28. The client asks how he contracted hepatitis A. He

reports all of the following. Which one is most

likely related to hepatitis A?

2. He ate oysters his roommate brought home from

a fishing trip.

3. He stepped on a nail two weeks ago.

4. He donated blood two weeks before he got sick.

29. A client has had a liver biopsy. After the

procedure, the nurse should position him on his

right side with a pillow under his rib cage. What is

the primary reason for this position?

1. To immobilize the diaphragm

2. To facilitate full chest expansion

3. To minimize the danger of aspiration

4. To reduce the likelihood of bleeding

30. A client with cirrhosis is about to have a

paracentesis for relief of ascites. Which activity is

essential prior to the procedure?

1. Administer thorough mouth care.

2. Ask the client to empty his bladder.

3. Be sure his bowels have moved recently.

4. Have the client bathe with betadine.

31. The client has severe liver disease. Which of

the following observations is most indicative of

serious problems?

1. The client has generalized urticaria.

2. The client is “confused” and can no longer

write his name legibly.

3. The client is jaundiced.

4. The client has ecchymotic areas on his arms.

Nursing Care of Clients with Disorders

of the Gallbladder

A 45-year-old client is suspected of having cholecystitis.

119. When describing the discomfort to the nurse, the

client is most likely to indicate that the pain worsens at

which time?

[ ] 1. Shortly after eating

[ ] 2. When the stomach is empty

[ ] 3. After periods of activity

[ ] 4. Before rising in the morning

120. If this client is typical of others with cholecystitis,

besides localized pain, the client may describe feeling pain

that is referred to which area?

[ ] 1. Right shoulder

[ ] 2. Midepigastrium

[ ] 3. Neck or jaw

[ ] 4. Left upper arm

121. If the cause of the client’s infl amed gallbladder is

gallstones, the nurse would anticipate the laboratory data

to indicate which fi nding?

[ ] 1. Low red blood cell count

[ ] 2. Low hemoglobin level

[ ] 3. Elevated cholesterol level

[ ] 4. Elevated serum albumin level

122. If gallstones obstruct the fl ow of bile, how would

the nurse expect the client’s stools to appear?

[ ] 1. Black and tarry

[ ] 2. Light clay-colored

[ ] 3. Brown with bloody mucus

[ ] 4. Greenish yellow

123. When the dietitian has fi nished instructing the client

about a low-fat diet, the nurse knows that the client

requires additional teaching based on which statement?

[ ] 1. “I can eat chicken that has been broiled.”

[ ] 2. “Because fi sh is good for me, I’ll still get to eat a

lot of baked fi sh.”

[ ] 3. “I can have a hamburger and fries when I go out

with friends.”

[ ] 4. “I guess I’ll eat more roasted turkey for dinner.”

Because the client’s gallbladder was unable to concentrate

and excrete bile, it could not be visualized by cholecystography.

The physician orders an ultrasound of the gallbladder.

The nurse explains the scheduled procedure to the client.

124. Which comment indicates that the client has an

accurate understanding of the preparation necessary for the


[ ] 1. “Preparation involves withholding food for

approximately 8 to 12 hours.”

[ ] 2. “I’ll need to drink a container of barium just before

the X-ray.”

[ ] 3. “I’ll be allowed to eat a large test meal the night

before the X-ray.”

[ ] 4. “Just before the test, they’ll insert a large needle

into one of my arm veins.”

Ultrasound of the client’s gallbladder reveals several

stones in the common bile duct. A laparoscopic cholecystectomy

is scheduled.

125. Which statements made by the nurse provide the

best explanations of this procedure? Select all that apply.

[ ] 1. The procedure will require moderate sedation.

[ ] 2. The surgery will require a long period of gastric


[ ] 3. The abdomen will be infl ated with carbon dioxide

to provide a maximum view.

[ ] 4. There will be four small puncture sites.

[ ] 5. Most clients return home the evening after the


[ ] 6. A T-tube is inserted to drain bile until the surgical

wound heals.

Another client comes to the clinic with signs and symptoms

related to gallbladder disease but is not a candidate for a

laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The surgeon schedules an

open cholecystectomy.

The client returns from surgery with a nasogastric tube,

a T-tube for bile drainage, and a Jackson-Pratt tube for

wound drainage in place.

126. Immediately after surgery, the nurse assesses the

drainage from the T-tube. Which assessment fi nding best

indicates that the drainage color is normal at this time?

[ ] 1. The drainage is dark red or pale pink.

[ ] 2. The drainage is clear or transparent.

[ ] 3. The drainage is bright red or orange.

[ ] 4. The drainage is greenish yellow or brown.

127. The nurse is required to take which actions when

emptying the drainage receptacle of the client’s Jackson-

Pratt closed-wound drain? Select all that apply.

[ ] 1. Empty the drainage into a measuring container.

[ ] 2. Adjust the suction setting to low continuous suction.

[ ] 3. Squeeze the receptacle to expel air.

[ ] 4. Release the roller clamp.

[ ] 5. Cover the vent.

[ ] 6. Stabilize the drainage tube.

128. The nurse should anticipate implementing which

interventions to manage this client’s T-tube? Select all that


[ ] 1. Record the amount of drainage from the T-tube.

[ ] 2. Unclamp the T-tube at hourly intervals.

[ ] 3. Keep the T-tube drainage bag parallel with the


[ ] 4. Inspect the skin around the tube for irritation.

[ ] 5. Maintain the client in Fowler’s position.

[ ] 6. Notify the physician if the drainage changes color.

129. When the nurse assesses the T-tube in the early

postoperative period, which fi nding requires immediate


[ ] 1. The drainage bag is hanging below the abdomen.

[ ] 2. The drainage tubing is currently clamped.

[ ] 3. The drainage tube is taped to the client’s right side.

[ ] 4. The drainage volume was 100 mL in the past 6 hours.

130. When the client begins to consume food again,

which routine for clamping and unclamping the T-tube

should the nurse plan to follow?

[ ] 1. Unclamp the tube during the day.

[ ] 2. Unclamp the tube during the night.

[ ] 3. Unclamp the tube for 2 hours after eating.

[ ] 4. Unclamp the tube for 2 hours before eating.

131. How would the nurse reestablish negative pressure

within the Jackson-Pratt tube when emptying the drainage

bulb reservoir?

[ ] 1. By compressing the bulb reservoir and closing the

drainage valve

[ ] 2. By opening the drainage valve, allowing the bulb

to fi ll with air

[ ] 3. By fi lling the bulb reservoir with sterile normal

saline solution

[ ] 4. By securing the bulb reservoir to the skin near the


Nursing Care of Clients with Disorders

of the Liver

A 20-year-old college student goes to the university

health service after developing a sudden onset of fl ulike


132. When the health nurse monitors the client’s laboratory

test results, which elevated level would strongly suggest

a possible liver disorder?

[ ] 1. Serum potassium

[ ] 2. Serum creatinine

[ ] 3. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)

[ ] 4. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)

The physician determines that the college student has

hepatitis A.

133. When the client asks the nurse how the hepatitis A

was acquired, what is the best answer?

[ ] 1. Fecal-oral route

[ ] 2. Insect carriers

[ ] 3. Infected blood

[ ] 4. Wound drainage

An infection control nurse is consulted on measures for

reducing the potential transmission of the hepatitis A virus

to others.

134. On the basis of the routes of transmission for this

disease, which infection control measure is essential to

include in the client’s care plan?

[ ] 1. Wear gloves whenever entering the client’s room.

[ ] 2. Don a mask and gown when providing direct care.

[ ] 3. Maintain the client in a private room at all times.

[ ] 4. Perform vigorous hand washing after leaving the


Several of the college student’s friends call the health

service because they are concerned about their own risks

for acquiring hepatitis A.

135. To prevent the spread of hepatitis A, the nurse

correctly advises that close contacts receive which


[ ] 1. An antibiotic

[ ] 2. Serum immunoglobulin

[ ] 3. Hepatitis vaccine

[ ] 4. An anti-infl ammatory drug

A 23-year-old develops jaundice and goes to the public

health department. Testing reveals that the cause of the

client’s jaundice is hepatitis B. The nurse gathers information

regarding the client’s social history.

136. What information from the client’s history indicates

a predisposition for acquiring hepatitis B? Select all that


[ ] 1. The client moved from Europe.

[ ] 2. The client is a sexually active homosexual.

[ ] 3. The client abuses alcohol.

[ ] 4. The client works in a restaurant.

[ ] 5. The client has had a blood transfusion.

[ ] 6. The client was punctured with an unused needle.

137. Which measure is most appropriate if a nurse who

has not received a series of vaccinations for hepatitis B

experiences a needle-stick injury while caring for this


[ ] 1. Obtain immediate immunization with hepatitis B


[ ] 2. Receive hepatitis B immunoglobulin within 1 week.

[ ] 3. Take penicillin (Pentam) for a minimum of 10 days.

[ ] 4. Scrub the puncture site with diluted household


138. The nurse informs the client that because of the

disease, it is essential to avoid which activity for life?

[ ] 1. Sexual activity

[ ] 2. Donating blood

[ ] 3. Drinking alcohol

[ ] 4. Traveling to foreign countries

A 60-year-old client seeks medical attention with symptoms

of vomiting blood and passing bloody stools. The

tentative diagnosis is cirrhosis of the liver.

139. Which information in the client’s health history

most likely relates to the development of cirrhosis? Select

all that apply.

[ ] 1. The client drinks a fi fth of whiskey daily.

[ ] 2. The client smokes two packs of cigarettes per day.

[ ] 3. The client has a history of pancreatitis.

[ ] 4. The client has been taking antihypertensive medications

for the past 15 years.

[ ] 5. The client eats poorly as a consequence of being

homeless for 5 years.

[ ] 6. The client has been exposed to asbestos.

140. If the client’s cirrhosis is advanced, what will the

nurse expect to fi nd during the initial health assessment?

Select all that apply.

[ ] 1. Laboratory results revealing an elevated serum

cholesterol level

[ ] 2. The presence of spiderlike blood vessels on

the skin

[ ] 3. An unusually large and edematous abdomen

[ ] 4. An abnormally high blood glucose level

[ ] 5. Skin that is jaundiced

[ ] 6. Vein engorgement around the umbilicus

141. Which assessment fi nding indicates that the client is

bleeding from somewhere in the upper GI tract?

[ ] 1. The client has midepigastric pain.

[ ] 2. The client states, “I feel nauseated.”

[ ] 3. The client’s stools are black and sticky.

[ ] 4. The client’s abdomen is distended and boardlike.

The physician considers performing a liver biopsy to confi

rm a diagnosis of cirrhosis.

142. If the liver biopsy is performed, the nurse must

monitor the client immediately after the procedure for

which potential complication?

[ ] 1. Hemorrhage

[ ] 2. Infection

[ ] 3. Blood clots

[ ] 4. Collapsed lung

143. After a liver biopsy, which nursing order is most

appropriate to add to the client’s care plan?

[ ] 1. Ambulate the client twice each shift.

[ ] 2. Keep the client in high Fowler’s position.

[ ] 3. Position the client on the right side.

[ ] 4. Elevate the client’s legs on two pillows.

The physician orders magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

instead of the liver biopsy to confi rm the diagnosis.

144. Before the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

study is performed, which nursing action is essential?

[ ] 1. Administering a pretest sedative

[ ] 2. Removing the client’s dental bridge

[ ] 3. Asking if the client is allergic to opiates

[ ] 4. Inserting a Foley retention catheter

The care plan indicates that the nurse should monitor the

client with cirrhosis each day for signs and symptoms of


145. To implement this nursing order, which nursing

action is most appropriate?

[ ] 1. Reviewing the client’s serum bilirubin levels

[ ] 2. Monitoring the client for vomiting and diarrhea

[ ] 3. Pressing on the client’s abdomen testing for

rebound tenderness

[ ] 4. Measuring the client’s abdominal circumference

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) confi rms the diagnosis

of hepatic cirrhosis and reveals a large amount of fl uid in

the peritoneal cavity. A paracentesis is planned.

146. Which nursing action is most appropriate before

assisting with the paracentesis?

[ ] 1. Asking the client to void

[ ] 2. Withholding food and water

[ ] 3. Clipping hair from the client’s abdomen

[ ] 4. Placing the crash cart outside the client’s room

147. After the paracentesis has been performed, which

nursing responsibility is essential?

[ ] 1. Increasing the client’s oral fl uid intake

[ ] 2. Recording the volume of withdrawn fl uid

[ ] 3. Administering a prescribed analgesic

[ ] 4. Encouraging the client to deep-breathe

The client’s I.V. line has infi ltrated and has to be removed

and restarted in a new site. The licensed practical nurse

(LPN) collaborates with the registered nurse (RN) about

assisting with these procedures.

148. Which nursing action is most appropriately delegated

to the LPN?

[ ] 1. Clean the new insertion site with an antiseptic.

[ ] 2. Flush the I.V. line with no more than 1 mL at any

given time.

[ ] 3. Obtain a vial of vitamin K to keep at the bedside.

[ ] 4. Apply pressure to the old insertion site after I.V.


149. Which laboratory result, if elevated, is most indicative

that the client may develop hepatic encephalopathy?

[ ] 1. Serum creatinine

[ ] 2. Serum bilirubin

[ ] 3. Blood ammonia

[ ] 4. Blood urea nitrogen

150. Which assessment fi nding best indicates that the

cirrhotic client’s condition is worsening?

[ ] 1. The client is diffi cult to arouse.

[ ] 2. The client’s urine output is 100 mL/hour.

[ ] 3. The client develops pancreatitis.

[ ] 4. The client’s breath smells fruity.

The seriousness of the client’s condition is explained to the

client’s spouse. The spouse is prepared for the possibility

of the client’s death.

151. When the client’s spouse begins crying while recalling

various signifi cant events they shared together, which

nursing action is most therapeutic at this time?

[ ] 1. Offer to call a close family member.

[ ] 2. Listen to the spouse’s expressions of thoughts.

[ ] 3. Suggest calling a clergyman from their church.

[ ] 4. Ask about the spouse’s future plans.

The Client with Cholecystitis