Short report on

26th world's AIDS day celebration in Bajhang


The first case of HIV and AIDS was recognized on June 1981 by medical professional in the United States in global history. In Nepal, the first-ever AIDS case was reported in 1988. Ever since, the nature of the HIV epidemic in the country has gradually evolved from being a “low-prevalence” to “concentrated” epidemic. According to National centre for AIDS and STD control (NCASC[1]) Nepal country progress report 2012, over 80 per cent of the HIV infections are transmitted through heterosexual transmission. Peoplewho inject drugs (PWIDs), men who have sex with men (MSM) and female sex workers (FSWs) are the key populations at higher risk spreading this epidemic. Male labour migrants (who particularly migrate to high HIV prevalence areas in India, where they often visit FSWs) and clients of FSWs in Nepal are playing the role of bridging population groups that transmit infections from the key populations at higher risk to the low-risk general population. NCASC has reported 21,551 (7,817 female) HIV cases as of 15 December 2012 and estimates having more than 50,000 infected cases.Far western region is the highest HIV prevalence area which cumulates about one third of total infected cases.The scenario of HIV transmission then infection for this region is typically different than other part of the country. The HIV and AIDS infection is directly related with poverty and seasonal migration to India (destination places) from these regions (source places) and unsafe sex behavior there.

As the epidemic has matured 32 years globally and25 years in Nepal, worldiscelebrating26thworld AIDS day in 2013. In Bajhang, the 26th world AIDS day on 1 December is celebrated with a short formal program leaded by district health office (DHO) in participation of district stakeholders, peer educators and FCHVs. Prior to celebration, a week back district HIV/ADIS coordination council (DACC) Bajhang has organized stakeholders meeting on 27 November to celebrate same and had streamlined the activities; rally and formal program.

The rally started at DHO Bajhang premises at 9:30 AM and ended at District development committee office after moving Chainpurbazaar with play cards, banners and slogans. The slogans were; ZERO NEW HIV infection, Zero Discrimination and Zero AIDS Related Death, reducing stigma and discrimination, safe sex and proper use of condom etc. The formal program at DDC premises took 40 minutes with some commitments from district stakeholders to support infected people such as UMN committed to support Bajhang + institutional capacity enhancement and income generation activities after need after household level need assessment of PLHIV family, DDC committed to allocate more budget from this year etc. and female condom demonstration.

Some photographs

Photograph 1: Rally crossing over CARE constructed bridge and entering into Chainpur bazaar

Photograph 2: 26th AIDS day celebration rally at Chainpur, Bajhang

Photograph 3: Rally returning back to formal program at DDC premises

Photograph 4: Formal program at DDC premises

Photograph 5: Short interaction with peer educators[2] (local volunteers) after formal program closing

[1]National centre for AIDS and STD control (NCASC) is the government authorized agency which records, documents and disseminates the HIV/AIDS and STD cases (

[2] There are 270 Peer educators (18 peer educators in each VDC@2 peer educators at each ward one male and one female) in BHAORSA working VDCs in Bajhang.