29 & 30April 2017 CELL LEADER’S WEEKLY RESOURCE Compiled by Pr. Janan Goh

1.WORKS (30 minutes)

  1. Reflection & Our Response

a)#ServePeople (to reinforce by focusing on the 30 day challenge)

Every cell member to share how it has been to put into practice the 30 day challenge. If there are any encouraging testimonies, do get them to share via bit.ly/dumcstories (Day 14)

For the 30 day challenge, download here:

Go to for more/all info.

2.WORD (60 minutes)

Workplace Series

Building Influence in the Marketplace(Colossians 3:22-4:1)

By Pastor Christopher Manivannan

  • Read the scripture passage.
  • Do a THREE-MINUTE SUMMARY of the sermon highlighting theKEY POINTS. Do not preach the whole sermon again, as majority of your members would have heard the sermon already. Allocate more time for sharing in the cell through the application questions below.
  • Sermon Resource at:

For the Word session, focus on the main message (the Big Idea):

Christians’ influence in the marketplace through the integration of faith and work.

Use the WORD Activity sheet as your guide or refer to these questions to facilitate your discussion.

Reflection & Application Questions:

  1. Since your work matters to God, share a testimony of how your faith in Christ helps you overcome the challenges and pains of work?
  2. As a worker of God, share an area of weakness that you could have done better at, to live out your faith at your workplace. How can your cell members pray for you?

WORD Activity Sheet (for Printing)

  1. Our work is worship to God

Write below words that describes your work (e.g. challenging, interesting) / Writebelow words/phrases that reflect our God-centred view of work (e.g. no corruption, work is worship) / Since all legitimate work reflects the activity of God, how would you integrate your work and your worship?
  1. Our work matters to God

Is your work ‘a calling’ or simply ‘an occupation’? What distinguishes you as a Christian at your workplace? Write below. / How can you demonstrate ‘Love God, Serve People and Make Disciples’ at your workplace? Share a testimiony of an example that inspires you to do more on the above to transform the marketplace for the glory of God.
  1. Our faith affects our work

What is your identity at the workplace? Is it in Christ or dependent on your success at work (e.g. achievements, monetary reward, title)? / How does faith help us understand that work is the means by which God loves and cares for His world? (clue: 9 to 5 window) / How does faith shape your character at work? Is your work well-done (excellent) and serves the good of human beings?

Closing point and to pray for one another:

Every occupation is a divine calling to be the fingers of God, living out His purpose to transform the marketplace.

Soft copy of the DUA is available at: 1