Mt. Lake City Council

Mt. Lake City Hall

Monday, June 23, 2014

6:30 p.m.

Members Present: Dean Janzen, Audi Nickel, David Savage, Brian Schultz, Andrew Ysker

Members Absent: None

Staff Present: Maryellen Suhrhoff, City Attorney, Muske, Muske & and Suhrhoff; Wendy Meyer, Clerk/Administrator

Others Present: Doug Regehr; Lake Commissioners Jean Haberman and Jim Peterson; Vern Peterson, Peterson Drug; Jacob Brandt

Call to Order

Mayor Janzen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Motion by Schultz, seconded by Savage, to add 8a. Resignation to the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Schultz, seconded by Nickel, to adopt the consent agenda as presented and the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously.

Bills: Check #’s 9916156 -9916235; 349E-351E

Payroll: Check #’s 61133 - 61164

June 2 Council Minutes

May 22 Utility Commission Minutes

May 19 Planning and Zoning Commission

May Building Permits

May 8 Police Commission Minutes

May 12 Lake Commission Minutes

May 9 EDA Minutes

May 14 Library minutes and bills

Vern Peterson, owner of Peterson Drug, addressed the council on Mt. Lake Code, Section 8.05, Subd. 5 - Sale of Fireworks. Peterson told the council that his business tries to offer a wide selection of items to encourage Mt. Lake residents to shop locally. He would like to sell legal fireworks but feels the $25 fee is too high for a product sold seasonally. The ordinance, state statute, and the reasons for the local fee amount were reviewed. Motion by Schultz, seconded by Nickel, to adopt Resolution #27-14, lowering the fee to $5. Motion carried unanimously.

Small Cities Development Program (SCDP)

The program will be providing grant dollars for housing rehabilitation and the construction of a new well. There are policies and authorizations required by SCDP that the city has not adopted. Motion by Schultz, seconded by Ysker, to adopt of the Prohibition of Excessive Force Policy. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Savage, seconded by Schultz, to authorization Steve Moline, Pettipiece and Associates, to submit and sign SCDP Payment Requests. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Nickel, seconded by Schultz, to adopt Resolution #24-14 Adopting the Residential Anti-displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 as Amended for the City of Mt. Lake. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Nickel, seconded by Ysker, to adopt Resolution #25-14 Establishing a Program Income Policy and Revolving Loan Fund Policies and Procedures for 2014 SCDP: CDAP-13-0062-O-FY14. Motion carried unanimously.

2012-14 Utility and Street Project

It is anticipated that Kuechle Underground, the general contractor, will be requesting a completion date extension. By contract the work must be substantially completed by July 15. No action taken. Sidewalk replacement will not occur until all effected properties have had their private sewer lines replaced. The Council directed the administrator to request quotes from real estate appraisers to view a sampling of the properties that will receive special assessments due to the project. By state statute the property cannot be assessed more than the increase in market value due to the improvement.

2101 3rd Ave., Administrative Fine

The owner received an administrative fund issued for violations of Mt. Lake Code, Section 8.01, including junk vehicles and storage of refuse in August of 2013 and requested the fine be waived. The council did not waive the fine. The owner agreed to construct a fence by June 1, 2014 and move the items inside the fence. The fence has not been constructed, the violation has not been abated, and the fine has not been paid. The Council directed the issuance of a criminal citation.

Lake Commission

Janzen closed the meeting, attorney-client privilege, at 7:23 p.m. to discuss trail litigation. The meeting was opened at 8:03 p.m. No action taken.

Nickel Resignation

The resignation was reviewed. Motion by Schultz, seconded by Ysker, to thank Nickel for his service to the City and to adopt Resolution #26-14 accepting the resignation effective at the conclusion of the council meeting and declaring a vacancy to be filled by special election at the next regular city election (Nov. 4, 2014). Voting Yes: Janzen, Savage, Schultz, Ysker. Abstaining: Nickel. Motion carried.


Motion by Nickel, seconded by Ysker, to adjourn at 8:10 p.m.

Approved July 7, 2014.



Wendy Meyer, Clerk/Administrator