

Exposure C is ______(rear yard, parking lot, one-story garage)

Exposure D is ______(Side lot, similar, attached structure)

PAR Check is ______(underway, complete with results)

The fire is ______(doubtful will hold / probably will hold under control)

03/14 JS